Poll: Which is your favorite ProZ.com's feature?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Dec 21, 2006

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Which is your favorite ProZ.com's feature?".

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A forum topic will appear each time a new poll is run. For more information, see: http://proz.com/topic/33629

Katharine Prucha
Katharine Prucha  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:33
italiano al inglés
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I answered Kudoz but.... Dec 21, 2006

...this was a very difficult question for me! I have found most of the features listed very useful at one time or another (Blue Board, Forums, Job Postings, Profile....), but I guess in some way the kudoz feature is my favorite - I like checking the questions and offering help when I am able, and I have also used it many times when working on difficult translations.

Kaliamma Ponnan
Kaliamma Ponnan  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:33
inglés al tamil
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KudoZ and Polls Dec 21, 2006

Like Katharine, I too like Kudoz. It is something different to look forward to each day. Quite challenging at times. And of course nice to see our BrowniZ points going up each time!

The poll is also an interesting feature. I always look forward to see what question I will get each time. Some of our members can be really creative in coming up with questions.

Proz team is smart to come up with these two very interactive features.

Rebecca Garber
Rebecca Garber  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:33
Miembro 2005
alemán al inglés
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I contribute to Kudoz, but Dec 21, 2006

I really, really love having information about potential clients in the Blue Board. That way I can make an informed decision about taking a job, which makes all the difference.

Juan Jacob
Juan Jacob  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:33
francés al español
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Kudoz Dec 21, 2006

...every day, even if questions are not exactly my field.
By the way, ProZ staff, profiles just show PRO Kudoz (I have 1485) but not NON PRO (I have 897). Wouldn't be nice to include all of them?
Well, happy Xmas and all that kind of things to everyone.

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:33
Miembro 2005
inglés al español
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The quick polls! Dec 21, 2006

I could live without Kudoz, even if I love that, but I cannot resist responding to one or more quick poll a day! Clearly the quick polls are missing in this quick poll!

Claudia Luque Bedregal
Claudia Luque Bedregal  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:33
inglés al español
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Kudoz, Polls and Forums Dec 21, 2006

I chose Kudoz on the poll. I like the challenge and also I learn a lot of new things from it. But I also like Polls. I like a lot to take part in this quick polls. And of course I like Forums. I sometimes just read them, and other times I take part in them. There are some interesting discussions, and once again I learn new interesting things and I'm able to give my point of view and exchange ideas with other colleagues.
But if I have to choose only one, Kudoz it is!...
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I chose Kudoz on the poll. I like the challenge and also I learn a lot of new things from it. But I also like Polls. I like a lot to take part in this quick polls. And of course I like Forums. I sometimes just read them, and other times I take part in them. There are some interesting discussions, and once again I learn new interesting things and I'm able to give my point of view and exchange ideas with other colleagues.
But if I have to choose only one, Kudoz it is!

Happy Holidays to everybody!

Steven Capsuto
Steven Capsuto  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 21:33
Miembro 2004
español al inglés
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Tough question Dec 21, 2006

From a business standpoint, the most valuable feature is the BlueBoard... not just the numbers but the comments that paying members can read.

Robert Forstag
Robert Forstag  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 21:33
español al inglés
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Kudoz first, Blue Board second...Jobs Board trailing the field Dec 22, 2006

I think that Kudoz is really the defining feature of this site, and that the Blue Board is very valuable as well. Forums allow exchange of ideas with colleagues, and are therefore also quite useful and interesting.

And not to be gratuitously negative, but simply to give some depth and dimension to this response (and in the hopes of encouraging others to do so as well, so that this doesn't just turn into a cheerleading competition), I would say that the Jobs Board is the biggest disa
... See more
I think that Kudoz is really the defining feature of this site, and that the Blue Board is very valuable as well. Forums allow exchange of ideas with colleagues, and are therefore also quite useful and interesting.

And not to be gratuitously negative, but simply to give some depth and dimension to this response (and in the hopes of encouraging others to do so as well, so that this doesn't just turn into a cheerleading competition), I would say that the Jobs Board is the biggest disappointment.

Yet I have also resigned myself to the fact that the Jobs Board is not likely to become what I would like it to be any time soon and that, even so, the site as a whole is still very valuable to me, and that I plan to continue to support it through paid membership for the foreseeable future.


[Edited at 2006-12-22 00:49]

Viktoria Gimbe
Viktoria Gimbe  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:33
inglés al francés
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Forum Dec 22, 2006

Because it is free, in the sense that all the other poll choices can be discussed in it. The advice one can get there is also valuable. Of course, I think the BB is practical and I answer KudoZ when I have time, since I am grateful to get answers to the few questions per year I ask. But the value of the site mostly comes from the forum for me personally. When I have a question - unless it is a terminology question - it's in the forum I end up finding the answer.

B D Finch
B D Finch  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:33
francés al inglés
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Hard to choose Dec 22, 2006

I find the Blue Board, KudoZ, forums and job postings all very useful. They all add to the creation of a mutually helpful community and provide practical assistance with work. It was difficult to provide just one favourite. Perhaps one should be able to rate features or choose a number of them?

vixen  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:33
inglés al neerlandés
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Glossaries Dec 22, 2006

I find the Web term function particularly helpful. Right now, I'm extremely busy, so I don't have a lot of time to answer any Kudoz questions myself, but I think it's a great feature. It's all about colleagues helping each other.

I try to take part in the quick polls every day and find them fun and very interesting at times.

Of course, the Blue Board is also a very important and useful feature of ProZ.

Hipyan Nopri
Hipyan Nopri  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:33
Miembro 2005
inglés al indonesio
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Forums, KudoZ, BB, Profile, Job Posting, Polls Dec 22, 2006

As a whole, all the features are equally beneficial. However, to choose the most of them, here is the order of importance:

Forums are available to exchanging numerous ideas and comprehensive discussions related to our translation services.

KudoZ is really helpful to solve stagnancy in seeking for the most suitable translation equivalents.

BB is quite effective to market and promote our services as well as to screen bona fide agencies.

Profile e
... See more
As a whole, all the features are equally beneficial. However, to choose the most of them, here is the order of importance:

Forums are available to exchanging numerous ideas and comprehensive discussions related to our translation services.

KudoZ is really helpful to solve stagnancy in seeking for the most suitable translation equivalents.

BB is quite effective to market and promote our services as well as to screen bona fide agencies.

Profile enables us to show up ourselves with this leading translation site.

Job Posting provides for chances to apply for definite jobs.

Polls are rather similar to forums.


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