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Powwow: Palma de Mallorca - Spain

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Cor Stephan van Eijden
Cor Stephan van Eijden  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:22
español al neerlandés
+ ...
Un éxito Jul 9, 2010

Muchas gracias Alex por la organización de este PowWow. Para mi han sido unas horas muy agradables e interesantes. A ver si en otoño podremos repetir la experiencia.
¿Alguien va a acudir esta noche a la reunión informal en la Plaza Gomila a las 22:00 horas para tomar una copa y charlar? Por si las moscas: mi móvil es el 649 459 059.

Pavel Janoušek
Pavel Janoušek  Identity Verified
República Checa
Local time: 07:22
Miembro 2007
alemán al checo
+ ...
Many thanks Jul 10, 2010

to Alex for having the idea and all the others for coming and having fun.
As I promised, here are some useful links:

A) To have your identity at ProZ.com verified, go to this site and choose the second option: http://www.proz.com/?sp=vid_application
B) A great tool to sync your files between various computers online (e.g., if you use a computer at home and your laptop), easy t
... See more
to Alex for having the idea and all the others for coming and having fun.
As I promised, here are some useful links:

A) To have your identity at ProZ.com verified, go to this site and choose the second option: http://www.proz.com/?sp=vid_application
B) A great tool to sync your files between various computers online (e.g., if you use a computer at home and your laptop), easy to install and even easier to use can be downloaded here: www.dropbox.com.
C) Those of you who want to get more organized may want to give a try to this useful tool: www.to3000.com.

D) And last but not least, I am the lucky organizer of this year's annual ProZ.com international conference that will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, on 2 and 3 October 2010. Here's a link to the conference page: www.proz.com/conference/157. Just take a look at it. If you find the topics of the sessions, training, and worskhops interesting, I will be happy to welcome you in Prague. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

I had a great time both at the powwow and at the small post-powwow we had on Saturday evening. Now I know that Mallorca is a lot more than S'Arenal or Magaluf. You live on a beautiful island, you really do! I will have to come again to get to know it better.

Good luck for the future, and hasta la próxima!

[Edited at 2010-07-10 08:55 GMT]

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Powwow: Palma de Mallorca - Spain

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