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Mox presents: "The comic life of a translator" » English to Somali » Entry by Hussein Omar Ali

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Translation by Hussein Omar Ali (#28990)

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I began the revision and realized that it was a humongous pile of excrement produced by Gurgle!

Nonetheless, I delivered a perfect translation... but the customer had my sublime work edited by some illiterate jerk who ruined it!

And they published online my now-defective translation alongside my name!

Waxaan bilaabay dib-u-fiirinta oo waxaan gartay inay ahayd rakhiis aad u fara badan oo uu soo saaray Gurgle!

Si kastaba ha noqotee, waxaan keenay turjumaad qumman ... laakiin macmiilaha shaqadayda cajiibka ah waxaa badallay qaar ka mid ah jahwareerka akhrin la'aanta ah ee burburay!

Oo waxay ku daabaceen khadka tarjumada ee cilladaysan ee hadda ku jirta oo ay weheliyaan magacayga!

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