A theme of the age, at least in the developed world, is that people crave silence and can find none. The roar of traffic, the ceaseless beep of phones, digital announcements in buses and trains, TV sets blaring even in empty offices, are an endless battery and distraction. The human race is exhausting itself with noise and longs for its opposite—whether in the wilds, on the wide ocean or in some retreat dedicated to stillness and concentration. Alain Corbin, a history professor, writes from his refuge in the Sorbonne, and Erling Kagge, a Norwegian explorer, from his memories of the wastes of Antarctica, where both have tried to escape.
And yet, as Mr Corbin points out in "A History of Silence", there is probably no more noise than there used to be. Before pneumatic tyres, city streets were full of the deafening clang of metal-rimmed wheels and horseshoes on stone. Before voluntary isolation on mobile phones, buses and trains rang with conversation. Newspaper-sellers did not leave their wares in a mute pile, but advertised them at top volume, as did vendors of cherries, violets and fresh mackerel. The theatre and the opera were a chaos of huzzahs and barracking. Even in the countryside, peasants sang as they drudged. They don’t sing now.
What has changed is not so much the level of noise, which previous centuries also complained about, but the level of distraction, which occupies the space that silence might invade. There looms another paradox, because when it does invade—in the depths of a pine forest, in the naked desert, in a suddenly vacated room—it often proves unnerving rather than welcome. Dread creeps in; the ear instinctively fastens on anything, whether fire-hiss or bird call or susurrus of leaves, that will save it from this unknown emptiness. People want silence, but not that much. | Un tema da idade, polo menos no mundo desenvolto, é que as pésoas ansía o silencio e non pode atopar ningún. O ruxido do trafico, o siñuelo incesante dos teléfonos, os anuncios dixitais en autobuses e trens, conxuntos de TV a todo volume mesmo en oficinas baleiras, son como as pillas sen fin e unha distracción. A raza humana estase esgotando co ruído e ansíea para o oposto – sexa na natureza salvaxe, no longo do océano o nalgún retiro dedicado a estar quieto e meditar. Alain Corbin, un profesor de historia, escribe desde o seu refuxio en Sorbonne, e Erling Kagge, un explorador noruegués dende as súas memorias dos desfeitos de Antártica, onde ambos os dous tentaron escapar. E aínda, coma o Sr. Corbin sinala en “Historia do Silencio” probabelmente non ha mais ruído que adoita ser. Ante dos pneumáticos, as rúas da cidade estaban cheas de chafaras enxordecedoras das rodas de metal e as ferraduras dos cabalos sobre a pedra. Antes de o illamento voluntario dos móbiles, autobuses e trens soaba coas conversacións. Os vendedores de periódicos non deixaron as súas mercadorías en unha pila muda, mais anunciábanlles a todo volume, como tamén os vendedores de cereixas, violetas e sardiñas frescas. O teatro e a opera era o caos dos hurra e do alento. Mesmo no campo, os campesiños cantaban mentres traballaba como un escravo. Agora xa non cantan. O que mudou non e tanto o nivel de ruído, sobre o cal nos séculos anteriores tamén queixábanse, mais o nivel de distracción, o cal ocupa o espazo do silencio que podería invadir. Alí ameaza outro paradoxo, porque cando invade – nas profundidades dun bosque de piñeiros, nun deserto espido, nun cuarto de súpeto desocupado – a miúdo adoita resultar desconcertante e non benvido. O medo colase; o ouvido instintivamente se adhire a calquera cousa, xa sexa asubío de lume ou a chamada dunha ave ou murmurio de follas, que a salvarán deste silencio baleiro descoñecido. A xente quere silencio, pero non tanto. |