How to merge 2 glossaries into 1?
Autor de la hebra: David Büchli
David Büchli
David Büchli  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:28
inglés al neerlandés
Sep 5, 2016

What is the best way to merge 2 seperate glossaries into 1 main glossary?


CafeTran Training (X)
CafeTran Training (X)
Países Bajos
Local time: 17:28
Merge feature Sep 5, 2016

David Büchli wrote:

What is the best way to merge 2 seperate glossaries into 1 main glossary?


- Open the glossaries in a UTF-8 compatible text editor.
- Copy the content of one glossary to the other glossary.
- Make sure that the entries that should get the highest priority and that should be used in auto-assembling are inserted at the end of the glossary.
- Save the file, close it, open it as a glossary in CafeTran.
- Use:

Screen Shot 2016-09-05 at 08.26.56

David Büchli
David Büchli  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:28
inglés al neerlandés
Location glossaries? Sep 5, 2016

Where can I find the glossary files, is there a default location?

Or: what is the format extension (*.???), so I can search them on my computer.


CafeTran Training (X)
CafeTran Training (X)
Países Bajos
Local time: 17:28
TXT Sep 5, 2016

David Büchli wrote:

Where can I find the glossary files, is there a default location?

Or: what is the format extension (*.???), so I can search them on my computer.


Normally, the extension is .TXT (but they can have no extension too).

Normally, they are located inside the CafeTran Java package (yep), a little difficult to find.

You're on Windows, Mac, Linux?

What happens when you right-click above a glossary and choose Edit? Is the glossary opened in your default text editor?

Then you're lucky.

If not, I'd advise you to scan for a unique string, maybe add it to a glossary first. Your tool or OS will show you where the file with the string is located.

Wait a minute ... I just remembered that CafeTran shows the location of glossaries when hovering over their names in the Dashboard. Does that work?

David Büchli
David Büchli  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:28
inglés al neerlandés
Glossaries found and merged! Sep 5, 2016

I think I have found the glossaries (in the CafeTran software folders, see screenshot) and have merged the 2 via Notepad, creating 1 file and opening that in CafeTran. I think this worked.


Would that not be a good function for CafeTran - being able to merge 2 glossaries within CafeTran? Just an idea.

Thanks for your help, always quick and clear.

Meta Arkadia
Meta Arkadia
Local time: 22:28
inglés al indonesio
+ ...
Join them Sep 5, 2016

David Büchli wrote:
Would that not be a good function for CafeTran - being able to merge 2 glossaries within CafeTran?

I don't use tab del glossaries, but I think it's already possible: In a project, open one of the glossaries. Then, in the Menu Glossaries, click Join to err, join it with another glossary (you'd still have to know the file path of the second one, of course). Save the joined glossaries.

The easiest procedure to merge TMX files, would be to save them in a folder, open the folder in CT, save the resulting merged/joined TMX file. I wouldn't be surprised if that's also possible for tab dels.



[Edited at 2016-09-05 10:04 GMT]


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How to merge 2 glossaries into 1?

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