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Poll: How do you rate ease of use of the new profile updater? (Please comment
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Oct 6, 2006

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "How do you rate ease of use of the new profile updater? (Please comment".

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Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 21:19
We would be interested in your recommendations on improving ease of use Oct 6, 2006

Thanks for taking part in this poll.

We would be interested in recommendations anyone has on improving the convenience and ease of use of the profile updater.

Incomplete profiles have been a frequent cause of complaints here. We hope this new page will go some distance to redressing that problem.

Anne Patteet
Anne Patteet  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:19
inglés al francés
+ ...
I find the updater very practical to use. Oct 6, 2006

As I am new on ProZ, I appreciate this feature, because at first there were so many fields to fill in.

The profile page is a great help to get on track (one thing is to start quietly by word of mouth (which I have been doing until now), and another one is to show a professional profile "to the whole world"), and then the profile updater takes us step by step through what we haven't done yet. It really helps focusing on one thing at a time.

I would like to take advanta
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As I am new on ProZ, I appreciate this feature, because at first there were so many fields to fill in.

The profile page is a great help to get on track (one thing is to start quietly by word of mouth (which I have been doing until now), and another one is to show a professional profile "to the whole world"), and then the profile updater takes us step by step through what we haven't done yet. It really helps focusing on one thing at a time.

I would like to take advantage of this poll to thank Henry for the idea of this site, and to all the language-addicts who make it so great.


PS: In the profile updater, under "#13 upload your CV or resume", I click on "choose file", select a file, and click on "upload resume", but it is like I did nothing, the CV doesn't appear, and the updater still tells me that field is empty. Does anybody know what I am missing? Thanks.

Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 02:19
inglés al italiano
Fairly easy as it is... Oct 6, 2006

I don't have any issues with it. Fairly quick and straightforward. Shame about having to fill in the WWA section to win the free trip to Edinburgh (I think it's a bit unfair), but I won't go into that here, since it would be off-topic (I believe)....


[Edited at 2006-10-06 15:22]

[Edited at 2006-10-06 15:22]

Claudia Aguero
Claudia Aguero  Identity Verified
Costa Rica
Local time: 19:19
español al inglés
+ ...
Some problems using it! Oct 6, 2006

In general I like how it is designed, but I have had some problems using it, for example:

I became a member in June, 2006. Since then, I have tried to get my identity verified without any positive results.

In addition, when I paid my subscription I did not get any feedback as to whether payment had been processed or not. It was just as if the machine was frozen. Therefore, I clicked again, only to realize I subscribed for two years instead of one.


gioielli  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:19
italiano al inglés
+ ...
frozen computer Oct 6, 2006

well, either I use a slow browser or the wrong browser, because some sections (like the map section and the rates section) took me ages to fill in because my computer kept freezing up on me (hence I had to restart it many times), which it doesn't usually do.

other than that, it was easy enough.

Kalinka Hristova
Kalinka Hristova  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:19
Miembro 2007
inglés al búlgaro
+ ...

Fairly easy... Oct 6, 2006

In my opinion the new profile updater is well designed and quite easy to use. It is absolutely clear what information I need to add in or to edit so as to make my profile look better.
However, in the poll I chose "fairly easy", because this page is quite heavy to scroll up and down. I believe it is because of the amount of information there (I don't have this scroll up and down problem anywhere else in proz.com). To sum up, though a bit heavy, the new profile updater is well designed, perf
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In my opinion the new profile updater is well designed and quite easy to use. It is absolutely clear what information I need to add in or to edit so as to make my profile look better.
However, in the poll I chose "fairly easy", because this page is quite heavy to scroll up and down. I believe it is because of the amount of information there (I don't have this scroll up and down problem anywhere else in proz.com). To sum up, though a bit heavy, the new profile updater is well designed, perfectly clear and user-friendly.

David Knowles
David Knowles  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:19
Miembro 2002
ruso al inglés
+ ...
Very slow to use, especially the map Oct 6, 2006

My browser goes into 100% CPU and it's very difficult do do any updates at all. I gave up on the map. Any suggestions for tweaking the options in IE6?
I've noticed that Proz is getting slower, as it gets more complex, but this was by far the worst.

Mariana Moreira
Mariana Moreira
Local time: 02:19
Miembro 2004
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Fairly easy Oct 6, 2006

I had almost no problems in its use, although I have not completed it (portfolio missing!!).

However regarding the new profile there was something I found out after using the updater: I had no rates defined before, so I entered a range of rates now, after all that I went to have a look at the profile and I found out that you will only see the highest rate. I have submitted a support ticket and the answer I got was that I had done everything right - it is simply like that.

... See more
I had almost no problems in its use, although I have not completed it (portfolio missing!!).

However regarding the new profile there was something I found out after using the updater: I had no rates defined before, so I entered a range of rates now, after all that I went to have a look at the profile and I found out that you will only see the highest rate. I have submitted a support ticket and the answer I got was that I had done everything right - it is simply like that.

Now my question is: what's the point of defining a range of rates if what appears in the profile is the highest one? Second, should you lower that range so that outsourcers consult the profile don't get frightened (!!), I believe this is not was is meant, but at some point I think people will start doing it.

My suggestion is to make the range visible in our profiles.

Have a nice weekend:)

[Edited at 2006-10-06 19:24]

Anne Patteet
Anne Patteet  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:19
inglés al francés
+ ...
Rates/Slow Oct 6, 2006

"what's the point of defining a range of rates if what appears in the profile is the highest one" (Mariana)

I agree with you Mariana. I know it says "target rate" but still...

About the speed, I must say I find the whole site slow, and in fact the updater was one of the few pages that was actually faster...

Fan Gao
Fan Gao
Local time: 11:19
inglés al chino
+ ...
Mozilla Firefox Oct 7, 2006

David Knowles wrote:
Any suggestions for tweaking the options in IE6?

Hi David,

I recently switched from using IE to Mozilla Firefox and Proz is just one of the many sites I view regularly and participate in, that now load alot quicker.

I'd read so many good things that other people had written about Firefox and I hesitated so many times before actually making the switch but I'm so glad I did now. Also, if you tend to work with multiple windows open at any one time, the "window within window" function is just a godsend.

That's my suggestion.
Best wishes,

(p.s. to Henry - no problems at all with the profile updater.)

Heinrich Pesch
Heinrich Pesch  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:19
Miembro 2003
finlandés al alemán
+ ...
Some gliches remain Oct 7, 2006

I tried twice to define my rates in the updater, but the field remains unchecked. Perhaps the reason is, that I chose visibility to "no one (only for filtering)".
Practically the ease of use of this page remains still poorer than the one at the competitor's site, but it is a step in the right direction.

Ulla Adamsson (X)
Ulla Adamsson (X)
Local time: 03:19
inglés al sueco
+ ...
It did take forever! Oct 7, 2006

David Knowles wrote:

My browser goes into 100% CPU and it's very difficult do do any updates at all. I gave up on the map. Any suggestions for tweaking the options in IE6?
I've noticed that Proz is getting slower, as it gets more complex, but this was by far the worst.

I agree. I have spent more than an hour updating my profile.
It was very slow, indeed.

Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 21:19
Thanks, Heinrich Oct 7, 2006

Heinrich Pesch wrote:

I tried twice to define my rates in the updater, but the field remains unchecked. Perhaps the reason is, that I chose visibility to "no one (only for filtering)".

That should be sufficient for it to be considered entered. I'll notify Colin of this problem.

CathyFS  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:19
alemán al inglés
+ ...
Why am I expected to enter my address if I'm going to select that "no one" views it anyway? Oct 7, 2006

I uploaded an updated version of my CV using the profile updater, but then when I realized my CV contained an error and I went to reupload it minus the error, it took me ages to figure out where to go within my profile to update my CV! I find the "My ProZ.com" section very hard to navigate, it's not particularly intuitive (in my opinion).

I also had problems with the map part.

One thing I don't understand, why are we expected to enter very personal details such as our a
... See more
I uploaded an updated version of my CV using the profile updater, but then when I realized my CV contained an error and I went to reupload it minus the error, it took me ages to figure out where to go within my profile to update my CV! I find the "My ProZ.com" section very hard to navigate, it's not particularly intuitive (in my opinion).

I also had problems with the map part.

One thing I don't understand, why are we expected to enter very personal details such as our address if we then have the option of not making that address visible to anyone - I mean, what's the point in that? I entered most of my address, but I omitted the street name and number. No-one is going to be viewing it anyway, right? The thing is, the system marked this as an obligatory field - or, at least, it had an exclamation mark next to it. Why?

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Poll: How do you rate ease of use of the new profile updater? (Please comment

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