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Texto de origen - inglés The stated goal of the CAP is the preservation of an economic sector with supposedly distinctive institutional and social features, incompatible with the principles of industrial production and competitive markets. The outcome is a costly and conflictridden preservation of economic and social features, at odds both with the usual economic structure of an industrial society, and with the idea of traditional rural communities. This policy choice in the second half of the nineteenth century became entrenched in the wake of the Great Depression of the 1930s, and the autarchic policies of the second world war, and subsequent systems of economic regulation. As a result the agricultural sector of all the larger west European countries is not integrated into the overall economic and political system. Traditionally, prices were raised to a level which guaranteed even small-scale farmers a lifestyle compatible with general standards, thereby compensating for inter-sectoral disparity. However, the core elements of the CAP, that is, the regulation of markets insulated from import competition, were not invented by Brussels bureaucrats. Despite the supranational, or ‘common’ format of the CAP, member states’ preferences are the main factors driving this policy system.
Traducción - rumano Obiectivul declarat al PAC este conservarea unui sector economic cu trăsături sociale şi instituţionale presupus distincte, incompatibile cu principiile producţiei industriale şi pieţelor concurenţiale. Rezultatul este menţinerea costisitoare şi plină de conflicte a unor trăsături economice şi sociale contrare atât structurii economice obişnuite a unei societăţi industriale, cât şi modelului comunităţilor rurale tradiţionale. Această opţiune din a doua jumătate a secolului XIX s-a consolidat în urma Marii Depresiuni din anii ’30, a politicilor autarhice din cel de-al doilea război mondial şi a sistemelor ulterioare de reglementare economică. Ca rezultat, sectorul agricol al tuturor marilor ţări vest-europene nu este integrat în ansamblul sistemului economic şi politic. În mod tradiţional, preţurile erau ridicate la un nivel care garanta chiar şi fermierilor de mici dimensiuni un stil de viaţă compatibil cu standardele generale, compensând astfel decalajul inter-sectorial. Elementul central al PAC, respectiv reglementarea pieţelor izolate de concurenţa importurilor, nu a fost inventat de birocraţii de la Bruxelles. În ciuda formatului supranaţional sau “comun” al PAC, preferinţele statelor membre sunt factorii principali care dirijează acest sistem de elaborare a politicilor.
Formación en el ámbito de la traducción
Master's degree - Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest
Años de experiencia: 23 Registrado en Aug 2002
inglés al rumano (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) rumano al inglés (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) inglés al rumano (Romanian Ministry of Culture - Central Commission for Granting Translator Certificates, verified)
Miembro de
memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, QuarkXPress, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Handbook on EU Affairs, bilingual edition (RO-EN), Institutul European din Romania, 2005
Translated (some chapters EN->RO, some RO->EN) within the PHARE project Initial Training in European Affairs for Civil Servants from the Central Public Administration in Romania.
Translation of the acquis communautaire, 2001-2006
Member of the team translating the acquis communautaire into Romanian.
Translations in the water, sanitation, flood management, environment, infrastructure fields, 2003-2012
European Law, Romanian legislation, Business, Finance, Economics, Water, Environment
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