Enregistrement d'un fichier source avec uniquement des répétitions
Autor de la hebra: Virginie JANVIER-LELONG
Local time: 15:22
Miembro 2011
inglés al francés
+ ...
Jan 27, 2017

Bonjour à tous,

Dans Trados, j'aimerais savoir s'il est possible d'enregistrer un fichier source avec uniquement les répétitions.
En fait, je dispose d'un fichier source Excel, j'ai affiché les répétitions à 100 % et j'aimerais enregistrer un fichier avec uniquement les répétitions.

Est-ce possible ? Et comment faire ?

Merci par avance pour vos réponses,

Bonne journée !


[Modifié le 2017-01-27 09:52 GMT]

Ricki Farn
Ricki Farn
Local time: 15:22
inglés al alemán
Do it in Excel? Jan 27, 2017

Hi Virginie,

I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to do -- you have an Excel sheet, you have marked all rows that exist more than once, and you want to turn those into a Trados file (without the Excel rows that exist only once)? Is that it?

If it is, I would mark all the desired Excel rows with an x in an Excel column that I hadn't used up to now, sort by that column so all rows with an x are at the top of the Excel sheet, copy those rows into a new sheet, hand
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Hi Virginie,

I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to do -- you have an Excel sheet, you have marked all rows that exist more than once, and you want to turn those into a Trados file (without the Excel rows that exist only once)? Is that it?

If it is, I would mark all the desired Excel rows with an x in an Excel column that I hadn't used up to now, sort by that column so all rows with an x are at the top of the Excel sheet, copy those rows into a new sheet, handle them in Trados, and then copy them back from the Trados target file into the original Excel sheet.

Or am I totally off track?

Trados also has a feature to export frequent segments, and it sounds a bit like that is what you need. Look under "Segments fréquents" on this page, for example: http://producthelp.sdl.com/SDL%20Trados%20Studio/client_fr/Ref/A-G/Batch_Processing/Batch_Processing___Analyze_Files.htm


[Edited at 2017-01-27 08:51 GMT]


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Enregistrement d'un fichier source avec uniquement des répétitions

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