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Mini-contest 2012: "Yogi Berra Quotes"»  Source text notes: inglés

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Source textPossible source text note
We're lost, but we're making good time.In US English, 'making good time' means 'making good progress' (not 'having fun').
If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be.Grammatically, a contradiction. This adds to the impact of the remark.
I'm not going to buy my kids an encyclopedia. Let them walk to school like I did.'encyclopedia' sounds like something you could ride to school on. (That's the only reason this quote is notable.)

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Source text segment #12

- "It ain't over till it's over."

Notes about this source segment

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A common modern saying with many versions, and this one has been attributed to various people. Simply means that you can't be absolutely sure of any outcome until the very end, e.g. in sport, the winner may fail a dope test
I agree with the previous comment and would add that it is precisely because you can't be sure of the outcome until the very end that all hope is not lost.
Wait and see.........Don't count your chickens before they're due time.........we're not finished yet.......
+4 | -1
Maybe his most serious phrase. Very common nowadays in all sports.
The normal expression is "it aint over until X happens".
+2 | -1
This expression means that one should not admit defeat until the very end. Or, it means that one should not slow down when you realise that you will be defeated, but rather you should continue as if you believed that you will win, until the very end when

Till all is done, we don't know for sure what the outcome would be like.

Till all is done, we don't know for sure what the outcome would be like.
Baseball is very unpredictable, a good strike at the end of the last inning can change everything.
It's ain't over till it's over. Meaning do not give up. Еще не все потеряно
It's ain't over till it's over. Meaning we're not not giving up. Еще не все потеряно. Еще повоюем. Есть порох в пороховнице. Вариантов много.

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