Poll: Do you keep a contact list for your clients including address, email, etc.?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Oct 6, 2021

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Do you keep a contact list for your clients including address, email, etc.?".

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Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:31
Miembro 2007
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Other Oct 6, 2021

When I started out I created a very detailed contact list (including contact person, address, telephone and fax number, and email for direct clients, translation agencies, colleagues working in different language pairs, colleagues with the same language pair(s) as me and my suppliers) and I kept it up-to-date for a long while but nowadays I'm not really shopping for new clients anymore, I just want to held a few very special customers close to my heart…

Cristina Heraud-van Tol
Cristina Heraud-van Tol  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:31
Miembro 2005
inglés al español
+ ...
Yes, I do. Oct 7, 2021

Not only that, even photos! With some people, their names don't tell me if they are male or female, so it's very handy. Also, if there are issues with a translation, I can always contact them via email, phone, mobile, some have shared with me their Whatsapp numbers. Due to timezones, sometimes only a colleague within the agency is available somewhere else in the world, so it's good to have many contact details both from project managers and companies. In other cases an invoice gets lost because ... See more
Not only that, even photos! With some people, their names don't tell me if they are male or female, so it's very handy. Also, if there are issues with a translation, I can always contact them via email, phone, mobile, some have shared with me their Whatsapp numbers. Due to timezones, sometimes only a colleague within the agency is available somewhere else in the world, so it's good to have many contact details both from project managers and companies. In other cases an invoice gets lost because a PM left the company or so. So I can ask another person in the company to look for it and its status. All this information helps me be very organized.Collapse

Aline Amorim
Nan Jia
Nan Jia
Poll Discussion Oct 7, 2021

I will put them into an excel

Aline Amorim
Edith van der Have
Edith van der Have
Países Bajos
Local time: 17:31
Miembro 2016
inglés al neerlandés
+ ...
No, as their postal addresses are on my invoices and other details are in my email archive Oct 7, 2021

All I need to do if I wish to send them a Christmas card or something else by snail mail, is look for their company name in my invoice folder. And if I need an email address and contact person's name, I search my email archive.

[Edited at 2021-10-07 07:50 GMT]

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Angus Stewart
Josephine Cassar
Tom in London
Nora Escoms
Susanna & Christian Popescu
Local time: 17:31
español al inglés
+ ...
Other Oct 7, 2021

All these details are on the bills I issue to them. I don't keep a separate list of contacts. I have a big folder called WORK and inside it there is a folder for each client entity, and inside these there is a folder for each person/client.

Vuka Mijuskovic
Nikolay Novitskiy
Nikolay Novitskiy  Identity Verified
Federación Rusa
Local time: 20:31
Miembro 2018
inglés al ruso
...in a well-protected place. Oct 7, 2021

Yes, I keep this information, but I understand how important is it to protect this data from stealing!

All the data it's translated into a hardcoded cipher (I used quantum neuro-networks stochastic algorithms) and is kept in a tritanium-armored underwater bunker. The place is guarded by 7 mute guards without families and close friends. In case of any anauthorized access the data will be self-destroyed by a thermo-nuclear blast, while all survivors will be killed by a deadly flesh-de
... See more
Yes, I keep this information, but I understand how important is it to protect this data from stealing!

All the data it's translated into a hardcoded cipher (I used quantum neuro-networks stochastic algorithms) and is kept in a tritanium-armored underwater bunker. The place is guarded by 7 mute guards without families and close friends. In case of any anauthorized access the data will be self-destroyed by a thermo-nuclear blast, while all survivors will be killed by a deadly flesh-devouring pathogen.

I assume these safety measures are decent... But who knows

Chris Says Bye
Philippe Etienne
Edith van der Have
Half-baked security Oct 7, 2021

Nikolay Novitskiy wrote:

Yes, I keep this information, but I understand how important is it to protect this data from stealing!

All the data it's translated into a hardcoded cipher (I used quantum neuro-networks stochastic algorithms) and is kept in a tritanium-armored underwater bunker. The place is guarded by 7 mute guards without families and close friends. In case of any anauthorized access the data will be self-destroyed by a thermo-nuclear blast, while all survivors will be killed by a deadly flesh-devouring pathogen.

I assume these safety measures are decent... But who knows

No sharks?! Come on, you’re not even trying.

Robert Forstag
Kay Denney
Nora Escoms
Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 17:31
Miembro 2006
inglés al afrikaans
+ ...
Yes Oct 7, 2021

"Do you keep a contact list for your clients including address, email, etc.?"

Yes, I learnt the slow, hard way that it's better to have a separate file with all the relevant information about a client (names/addresses of PMs, address for invoicing, special invoicing instructions, instructions on how to find POs in my old mails, login details for various portals, etc.)

I use a program called Cherry Tree.

cherry tree screenshot

I have thought about creating cards for each individual PM, along with some information about them (photo, their education, hobbies etc.), so that I can write tailored replies that create the impression that I care, but there are privacy concerns with creating such a list.

Some information w.r.t. PMs can be relevant to keep, however, such as whether it is a man or a woman (useful for my Middle-Eastern and Asian clients, where to my Western European ear many women have male-sounding names) and what their full name and/or use name is (useful for countries where half of the PMs in an agency are all named Mohammad and the e-mails do not specify which one I'm talking to).

Vuka Mijuskovic
Vuka Mijuskovic  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:31
inglés al serbio
+ ...
Depends on the level of confidentiality of the job Oct 7, 2021

When something highly confidential or fully classified is at hand, I prefer to be left with least possible data in my posession. To fear less whether someone'd try to leak it through me.
When I don't have it, I needn't worry it would be stolen from me.
Sometimes, clients accomodate my special needs on that issue, so I get a job in the offline equipment with filled in forms which I sign off and return when all's completed.

Odile Breuvart
Odile Breuvart  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 16:31
inglés al francés
+ ...
Relevant info Oct 7, 2021

I keep a list of my suppliers/clients with the rates offered, deadlines for invoice/payment and a column for my personal comments (trusted client or no), etc.

Mario Freitas
Mario Freitas  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:31
Miembro 2014
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Yes, of course Oct 7, 2021

My client spreadsheet has all these info, and it's linked to the invoice, stats and other files for each client in their own folder, which import these info from the client spreadsheet. Organization is not a bad thing for anyone.

Aline Amorim
Kay Denney
Kay Denney  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:31
francés al inglés
No! Oct 7, 2021

I have a good memory for names, and any self-respecting client will have their contact info in their email signature, so I really don't see the need to create a database.

Rui Domingues
Susanna & Christian Popescu
Chris Says Bye
Baran Keki
Mario Freitas
Aline Amorim
Aline Amorim  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:31
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Agree Oct 7, 2021

Nan Jia wrote:

I will put them into an excel

I completely agree.

Yetta Jensen Bogarde
Yetta Jensen Bogarde  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:31
Miembro 2012
inglés al danés
+ ...
No Oct 7, 2021

but all necessary details are in my accounting system, that is well guarded by the professional provider.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida

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Poll: Do you keep a contact list for your clients including address, email, etc.?

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