videos » Translation business development » Introduction to Telephone Interpreting (Teleinterpreting)

Posted by Claudia Brauer on Feb 15, 2011 0 views

In 90 minutes, open your world to a new profession as a telephone interpreter. The market is estimated at 600 million in the US plus 400 million in the rest of the world. If you speak two (or more) languages FLUENTLY, you may become a teleinterpreter.

Attendees will understand what over-the-phone-interpreting (OPI) entails, as well as the skills and tools needed to develop an edge in this new profession. It is quickly replacing on-site interpreting to assist communication between doctors and patients, call centers and consumers, credit card companies and their users, insurance companies and claimants, investors and foreign partners, individuals in global social networks, and many others, including the public and government agencies - even the courts system.

Language: inglés