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Powwow: Milano - Italy

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Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:31
Miembro 2003
francés al italiano
+ ...
A domani! Oct 22, 2010

Non vedo l'ora di conoscervi

Arrivo da Tortona, se a qualcuno serve un passaggio vengo in auto da sola, fatemi sapere via profilo!


Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:31
Miembro 2003
francés al italiano
+ ...
Hey Jim (James Davis) Oct 22, 2010

Please don't forget the flowers you promised me last year

Ivan Patti
Ivan Patti  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:31
inglés al italiano
+ ...
:o) Oct 22, 2010

Raffaella Panigada wrote:

Ciao Ivan,

non ti preoccupare, al massimo ci si stringe un po'

A domani!

Ciao Raffaella!
Grazie e a domani!

CHUSI  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:31
italiano al español
+ ...
Saluti a tutti! Oct 22, 2010

Ciao a tutti!
Mi dispiace non essere con voi in questo Powwow...ma, mi trovo in Spagna (quindi...non mi lamento, hehe!).
Comunque, ho appena saputo di questo evento, non mi è arrivata la solita email di Proz.com...forse qualche errore tecnico?.
Va be`, vi auguro una buona giornata e buon "lavoro" insieme!

Juliette Scott
Juliette Scott  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 11:31
francés al inglés
+ ...
Thanks to Nona & Jo and all participants Oct 24, 2010

Just wanted to thank Nona and Jo very much for organising yesterday's Powwow. I found it very enriching and enjoyable.

A big thanks to everyone for helping me with my research by filling in my survey - your answers are and will be very precious and useful.

If people are interested, I would be happy to give you a (short - don't panic!) presentation about corpora at the next Powwow - just let me know. The results of the research should be ready by mid-2011 - the first stage
... See more
Just wanted to thank Nona and Jo very much for organising yesterday's Powwow. I found it very enriching and enjoyable.

A big thanks to everyone for helping me with my research by filling in my survey - your answers are and will be very precious and useful.

If people are interested, I would be happy to give you a (short - don't panic!) presentation about corpora at the next Powwow - just let me know. The results of the research should be ready by mid-2011 - the first stage at least.

James (Jim) Davis
James (Jim) Davis  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:31
Miembro 2022
italiano al inglés
Sorree Oct 24, 2010

Sorry I couldn't make it. An urgent translation arrived Friday night, which together with other work to do, just made it impossible. Hope it all went well.

Elena Romano
Elena Romano  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:31
Miembro 2010
inglés al italiano
+ ...
It was lovely meeting all of you! Oct 24, 2010

Nona & Jo deserve a very big thank you for organizing this Powwow!! It was a great opportunity to network with other translators and share tips and ideas. Well done!

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Powwow: Milano - Italy

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