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Poll: Do you use a smartphone for work-related tasks?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Oct 7, 2015

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Do you use a smartphone for work-related tasks?".

This poll was originally submitted by Giedrius Ramasauskas. View the poll results »

Local time: 11:20
español al inglés
+ ...
No Oct 7, 2015

Nay, nay and thrice nay. Can't stand the things. I know more than one person who has given them up as a bad lot.

Eckhard Boehle
Eckhard Boehle  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:20
inglés al alemán
+ ...
Other Oct 7, 2015

I don't have a smartphone and don't plan to buy one.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:20
Miembro 2007
inglés al portugués
+ ...
No! Oct 7, 2015

I will give exactly the same answer I gave last year and the year before to a very, very similar quick poll:

When I'm out my calls are redirected to my mobile (a dumbphone) and I always carry with me a very mini laptop to check my emails
... See more
I will give exactly the same answer I gave last year and the year before to a very, very similar quick poll:

When I'm out my calls are redirected to my mobile (a dumbphone) and I always carry with me a very mini laptop to check my emails if I'm away more than 1 hour.


Christopher Schröder
Christopher Schröder
Reino Unido
Miembro 2011
sueco al inglés
+ ...
Yes Oct 7, 2015

Obviously I use a thickcomputer for the actual translating process, but a smartphone is handy for keeping the office open even when I'm out and about with my many lovers

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:20
Miembro 2003
danés al inglés
+ ...
Another no Oct 7, 2015

The wretched thing outsmarts me any day, and I like to think I'm in control when working!

I am trying to learn to use it to keep in touch with my family - they all text, but even then there are too many smart systems, so they don't all use the same one.

There is also an ap for learning Italian to talk to my son's in-laws, but that is definitely never going to be for work-related purposes.

... See more
The wretched thing outsmarts me any day, and I like to think I'm in control when working!

I am trying to learn to use it to keep in touch with my family - they all text, but even then there are too many smart systems, so they don't all use the same one.

There is also an ap for learning Italian to talk to my son's in-laws, but that is definitely never going to be for work-related purposes.

My mobile number is still one of the world's best kept secrets - people use the landline or skype or call my husband!

Natalie Soper
Natalie Soper  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 10:20
francés al inglés
+ ...
Only for e-mails Oct 7, 2015

And even then, only for firing off quick e-mails. If an e-mail comes with an attachment I'd rather look at it on a bigger screen.

Local time: 06:20
inglés al español
+ ...
Yes! If by task is meant... Oct 7, 2015

...being able to come right back to my clients' emails, for example. Typically, I'll see their request for a translation or interpretation on my smartphone wherever I am, confirm reception right away and provide a brief response on availability or a message on how soon they can expect a full response, estimate, etc.

Local time: 18:20
Miembro 2013
inglés al japonés
+ ...

First of all I never use cloud service unless the client forced me to.

Blackberry Blend can be used as a mail client when you connect it to a desktop PC to support weaker wireless connection at night with the built-in wi-fi
- come to think of it I do not use the smartphone independently,
instead it is used only as a part of the extension of desktop.

Android and iOS is full of vulnerability and chasing new vulnerability report every week made me quit usin
... See more
First of all I never use cloud service unless the client forced me to.

Blackberry Blend can be used as a mail client when you connect it to a desktop PC to support weaker wireless connection at night with the built-in wi-fi
- come to think of it I do not use the smartphone independently,
instead it is used only as a part of the extension of desktop.

Android and iOS is full of vulnerability and chasing new vulnerability report every week made me quit using them (before buying one). When blackberry is no longer available and they immigrate to Android, I think I will quit using everything.

Blackberry is relatively safe because they are not conspicuous, and the good thing about it is that unlike iOS it comes with file manager.

Still you need to access HDD file storage or memory stick to examine files sent or open zip,
and need physical keyboard for detailed reply - better with your PC.

If you can set your PC to operate at its lowest (screen auto-off within 1 min,
no sleep mode but acquiring email every 45 min etc. ), it would be better than smartphone.
When you are outside your office / home - well, it depends but smartphone is not mandatory.

Smaller gadget is hard to type and also too many an email notification (mostly non-urgent) may be a source of distraction when you want to concentrate on working. Same goes for tablet PCs.

[2015-10-07 13:46 GMTに編集されました]

Sara Maghini
Sara Maghini  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 10:20
inglés al italiano
+ ...
Of course! Oct 7, 2015

If you have to leave the office for any reason but don't want to set an OOR, you can still check your emails, reply, open attachments to check the word count and topic, etc. in order to accept or decline a job. I can also accept or refuse jobs on my clients' portals directly from my phone. I'd be lost without it! And the beauty of it all is: your clients don't even know you're not at your desk!

Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:20
Miembro 2003
francés al italiano
+ ...
Yes but Oct 7, 2015

Only for emails when I am out or when I am resting (resting not sleeping)

DorothyX (X)
DorothyX (X)
Local time: 11:20
Yes of course Oct 7, 2015

For phone calls, voice mail, SMS, e-mails and sending short answers. (for long answers and quotes I need my computer and a real keyboard). Sometimes when I am ooo, for documentation.
I only have 1 hr of internet use per month, which is largely sufficient.

564354352 (X)
564354352 (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:20
danés al inglés
+ ...
No, but I have this sinking feeling... Oct 7, 2015

...that I will not reach retirement age without having to succumb to buying one of those wretched things. By which time I will be so hopelessly ignorant about how to use it that I will have to get hold of a 7-year-old smartass to teach me how to use the blasted thing!

I'm still only on my second mobile phone ever (dare I say it? a Nokia 6126) and haven't felt a need for a smartphone yet. I actually enjoy leaving home WITHOUT it so that nobody can disturb me when I go shopping. Mind
... See more
...that I will not reach retirement age without having to succumb to buying one of those wretched things. By which time I will be so hopelessly ignorant about how to use it that I will have to get hold of a 7-year-old smartass to teach me how to use the blasted thing!

I'm still only on my second mobile phone ever (dare I say it? a Nokia 6126) and haven't felt a need for a smartphone yet. I actually enjoy leaving home WITHOUT it so that nobody can disturb me when I go shopping. Mind you, I try not to be away from the computer for more than two hours at a time during my 'normal' office hours, and my clients only very rarely send me panic-urgent requests.

Last time I 'upgraded' my mobile phone (from my original Nokia 3310), it was only because they laughed at me at the phone shop when I went to get a new battery for it: "They don't make those anymore!" was the polite comment. I expect something similar will happen before I give in and get myself a smartphone...

Maxi Schwarz
Maxi Schwarz  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:20
alemán al inglés
+ ...
Interesting to read this thread Oct 7, 2015

I don't have one, but it is interesting to read about how it is being used, for those who use it work-wise in some capacity.

Julian Holmes
Julian Holmes  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:20
Miembro 2011
japonés al inglés
In a limited capacity only Oct 7, 2015

I let only privileged and valued customers have access to the e-mail account and phone number of my smartphone so that I can get advance notice of incoming work. I also let them know that I don't accept urgent short turnaround jobs.

I don't want to be chained to my work when I leave the office.

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Poll: Do you use a smartphone for work-related tasks?

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