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Miembro desde Jul '22
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español al inglés inglés al español
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Aug 29 (posted I recently received news that I passed two ATA exams in the same pair of languages, English and Spanish, making me certified in both directions: English into Spanish and Spanish into English. While these certifications offer legitimate proof of my abilities as a translator, I intend to make good on them by continuing to refine my areas of interest and expertise, maximizing my education, and honing my skills to the highest possible level. ...more, + 12 other entries »
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Translation Volumen: 941 words Completado el: Sep 2022 Languages: inglés al español
English to Spanish Translation for the international community at Global Voices
For Global Voices, the community of writers, journalists, translators, and contributors that help people communicate beyond borders, I did an English-to-Spanish translation of an international news article about the nature of CIMER, a service set up by the Turkish government to receive and process complaints and queries from its citizens.
You can view the full article at:
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español al inglés: La soledad moderna Detailed field: Filosofía
Texto de origen - español La soledad es una cosa que a veces pretendemos paliar con toda suerte de autoengaños como, por ejemplo, las redes sociales.
Estas son un símbolo de los tiempos que ha agravado nuestro instinto de buscar conexión, amor e intimidad mutua hasta el punto de volverlo no solo excesivo sino de vez en cuando indigno.
Muchas veces siento que esta conexión se busca ahora con más desesperación y menos dignidad, que estamos hasta empeñados en llenar de nuestros deseos un pozo que, a fin de cuentas, siempre va a ser insondable.
Más dignidad hay, quizás, en el silencio de la soledad que en la ansia por lo que no existe.
Traducción - inglés Solitude is something that we occasionally seek to alleviate with all kinds of self-deception.
Social media, for instance, is a sign of the times that has aggravated our search for connection, love, and relational intimacy to a degree that has become not only excessive but at times undignified.
I often get the feeling that this search for connection is more desperate now and less respectable. We are even dead set on desiring away an emptiness that ultimately will never leave us.
The silence of our solitude has more dignity, perhaps, than our yearning for the impossible.