CafeTran - Is it possible to remove fragments from TM while translating?
Autor de la hebra: eassuncao
eassuncao  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:37
inglés al portugués
+ ...
May 18, 2016

Hello, I know I'm able to add fragments to memory as I translate without having to open the TM editor. Is it possible to do the opposite (to remove fragments) while translating?
I want to be able to eliminate those nonsense terms that are suggested just like I can add a new fragment to memory.

Meta Arkadia
Meta Arkadia
Local time: 22:37
inglés al indonesio
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Edit and delete May 19, 2016

It is possible to edit and delete/remove TMs on the fly. Just click on the blue number next to the source term, and a pop-up screen will show up:

However, if the entry isn't wrong as such, I think you should fine-tune your settings. A notorious PITA is the Virtual Match. It's usually OK, but sometimes you'll get the craziest results. A way to get rid of them is increasing the threshold in the Preferences/Options.

See also here.



CafeTran Training (X)
CafeTran Training (X)
Países Bajos
Local time: 17:37
Yes you can May 19, 2016

eassuncao wrote:

I want to be able to eliminate those nonsense terms that are suggested just like I can add a new fragment to memory.

If you get a lot of nonsense tems, you can set TM matching via its settings to Fuzzy instead of Fuzzy and Hits.

You can remove any suggested matches from a TM by clicking on the little number above the match in the tabbed pane. In the dialogue box that is opened, you click the Delete button.

eassuncao  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:37
inglés al portugués
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That works May 19, 2016

Thank you both!

True, deleting isn't usually the best option because the whole segment memory has to be deleted. The mismatches usually occur with words and small terms, in my case. It looks like it's impossible to avoid it, except when I disable the "hits" option.

I guess I'll have to work on the glossary in order to get accurate words and terms.

This is just my first week using CafeTran, which also happens to be my first CAT tool.

Meta Arkadia
Meta Arkadia
Local time: 22:37
inglés al indonesio
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Now if the above is your only problem... May 19, 2016

eassuncao wrote:

This is just my first week using CafeTran, which also happens to be my first CAT tool.

... I think you're doing pretty well.



Meta Arkadia
Meta Arkadia
Local time: 22:37
inglés al indonesio
+ ...
Not really May 19, 2016

eassuncao wrote:
True, deleting isn't usually the best option because the whole segment memory has to be deleted.

No, you can delete (edit) part of the segment. Still, I wouldn't do that. It's smarter to add terms to the Memory for Fragments.

The two main problems with AA (Auto-Assembling) are:

  • Longer hits prevail. This seems logical, and in almost all cases it is
  • The already mentioned Virtual Matches

    For both goes that it only becomes problematic if you're using (very) large TMs for Segments. There's nothing you can do about the first issue, but you can adjust your settings for the VMs.



  • CafeTran Training (X)
    CafeTran Training (X)
    Países Bajos
    Local time: 17:37
    Today's update May 19, 2016

    eassuncao wrote:

    It looks like it's impossible to avoid it, except when I disable the "hits" option.

    Improvement to the algorithm which 'guesses' the translation of extracted subsegments

    eassuncao  Identity Verified
    Local time: 11:37
    inglés al portugués
    + ...
    Any good article or tutorial about it? May 19, 2016

    Thanks again.

    I still haven't been able to find a good article or tutorial about it. It seems that the tutorial on the official website is still being made. Do you know any good comprehensive CafeTran tutorial or at least an article that explains the memory options? So far I've been just testing the different options when I can't obtain enough information.

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