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Poll: When we colonize the moon or Mars, how soon will we need to send translators and interpreters?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Apr 26, 2018

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "When we colonize the moon or Mars, how soon will we need to send translators and interpreters?".

View the poll results »

Jasa Pipan
Jasa Pipan
Local time: 05:23
francés al esloveno
+ ...
Never ... Apr 26, 2018

If we get to colonizing the moon or Mars, then surely our technology will be advanced enough to be able to work with them via remote desktops, no?
(That actually sounds really cool. I like this question )

Ricki Farn
Ricki Farn
Local time: 05:23
inglés al alemán
What language? Apr 26, 2018

Depends on whether we will find Wallace and Gromit there eating cheese, or the hairdressers and telephone sanitisers from Golgafrincham.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:23
Miembro 2007
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Other Apr 26, 2018

I’m no Stephen Hawking but do we really need to go that far? Are we done with planet Earth? There's no way around the fact that flights are bad news for the environment. So, what about flights to the Moon and beyond? Anyway, when that happens I’ll be long gone. Safe travel everyone!

Julian Holmes
Julian Holmes  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:23
Miembro 2011
japonés al inglés
Other Apr 26, 2018

We will probably find aliens writing these quick polls.
So, heavy editing skills and sanity tests will be required.

Local time: 23:23
Colonizers will need to have a common language Apr 26, 2018

Presuming we ever get permissive international law and sufficient technology to consider sufficient manned exploration to consider colonization...

The first colonizers would be chosen for a number of skills and attributes, including a common language. We find today's astronauts and cosmonauts need to learn either English or Russian as a lingua franca long before launching into space.

By the time there is sufficient terraforming for immigration to be enticing, and for c
... See more
Presuming we ever get permissive international law and sufficient technology to consider sufficient manned exploration to consider colonization...

The first colonizers would be chosen for a number of skills and attributes, including a common language. We find today's astronauts and cosmonauts need to learn either English or Russian as a lingua franca long before launching into space.

By the time there is sufficient terraforming for immigration to be enticing, and for costs to be achievable by the common person, there will already be a cadre of multilingual inhabitants ready to translate as necessary.

That said, Teresa Borges asked if we were "done" with Planet Earth. The more salient question is whether our international laws, and the costs of the missions, will limit us forever to unmanned exploration of extraterrestrial bodies.

[Edited at 2018-04-26 10:38 GMT]

[Edited at 2018-04-26 10:39 GMT]

[Edited at 2018-04-26 10:39 GMT]

[Edited at 2018-04-26 10:41 GMT]

José Henrique Lamensdorf
José Henrique Lamensdorf  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:23
inglés al portugués
+ ...
In Memoriam
Other Apr 26, 2018

Only after our pioneers try to build a Tower of Babel there.

As they say, history repeats itself.

Henry Schroeder
Henry Schroeder  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 23:23
Miembro 2002
alemán al inglés
+ ...
Other - translators already on the moon Apr 26, 2018

Colonization has to catch up to us... probably waiting for Tesla... and probably won't get there with it...

Osama Elalwany
Osama Elalwany  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:23
inglés al árabe
+ ...
English Language Apr 26, 2018

I think that the matter will be like using English language in aviation and aerospace!
Thus, no need for translator!

Trevor Chichester
Trevor Chichester  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 23:23
Miembro 2012
alemán al inglés
+ ...
Space.....the ultimate solution Apr 26, 2018

I really enjoy how whimsical this question is.

I suppose it wouldn't hurt if we sent all developers and users of MT into space indefinitely.

Yetta Jensen Bogarde
Yetta Jensen Bogarde  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:23
Miembro 2012
inglés al danés
+ ...
Other Apr 26, 2018

It will not be in my time.

Ditte Bjerregaard
Ditte Bjerregaard
Local time: 05:23
Miembro 2013
alemán al danés
+ ...
:) Apr 26, 2018

Trevor Chichester wrote:

I suppose it wouldn't hurt if we sent all developers and users of MT into space indefinitely.

This is a top solution that will solve several problems at once

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:23
Miembro 2007
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Hear, hear! Apr 26, 2018

Ditte Bjerregaard wrote:

Trevor Chichester wrote:

I suppose it wouldn't hurt if we sent all developers and users of MT into space indefinitely.

This is a top solution that will solve several problems at once

Peter Simon
Peter Simon  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 05:23
inglés al húngaro
+ ...
Dream on, Apr 26, 2018

you crazy diamond...

Orsetta Spinola
Orsetta Spinola  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:23
español al italiano
+ ...
Not sure about interpreters... Apr 27, 2018

...but I already have a good list of people I would send there permanently lol

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Poll: When we colonize the moon or Mars, how soon will we need to send translators and interpreters?

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