LaTeX - removal of line breaks in 'target'
Autor de la hebra: joachimnielandt
Local time: 13:48
Sep 1, 2021

Hello all,

I am testing out OmegaT on my latex project. Seems to work well, but the only problem so far is that the .tex files in my target folder seem to be reformatted. The original line breaks are not respected, and I cannot find a setting that changes this behaviour.

As an example, my source file would contain this:

% allow compilation of images on their own

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Hello all,

I am testing out OmegaT on my latex project. Seems to work well, but the only problem so far is that the .tex files in my target folder seem to be reformatted. The original line breaks are not respected, and I cannot find a setting that changes this behaviour.

As an example, my source file would contain this:

% allow compilation of images on their own

\\graphicspath{ {./img/} } % default image path, no need to specify /img everytime

The related target file would contain this:

% allow compilation of images on their own

\\usepackage{lingmacros} \\usepackage{tree-dvips} \\usepackage{graphicx} \\graphicspath{ {./img/} } \\usepackage[dutch]{babel} \\usepackage{array} \\usepackage{subcaption} \\usepackage{caption} \\usepackage{svg} \\usepackage{tcolorbox} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{fontspec} \\usepackage{hyperref} \\usepackage{makecell} \\usepackage{multirow} \\usepackage{fontawesome} \\usepackage{listings,lstautogobble} \\usepackage{tabularx}

Both source and target files have CRLF line endings. When there's double line breaks in the file it seems they are respected, it's only when there's a single one that everything's put into a single line. Eventually, this results in a project that cannot compile, as latex is notoriously picky about newlines and 'empty' space. Can anyone guide me towards a solution?


[Edited at 2021-09-01 11:29 GMT]

[Edited at 2021-09-01 11:30 GMT]

Erik Freitag
Erik Freitag  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:48
Miembro 2006
neerlandés al alemán
+ ...
Workaround Sep 2, 2021

Dear Joachim,

I'm afraid I can't contribute anything substantial, just a workaround:

In my experience, Trados Studio handles LaTeX files without any problems. If you have access to Studio, you could prepare an XLIFF file and then translate this in OmegaT.

Kind regards


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LaTeX - removal of line breaks in 'target'

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