Miembro desde Apr '06 Idiomas de trabajo:
inglés al alemán español al alemán alemán (monolingüe)
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Idioma materno : alemán
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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Subtitling, Transcription, Training Se especializa en Derecho: contrato(s) Derecho: (general) Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado Publicidad / Relaciones públicas Negocios / Comercio (general) Periodismo Certificados, diplomas, títulos, CV Viajes y turismo Juegos / Videojuegos / Apuestas / Casino
También trabaja en Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional General / Conversación / Saludos / Cartas Finanzas (general) Gobierno / Política Educación / Pedagogía Deportes / Ejercitación / Recreo Administración Inversiones / Valores Poesía y literatura Medios / Multimedia Seguros Recursos humanos Economía Fuerzas Armadas / Defensa Internet, comercio-e Bienes inmuebles Telecomunicaciones Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc. Derecho: patentes, marcas registradas, derechos de autor Venta al detalle Arquitectura Cocina / Gastronomía Informática (general)
Considerará realizar trabajo voluntario para organizaciones sin fines de lucro registradas Euro (eur) Puntos de nivel PRO 1029 , Preguntas respondidas: 414 , Preguntas formuladas: 140 130 proyectos mencionados 85 comentarios positivos de clientes Detalles de proyectos Resumen de proyectos Corroboración Editing/proofreading Volumen: 10000 words Completado el: Oct 2011 Languages:inglés al alemán Proofreading of a facility agreement English to German proofreading project (proofreading of a facility agreement)Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: (general), Derecho: contrato(s) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 8100 words Completado el: Oct 2011 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a sub-participation agreement English to German translation project (translation of a sub-participation agreement)Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: (general), Derecho: contrato(s) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 17000 words Completado el: Aug 2011 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a fund prospectus English to German translation project (translation of a fund prospectus)Negocios / Comercio (general), Finanzas (general), Inversiones / Valores No hay comentarios. Editing/proofreading Volumen: 4400 words Completado el: Jul 2011 Languages:inglés al alemán Proofreading of terms and conditions English to German proofreading project (proofreading of terms and conditions)Transporte / Fletes, Derecho: (general), Negocios / Comercio (general) No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 2500 words Completado el: Jul 2011 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a HR survey English to German translation project (translation of a HR survey)Administración, Recursos humanos, Negocios / Comercio (general) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): Continuously good work.DDM: Vielen Dank!!! Editing/proofreading Volumen: 6300 words Completado el: Jul 2011 Languages:inglés al alemán Proofreading of parts of a MoA English to German proofreading project (proofreading of parts of a MoA)Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: contrato(s), Barcos, navegación, marítimo No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 5300 words Completado el: Jul 2011 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a memorandum of agreement English to German translation project (translation of a memorandum of agreement)Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: contrato(s), Barcos, navegación, marítimo No hay comentarios. Editing/proofreading Volumen: 35000 words Completado el: May 2011 Languages:inglés al alemán Proofreading of several parts of a fund prospectus English to German proofreading project (proofreading of several parts of a fund prospectus)Negocios / Comercio (general), Finanzas (general), Inversiones / Valores positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Thanks!!! Translation Volumen: 5900 words Completado el: May 2011 Languages:inglés al alemán transl. of a corporate eLearning manual on business practices/data protection English to German translation project (translation of several parts of a corporate eLearning manual on business practices/data protection)Negocios / Comercio (general), Educación / Pedagogía, Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc. positiva Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): Large demanding project handled with usual care and thoroughnessDDM: Danke sehr!!! Translation Volumen: 6200 words Completado el: Apr 2011 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of several parts of an eLearning manual on corruption and bribery English to German translation project (translation of several parts of an eLearning manual on corruption and bribery)Negocios / Comercio (general), Educación / Pedagogía, Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc. positiva Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): Demanding project - thorough research work!DDM: Thanks again!!! Translation Volumen: 2200 words Completado el: Apr 2011 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of several parts of a text about corporate sustainability English to German translation project (Translation of several parts of a text about corporate sustainability)Negocios / Comercio (general), Medioambiente y ecología, Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc. positiva Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): Quick turnaround time, good quality.DDM: Vielen Dank!!! :) Translation Volumen: 1400 words Completado el: Apr 2011 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of several parts of a prospectus English to German translation project (translation of several parts of a prospectus)Negocios / Comercio (general), Finanzas (general), Inversiones / Valores positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Danke!!! Translation Volumen: 5000 words Completado el: Apr 2011 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of guidelines for an education progamme of a large-scale enterprise English to German translation project (translation of guidelines for an education progamme of a large-scale enterprise)Negocios / Comercio (general), Educación / Pedagogía, Administración No hay comentarios. Editing/proofreading Volumen: 6000 words Completado el: Mar 2011 Languages:inglés al alemán Proofreading of a text about a financial services company & its investment goals English to German proofreading project (proofreading of a text about a financial services company & its investment goals/strategy)Negocios / Comercio (general), Finanzas (general), Inversiones / Valores positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank!!! Translation Volumen: 2400 words Completado el: Mar 2011 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a parts of a master agreement English to German translation project (translation of parts of a master agreement)Negocios / Comercio (general), Inversiones / Valores, Derecho: contrato(s) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): Smooth cooperation. Always a pleasure!DDM: Thanks again!!! :) Translation Volumen: 2000 words Completado el: Mar 2011 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of parts of a business letter English to German translation project (translation of parts of a business letter)Negocios / Comercio (general), Gobierno / Política, Derecho: (general) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): Rush project carried out with usual thoroughnessDDM: Thanks a lot! Translation Volumen: 1500 words Completado el: Mar 2011 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of parts of an economic outlook English to German translation project (translation of parts of an economic outlook)Negocios / Comercio (general), Finanzas (general), Finanzas (general) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank! :) Editing/proofreading Volumen: 10000 words Completado el: Feb 2011 Languages:español al alemán Text editing of parts of a training manual (football/soccer/Futsal related text) Spanish to German text editing project (text editing of parts of a training manual (football/soccer/Futsal related text))Educación / Pedagogía, Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional, Deportes / Ejercitación / Recreo No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 6800 words Completado el: Feb 2011 Languages:español al alemán Translation of an official training manual (football/soccer/Futsal related text) Spanish to German translation project (translation of an official training manual (football/soccer/Futsal related text)Educación / Pedagogía, Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional, Deportes / Ejercitación / Recreo No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 1600 words Completado el: Jan 2011 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a disclaimer (communication regarding a fund prospectus) English to German translation project (translation of a disclaimer (communication regarding a fund prospectus))Negocios / Comercio (general), Finanzas (general), Inversiones / Valores positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank!!! Translation Volumen: 14000 words Completado el: Jan 2011 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of an association agreement English to German translation project (translation of an association agreement)Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: contrato(s), Bienes inmuebles No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 2500 words Completado el: Dec 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of website content (option trading) English to German translation project (translation of website content (option trading))Negocios / Comercio (general), Inversiones / Valores, Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado positiva Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank!!! Translation Volumen: 5000 words Completado el: Dec 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics English to German translation project (translation of a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics)Negocios / Comercio (general), Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional, Derecho: (general) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): Flawless, couldn't find errors after thorough and meticulouos readingDDM: Vielen Dank!!! Translation Volumen: 2000 words Completado el: Dec 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of an annual report and a business registration certificate English to German translation project (translation of an annual report and a business registration certificate)Negocios / Comercio (general), Certificados, diplomas, títulos, CV, Derecho: (general) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): High quality is standard with Daniel!DDM: Thanks a lot!!! Translation Volumen: 7000 words Completado el: Nov 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a workshop agreement related to gambling English to German translation project (translation of a workshop agreement related to gambling)Negocios / Comercio (general), Juegos / Videojuegos / Apuestas / Casino, Derecho: (general) No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 8000 words Completado el: Nov 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of several parts of a lease agreement English to German translation project (translation of several parts of a lease agreement)Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: contrato(s), Bienes inmuebles No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 10000 words Completado el: Oct 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a conference transcription English to German translation project (translation of a conference transcription)Finanzas (general), Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional, Administración No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 4000 words Completado el: Oct 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of an AUP and a SLA English to German translation project (Translation of an AUP and a SLA)Informática: Sistemas, redes, Derecho: contrato(s), Internet, comercio-e No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 3200 words Completado el: Sep 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of texts regarding the internal job market of an international group English to German translation project (Translation of texts regarding the internal job market of an international group)Negocios / Comercio (general), Recursos humanos, Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 6500 words Completado el: Aug 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of website content (option trading) English to German translation project (translation of website content (option trading))Negocios / Comercio (general), Inversiones / Valores, Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado positiva Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank!!! Translation Volumen: 7500 words Completado el: Jul 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of website content (option trading) English to German translation project (translation of website content (option trading))Negocios / Comercio (general), Inversiones / Valores, Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado positiva Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank!!! Translation Volumen: 7000 words Completado el: Jun 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of website content (option trading) English to German translation project (translation of website content (option trading))Negocios / Comercio (general), Inversiones / Valores, Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado positiva Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank!!! Translation Volumen: 9600 words Completado el: Jun 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of website content (option trading) English to German translation project (translation of website content (option trading))Negocios / Comercio (general), Inversiones / Valores, Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado positiva Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): Professional and realiable service every time.DDM: Thank you!!! Translation Volumen: 4500 words Completado el: Jun 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a Code of Conduct English to German translation project (translation of a Code of Conduct)Negocios / Comercio (general), Recursos humanos, Administración No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 5000 words Completado el: May 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of website content (option trading) English to German translation project (translation of website content (option trading))Negocios / Comercio (general), Inversiones / Valores, Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado positiva Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): Alles bestens, danke!DDM: Vielen Dank!!! Translation Volumen: 2500 words Completado el: Apr 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of website content (option trading) English to German translation project (translation of website content (option trading))Negocios / Comercio (general), Inversiones / Valores, Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado positiva Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): Very good and professional as always.DDM: Many thanks!!! :) Translation Volumen: 2700 words Completado el: Apr 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a purchase agreement English to German translation project (translation of a purchase agreement)Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: (general), Derecho: contrato(s) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): Excellent translator, even under time pressureDDM: Vielen Dank!!! Translation Volumen: 3500 words Completado el: Apr 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of parts of a bank's guide on money laundering practices English to German translation project (translation of parts of a bank's guide on money laundering)Negocios / Comercio (general), Recursos humanos, Derecho: (general) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank!!! :) Translation Volumen: 4000 words Completado el: Apr 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of several documents regarding forex trading applications English to German translation project (translation of several documents regarding forex trading via Internet/iPhone)Inversiones / Valores, Internet, comercio-e, Negocios / Comercio (general) No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 3000 words Completado el: Mar 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of website content (option trading) English to German translation project (translation of website content (option trading))Negocios / Comercio (general), Inversiones / Valores, Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado positiva Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): Fast and reliable as alwaysDDM: Thank you very much!!! Editing/proofreading Volumen: 30 hours Completado el: Mar 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Proofreading of website content (option trading) English to German proofreading project (proofreading of website content (option trading))Negocios / Comercio (general), Inversiones / Valores, Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado positiva Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): Very precise and thorough, thank youDDM: Thanks again!!! Translation Volumen: 330 lines Completado el: Mar 2010 Languages:español al alemán Translation of a police investigation report Spanish to German translation project (translation of a police investigation report)Medicina (general), Derecho: (general), Gobierno / Política positiva Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): Very professional and on time, as always!DDM: Thank you!!! Editing/proofreading Volumen: 70 hours Completado el: Feb 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Proofreading of website content (option trading) English to German proofreading project (proofreading of website content (option trading))Inversiones / Valores, Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado positiva Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): Thorough and very professional, as always.DDM: Thanks again!!! Translation Volumen: 2200 words Completado el: Feb 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a communication (OECD) English to German translation project (translation of a communication (OECD))Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: (general), Gobierno / Política No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 1800 words Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of marketing material (PPT presentation) English to German translation project (translation of marketing material)Publicidad / Relaciones públicas, Negocios / Comercio (general), Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 2000 words Completado el: Feb 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of heads of terms English to German translation project (translation of heads of terms)Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: contrato(s), Viajes y turismo No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 6500 words Completado el: Feb 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a distribution agreement English to German translation project (translation of a distribution agreement)Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: (general), Derecho: contrato(s) No hay comentarios. Editing/proofreading Volumen: 7000 words Completado el: Jan 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Proofreading of website content (option trading) English to German proofreading project (proofreading of website content (option trading))Negocios / Comercio (general), Inversiones / Valores, Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado positiva Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): Wieder sehr zufrieden, danke!DDM: Vielen Dank! Editing/proofreading Volumen: 4 hours Completado el: Jan 2010 Languages:inglés al alemán Proofreading of website content (option trading) English to German proofreading project (proofreading of website content (option trading))Negocios / Comercio (general), Inversiones / Valores, Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado positiva Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): Excellent revision!DDM: Thank you! Translation Volumen: 3300 words Completado el: Dec 2009 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of several parts of a service and installation agreement English to German translation project (translation of several parts of a service and installation agreement)Derecho: contrato(s), Ingeniería (general), Negocios / Comercio (general) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): punctual and thorough as always!DDM: Thank you very much! Translation Volumen: 3300 words Completado el: Dec 2009 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a text regarding online gaming regulation English to German translation project (translation of a text regarding online gaming regulation)Negocios / Comercio (general), Juegos / Videojuegos / Apuestas / Casino, Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 2300 words Completado el: Dec 2009 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a membership agreement English to German translation project (translation of a membership agreement)Juegos / Videojuegos / Apuestas / Casino, Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: contrato(s) No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 250 lines Completado el: Oct 2009 Languages:español al alemán Translation of various legal documents Spanish to German translation project (translation of various legal documents regarding an injunction)Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: (general), Gobierno / Política No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 1800 words Completado el: Sep 2009 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of several parts of a real estate website English to German translation project (translation of several parts of a real estate website)Negocios / Comercio (general), Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado, Bienes inmuebles positiva Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): Smooth collaboration as always!DDM: Thanks again! Translation Volumen: 2700 words Completado el: Sep 2009 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of an interview with an architect English to German translation project (translation of an interview with an architect)Arquitectura, Periodismo, Medios / Multimedia positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Merci! Translation Volumen: 1900 words Completado el: Aug 2009 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a corporate communication text (Q&A) English to German translation project (translation of a corporate communication text (Q&A))Negocios / Comercio (general), Finanzas (general), Administración positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank! Translation Volumen: 9200 words Completado el: Jul 2009 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of several documents (recommendation letters, business writings) English to German translation project (translation of recommendation letters and business writings)Negocios / Comercio (general), Educación / Pedagogía, General / Conversación / Saludos / Cartas positiva Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): Meticulous as always, flawless work ;-)DDM: Thanks again!!! :) Translation Volumen: 2200 words Completado el: Jun 2009 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of several parts of a contract English to German translation project (translation of several parts of a contract)Negocios / Comercio (general), Inversiones / Valores, Derecho: contrato(s) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (50 to 100 entries): No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 2100 words Completado el: May 2009 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a market comment (fund) English to German translation project (translation of a market comment (fund))Negocios / Comercio (general), Finanzas (general), Inversiones / Valores positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Danke dir! Editing/proofreading Volumen: 5700 words Completado el: Apr 2009 Languages:español al alemán Proofreading of several website texts Spanish to German proofreading project (proofreading of several website texts)Gobierno / Política, Gobierno / Política, Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc. positiva ProZ.com platinum member : Reliable and meticulous as alwaysDDM: Thanks again!!! Translation Volumen: 2500 words Completado el: Apr 2009 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of several writings concerning a law suit English to German translation project (translation of several writings concerning a law suit)Finanzas (general), Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: (general) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): Professional, excellent translation. Thank you.DDM: My pleasure! Thank you very much! Translation Volumen: 2800 words Completado el: Mar 2009 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a text about network analysis services English to German translation project (translation of a text about network analysis services)Informática: Sistemas, redes, TI (Tecnología de la información), Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado positiva ProZ.com platinum member : It's always a pleasure working with you DDM: Thank you very much! Translation Volumen: 3300 words Completado el: Mar 2009 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a process description English to German translation project (translation of a process description)Negocios / Comercio (general), Recursos humanos, TI (Tecnología de la información) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Danke sehr! Translation Volumen: 2000 words Completado el: Mar 2009 Languages:español al alemán Translation of a notarial deed Spanish to German translation project (translation of a notarial deed)Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: (general), Bienes inmuebles positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank! Editing/proofreading Volumen: 4200 words Completado el: Mar 2009 Languages:inglés al alemán Editing/proofreading/translation of a questionnaire English to German editing/proofreading/translation project (editing/proofreading/translation of a questionnaire)Negocios / Comercio (general), Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado, Viajes y turismo positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Danke sehr! Translation Volumen: 1800 words Completado el: Feb 2009 Languages:español al alemán Translation of several certificates and documents Spanish to German translation project (translation of several certificates and documents)Derecho: (general), Certificados, diplomas, títulos, CV, Viajes y turismo positiva ProZ.com platinum member : Again very reliable and accurate as alwaysDDM: Thank you!!! Translation Volumen: 3200 words Completado el: Dec 2008 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of several parts of a distribution agreement English to German translation project (translation of several parts of a distribution agreement)Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: contrato(s), Derecho: (general) positiva ProZ.com platinum member : Daniel is very reliable and professional. I would definitley work with him again!DDM: Thank you very much!!! Translation Volumen: 2500 words Completado el: Nov 2008 Languages:español al alemán Translation of a tenancy agreement Spanish to German translation project (translation of a tenancy agreement)Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: contrato(s), Derecho: (general) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Danke sehr! Translation Volumen: 3900 words Completado el: Oct 2008 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of parts of a prospectus English to German translation project (translation of parts of a prospectus)Finanzas (general), Inversiones / Valores, Derecho: (general) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank! Translation Volumen: 2800 words Completado el: Sep 2008 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of parts of training material (adult education) English to German translation project (translation of parts of training material (adult education))Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado, Educación / Pedagogía, Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc. positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Nochmals vielen Dank! Translation Volumen: 65000 words Completado el: Aug 2008 Languages:español al alemán Translation of a questionnaire Spanish to German translation project (translation of a questionnaire)Deportes / Ejercitación / Recreo, Derecho: (general), Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional positiva Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): Excellent work, very nice contactDDM: Once again, thank you very much!!! Translation Volumen: 3600 words Completado el: Jul 2008 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a contract for services English to German translation project (translation of a contract for services)Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: contrato(s), Transporte / Fletes positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank!!! Translation Volumen: 9500 words Completado el: Jul 2008 Languages:español al alemán Translation of a contract for services Spanish to German translation project (translation of a contract for services)Negocios / Comercio (general), Ingeniería (general), Derecho: contrato(s) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Danke sehr!!! Translation Volumen: 4200 words Completado el: May 2008 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of terms and conditions English to German translation project (translation of terms and conditions)Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: (general), Derecho: contrato(s) No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 3200 words Completado el: Apr 2008 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a request for proposal English to German translation project (translation of a tourism related request for proposal)Negocios / Comercio (general), Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado, Viajes y turismo positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank!!! Translation Volumen: 4600 words Completado el: Mar 2008 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a text regarding an international organization English to German translation project (translation of a text regarding an international organization)Informática: Sistemas, redes, Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional, Derecho: (general) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank!!! Translation Volumen: 9000 words Completado el: Mar 2008 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of several parts of a shareholder agreement English to German translation project (translation of several parts of a shareholder agreement)Finanzas (general), Inversiones / Valores, Derecho: contrato(s) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Danke sehr!!! Translation Volumen: 4300 words Completado el: Feb 2008 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of several parts of a tenancy agreement English to German translation project (translation of several parts of a tenancy agreement)Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: contrato(s), Ingeniería (general) No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 2100 words Completado el: Jan 2008 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a requirements specification document English to German translation project (translation of a requirements specification document)Ingeniería (general), Derecho: (general), Derecho: contrato(s) positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios.DDM: Merci beaucoup! ;-) Editing/proofreading Volumen: 4600 words Completado el: Jan 2008 Languages:inglés al alemán Proofreading of a supply agreement English to German proofreading project (proofreading of a supply agreement)Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: contrato(s), Derecho: (general) No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 5100 words Completado el: Dec 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a simplified fund prospectus English to German translation project (translation of a simplified fund prospectus)Finanzas (general), Finanzas (general), Inversiones / Valores positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank!!! :) Translation Volumen: 6800 words Completado el: Dec 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of an operating manual and a product description English to German translation project (Translation of an operating manual and a product description)Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado, Medicina (general), Ciencias (general) No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 2000 words Completado el: Nov 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of several parts of a partnership agreement English to German translation project (translation of several parts of a partnership agreement)Finanzas (general), Inversiones / Valores, Derecho: contrato(s) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank!!! :-) Editing/proofreading Volumen: 10000 words Completado el: Nov 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Proofreading of a tourism related text English to German proofreading project (proofreading of a tourism related text)Cocina / Gastronomía, Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado, Viajes y turismo positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank!!! Translation Volumen: 3500 words Completado el: Nov 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a product description English to German translation project (translation of a product description - an electromagnetic stimulator)Negocios / Comercio (general), Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado, Medicina (general) No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 3300 words Completado el: Oct 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Transl. of an article on innovation in industrial countries/emerging economies English to German translation project (Translation of an article on innovation in industrial countries and emerging economies)Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado, Economía, Negocios / Comercio (general) positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios.DDM: Danke sehr!!! Translation Volumen: 4400 words Completado el: Oct 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of several chapters of a web book English to German translation project (translation of several chapters of a web book)Negocios / Comercio (general), Internet, comercio-e, Informática: Sistemas, redes No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 2000 words Completado el: Oct 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a quarterly report English to German translation project (translation of a quarterly report of a global corporation)Contabilidad, Finanzas (general), Recursos humanos positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank!!! Translation Volumen: 3600 words Completado el: Oct 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of several parts of a shareholders' agreement English to German translation project (translation of several parts of a shareholders' agreement)Finanzas (general), Inversiones / Valores, Derecho: contrato(s) positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios.DDM: Thank you very much!!! Translation Volumen: 5000 words Completado el: Oct 2007 Languages:español al alemán Translation of a text about a merger project Spanish to German translation project (translation of a text about a merger project)Negocios / Comercio (general), Finanzas (general), Derecho: (general) positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank!!! Translation Volumen: 3600 words Completado el: Sep 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a questionnaire English to German translation project (translation of a questionnaire)Viajes y turismo, Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado, Publicidad / Relaciones públicas positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank!!! Translation Volumen: 2200 words Completado el: Sep 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of an internal communication of a multinational company English to German translation project (translation of an internal communication of a multinational company)Administración, Recursos humanos, Negocios / Comercio (general) No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 2600 words Completado el: Aug 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of an internal communication of a multinational company English to German translation project (translation of an internal communication of a multinational company)Viajes y turismo, Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado, Negocios / Comercio (general) positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios.DDM: Thank you!!! Translation Volumen: 1800 words Completado el: Aug 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a questionnaire English to German translation project (translation of a questionnaire)Publicidad / Relaciones públicas, Negocios / Comercio (general), Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios.DDM: Danke sehr! Translation Volumen: 1600 words Completado el: Aug 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of by-laws (several parts) English to German translation project (translation of by-laws (several parts))Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: (general), Derecho: contrato(s) positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios.DDM: Thank you!!! Translation Volumen: 2400 words Completado el: Aug 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of an end user license agreement English to German translation project (translation of an end user license agreement for a software application)Derecho: contrato(s), Internet, comercio-e, Negocios / Comercio (general) positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank! Translation Volumen: 3200 words Completado el: Aug 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a privacy policy English to German translation project (translation of the privacy policy of a hotel chain)Viajes y turismo, Derecho: contrato(s), Negocios / Comercio (general) positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios.DDM: Ich danke sehr! Translation Volumen: 3000 words Completado el: Aug 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of various press releases English to German translation project(s) (translation of various press releases)Negocios / Comercio (general), Ingeniería (general), Internet, comercio-e positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank!!! Translation Volumen: 1800 words Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of an employment contract English to German translation project (translation of an employment contract)Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: contrato(s), Recursos humanos positiva Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Danke sehr! Translation Volumen: 3200 words Completado el: Jul 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of several parts of a custodian bank and services agreement English to German translation project (translation of several parts of a custodian bank and services agreement)Finanzas (general), Inversiones / Valores, Derecho: contrato(s) No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 2800 words Completado el: Jul 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a quarterly report English to German translation project (translation of a quarterly report of a global corporation)Contabilidad, Negocios / Comercio (general), Finanzas (general) positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank!!! Translation Volumen: 1800 words Completado el: Jul 2007 Languages:español al alemán Translation of AGM minutes Spanish to German translation project (AGM minutes)Bienes inmuebles, Derecho: (general), Negocios / Comercio (general) No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 5800 words Completado el: May 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of a professional article English to German translation project (translation of a professional article about licensing and standard setting)Derecho: patentes, marcas registradas, derechos de autor, Economía, Negocios / Comercio (general) positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios.DDM: Vielen Dank! Translation Volumen: 3200 words Completado el: May 2007 Languages:alemán al español Translation of a questionnaire German to Spanish translation project (translation of a questionnaire)Negocios / Comercio (general), Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado, Finanzas (general) No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 1500 words Completado el: May 2007 Languages:español al alemán Translation of tender conditions Spanish to German translation project (translation of tender conditions)Negocios / Comercio (general), Gobierno / Política, Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios.DDM: Danke sehr! Translation Volumen: 9900 words Completado el: Apr 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of several parts of a complaint English to German translation project (translation of several parts of a complaint regarding a public tender offer)Derecho: (general), Seguros, Finanzas (general) positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios.DDM: Thank you!!! Translation Volumen: 3000 words Completado el: Apr 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of instructions for completion of a tax form English to German translation project (translation of instructions for completion of a tax form)Derecho: impuestos y aduanas, Negocios / Comercio (general), Contabilidad No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 1800 words Completado el: Apr 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of an Internet Banking application English to German translation project (translation of an Internet Banking application)Derecho: contrato(s), Internet, comercio-e, Finanzas (general) positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios.DDM: Thank you!!! Translation Volumen: 2900 words Completado el: Apr 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of several parts of a distribution agreement English to German translation project (translation of several parts of a distribution agreement)Derecho: contrato(s), Recursos humanos, Derecho: (general) No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 12500 words Completado el: Apr 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of purchase terms & conditions English to German translation project (purchase terms & conditions)Derecho: contrato(s), Derecho: (general), Venta al detalle positiva Unlisted : No hay comentarios.DDM: Thank you!!! Translation Volumen: 7200 words Completado el: Mar 2007 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of various texts regarding an international organization English to German translation project (international organization)Derecho: (general), Gobierno / Política, Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Thank you very much! Translation Volumen: 40000 words Completado el: Feb 2007 Languages:español al alemán Translation of a tourism website Spanish to German website translation projectViajes y turismo, Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado, Viajes y turismo No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 1600 words Completado el: Jan 2007 Languages:español al alemán Translation of a contract on services Spanish to German translation project (contract on services)Derecho: contrato(s), Derecho: (general), Negocios / Comercio (general) positiva ProZ.com member : Mr. De Moral is prompt, accurate and available for discussion and implementation of modifications, if necessary.DDM: Thank you very much, Richard! Translation Volumen: 1800 words Completado el: Jan 2007 Languages:español al alemán Translation of a marketing text Spanish to German marketing translation project (door lock security system)Materiales (plástico, cerámica, etc.), Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado, Muebles / Aparatos domésticos No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 7800 words Completado el: Dec 2006 Languages:español al alemán Translation of several texts for a tourism website Spanish to German website translation project (Mexican tourism website)
Viajes y turismo, Deportes / Ejercitación / Recreo, Cocina / Gastronomía No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 5500 words Completado el: Dec 2006 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of several parts of a limited partners’ agreement English to German translation project (translation of several parts of a limited partners' agreement)Negocios / Comercio (general), Derecho: contrato(s), Administración positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): Daniel is a very reliable translator and I enjoy working with him.DDM: Vielen Dank, Olaf!!! Translation Volumen: 4800 words Completado el: Dec 2006 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of terms and conditions English to German translation project (translation of some short resumes as well as the terms and conditions of a recommendation engines company)TI (Tecnología de la información), Internet, comercio-e, Derecho: contrato(s) positiva ProZ.com member : Brilliant translation, flawless, good style. Top-professional.DDM: Thank you very much, Nicole!!! Translation Volumen: 7500 words Completado el: Dec 2006 Languages:español al alemán Translation of several texts for a tourism website Spanish to German website translation project (Mexican tourism website)Viajes y turismo, Deportes / Ejercitación / Recreo, Cocina / Gastronomía No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 25000 words Completado el: Nov 2006 Languages:español al alemán Translation of several texts for a tourism website Spanish to German website translation project (Mexican tourism website)Viajes y turismo, Deportes / Ejercitación / Recreo, Cocina / Gastronomía No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 2500 words Completado el: Oct 2006 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of various (legal) texts English to German translation project (extracts of a divorce agreement, business correspondence, resume, birth certificate)Derecho: contrato(s), Derecho: (general), Certificados, diplomas, títulos, CV positiva : No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 7000 words Completado el: Sep 2006 Languages:alemán al inglés Translation of a patent German to English patent translation project (nuclear magnetic resonance related) including patent descripition and patent claimsCiencia / Ing. nuclear, Medicina (general), Derecho: patentes, marcas registradas, derechos de autor positiva Unlisted : * Daniel has worked with us for years now. He is a very accurate, professional translator and delivers always on time making even constructive linguistic suggestions. Lázaro Eusebio Hernández Pérez, President of MRI-DT, S.A. de C.V. * Translation Volumen: 1170 lines Completado el: Jul 2006 Languages:español al alemán Translation of a subtenancy agreement Spanish to German translation project (subtenancy agreement)Bienes inmuebles, Derecho: contrato(s), Derecho: (general) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (50 to 100 entries): He is a very fast and good translator. Translation Volumen: 10000 words Completado el: Jun 2006 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation-distributorship agreement, purchase agreement, terms and conditions English to German translation project (including a distributorship agreement, a purchase agreement, terms and conditions and business correspondence)Derecho: contrato(s), Construcción / Ingeniería civil, Negocios / Comercio (general) No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 8000 words Completado el: May 2006 Languages:español al alemán Translation of two contracts (contract on services and contract of sale) Spanish to German translation project (two contracts: contract on services and contract of sale)Medicina: Salud, Derecho: contrato(s), Derecho: (general) No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 8000 words Completado el: Apr 2006 Languages:español al alemán Translation of a decision within a lawsuit Spanish to German legal translation project (decision within a lawsuit against the former managers of an investment fund)Derecho: (general), Finanzas (general), Negocios / Comercio (general) positiva Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): No hay comentarios.DDM: Thank you very much! Translation Volumen: 3500 words Completado el: Mar 2006 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of an international assignment agreement English to German translation project (international assignment agreement)Derecho: contrato(s), Recursos humanos No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 3500 words Completado el: Mar 2006 Languages:inglés al alemán Translation of the By-Laws of an association English to German translation project (By-Laws of a Swiss association)Derecho: contrato(s), Derecho: (general), Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 50000 words Completado el: Feb 2006 Languages:español al alemán Translation of several texts for a tourism website Spanish to German website translation project (Mexican tourism website)Viajes y turismo, Deportes / Ejercitación / Recreo, Cocina / Gastronomía No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 5000 words Completado el: Feb 2006 Languages:español al alemán Translation of a journalistic text about a referendum Spanish to German translation project about Spain's referendum on the EU constitutionDerecho: (general), Periodismo, Gobierno / Política No hay comentarios. Translation Volumen: 7000 words Completado el: Aug 2005 Languages:español al alemán Translation of a patent Spanish to German patent translation project (nuclear magnetic resonance related) including patent description and patent claimsCiencia / Ing. nuclear, Medicina (general), Derecho: patentes, marcas registradas, derechos de autor positiva Unlisted : * Daniel has worked with us for years now. He is a very accurate, professional translator and delivers always on time making even constructive linguistic suggestions. Lázaro Eusebio Hernández Pérez, President of MRI-DT, S.A. de C.V. *
Muestras de traducción: 1 español al alemán: 7th ProZ.com Translation Contest - Entry #4865
Texto de origen - español El fútbol soporta una maldición que a la vez es la salvación de jugadores, entrenadores y forofos compungidos por una derrota. Se trata de una actividad en la que no basta con ganar, sino que hay que ganar siempre, en cada temporada, en cada torneo, en cada partido. Un escritor, un arquitecto, un músico pueden sestear un poco tras haber hecho una gran novela, un maravilloso edificio, un disco inolvidable. Pueden no hacer nada durante un tiempo o hacer algo menor. Entre los primeros, que son los que más conozco, los hay que han pasado a ser buenos por decreto y hasta el fin de sus días gracias a una sola obra estimable escrita cincuenta años atrás. En el fútbol, por el contrario, no caben el descanso ni el divertimento, de poco sirve tener un extraordinario palmarés histórico o haber conquistado un título el año anterior. No se considera nunca que ya se ha cumplido, sino que se exige (y los propios jugadores se lo exigen a sí mismos) ganar el siguiente encuentro también, como si se empezara desde cero siempre, analogía del resultado inicial de todo partido. A diferencia de otras actividades de la vida, en el deporte (pero sobre todo en el fútbol) no se acumula ni atesora nada, pese a las salas de trofeos y a las estadísticas cada vez más apreciadas. Haber sido ayer el mejor no cuenta ya hoy, no digamos mañana. La alegría pasada no puede hacer nada contra la angustia presente, aquí no existe la compensación del recuerdo, ni la satisfacción por lo ya alcanzado, ni por supuesto el agradecimiento del público por el contento procurado hace dos semanas. Tampoco, por tanto, existen durante mucho tiempo la pena ni la indignación, que de un día para otro pueden verse sustituidas por la euforia y la santificación. Quizá por eso el fútbol sea un deporte que incita a la violencia, como decía Cabrera: pero no por las patadas, sino por la angustia. A cambio hay que reconocer que tiene algo inapreciable y que no suele darse en los demás órdenes de la vida: incita al olvido, lo que equivale a decir que a lo que no incita nunca es al rencor, algo que se aprende sólo en la edad adulta." Traducción - alemán König Fußball hat einen Makel, der jedoch oftmals als letzte Rettung für von Niederlagen gebeutelte Spieler, Trainer und Fans herhalten muss. In diesem Sport geht es nicht darum, einfach zu siegen. Nein, es geht darum, jedes Spiel, jede Saison und jedes Turnier zu gewinnen. Schriftsteller, Architekten oder Musiker hingegen können sich nach einem erfolgreichen Roman, einem grandiosen Bauprojekt oder einem gefeierten Top-Ten-Hit auf ihren Lorbeeren ausruhen und sich der Öffentlichkeit erst einmal entziehen. Da ich besonders viele Schriftsteller kenne, kann ich bestätigen, dass sie zum Teil bis ans Ende ihrer Tage von einem einzigen Erfolg profitieren, selbst wenn er schon Jahrzehnte zurück liegt. Im Fußball muss es jedoch getreu dem Kahnschen Motto "immer weiter" gehen. Historische Pokalgewinne und selbst die letzte Meisterschaft scheinen nur von geringer Bedeutung zu sein. Zu keinem Zeitpunkt ist das Ziel erreicht. Vielmehr wird erwartet - und diese Erwartungshaltung ist bei niemandem höher als bei den Spielern selbst -, dass das nächste Spiel genauso souverän gewonnen wird, als ginge es wieder bei Null los. Trotz prall gefüllter Trophäenschränke und der sich zunehmender Beliebtheit erfreuenden Statistiken sind im Unterschied zu anderen Bereichen des Lebens vergangene Erfolge im Sport, und vor allem im Fußball, bedeutungslos. Einmal der Beste gewesen zu sein, zählt heute nicht mehr und in Zukunft schon gar nicht. Denn auch die schönste Aufstiegsfeier der letzten Saison kann das Abstiegsgespenst der laufenden Spielzeit nicht vertreiben. Siegreiche Erinnerungen sind noch lange kein Punktegarant und die Gunst der Fans muss auch immer wieder aufs neue gewonnen werden. Deshalb ist es auch nicht verwunderlich, warum sich Schmerz und Hasstiraden von einem Tag auf den anderen in Euphorie und Lobeshymnen umwandeln können. Vielleicht ist das der Grund, weshalb der Fußball eine Sportart ist, die gewissermaßen Gewalt hervorrufen kann. Das liegt "natürlich" nur an der Angst, zu verlieren, und nicht daran, dass gewaltbereite Fans dies heraufbeschwören. Nichtsdestotrotz hat der Fußball auch Facetten, die sich in anderen Lebenslagen so nicht manifestieren: er ist in der Lage, Misserfolge vergessen zu machen, was nichts anderes bedeutet, als dass er auf keinen Fall dazu verleitet, nachtragend zu sein - ein Aspekt, der uns erst als Erwachsene bewusst wird.
Architektur , Business/Marketing , Contracts , Contratos/Verträge , Derecho/Recht , Education , EDV , Elektronik , Engineering , EU , Floristik , Gastronomie , Human Resources , Internet , Journalism , KFZ , Kosmetik , Law/Real Estate , Marketing , Medizin , Military/Defense , Patente , Sports/Fitness/Recreation , Telecommunication , Tourism/Travel , Umwelt , Zoologie More
Master's degree - University of Applied Sciences, Magdeburg, Germany (Semester abroad at the University of Málaga, Spain) Años de experiencia: 19 Registrado en ProZ.com: Dec 2005 Miembro desde Apr 2006 inglés al alemán (Ministry of Education-Federal State Saxony-Anhalt, verified) español al alemán (Ministry of Education-Federal State Saxony-Anhalt, verified) N/A Wordforce-Marketing , RIGHTS-R-US , Wordforce-Finance Adobe Acrobat, DejaVu, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Dragon Naturally Speaking, Powerpoint, Trados Studio http://www.proz.com/profile/129231 CV available upon request 7th ProZ.com Translation Contest: Spanish to German DDM apoya ProZ.com's Directrices profesionales .
-> Translation -> Proofreading/editing -> Consecutive interpreting
-> Subtitling -> Copywriting
mainly translate/proofread texts in the following AREAS : -> Law ( contracts, terms and
conditions, by-laws, judicial decisions, certificates, other legal documents ) - > Video Games/Gaming (terms of use, game descriptions, blog texts, communications between vendors and clients, user manuals and other text types in this area ) -> Marketing/advertising/PR/market research ( questionnaires,
brochures, advertising letters, other marketing related documents )
-> Business/commerce/finance ( business letters, corporate communication, (market/quarterly/annual)
reports, other business related documents ) -> Press texts/journalism/media/literature ( press releases,
newsletters, website contents, other press related texts )
-> Other ( tourism [travel guides, tourism related websites,
brochures, other], sports [football/soccer
related texts, UEFA/FIFA texts, UEFA/FIFA statutes, referee/football/soccer
rules, sports contracts, other], e-Learning [text books,
PPT presentations, learning materials, other], EU-related texts [decisions,
recommendations, other communications], etc. )
EDUCATION : I am a Diplom-Fachübersetzer (corresponds
roughly to a M.A. in TRANSLATION) for the language combinations ENGLISH>GERMAN &
SPANISH>GERMAN and a Rechtsanwalts- und
Notarfachangestellter (corresponds roughly to a LEGAL ASSISTANT).
MS Office, Adobe Reader/Acrobat, Dragon Naturally Speaking (CAT-Tools: Déjà Vu
(mainly used and Trados-compatible), MemoQ and Trados).
Este miembro obtuvo puntos KudoZ al ayudar a otros traductores a traducir términos de nivel PRO. Haga clic en total(es) de puntos para ver los términos traducidos. This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields. Project History Summary Total projects 130 With client feedback 85 Corroborated 85 100% positive (85 entries) positive 85 neutral 0 negative 0
Job type Translation 116 Editing/proofreading 14 Language pairs inglés al alemán 103 español al alemán 25 2 alemán al español 1 alemán al inglés 1 Specialty fields Negocios / Comercio (general) 86 Derecho: contrato(s) 42 Derecho: (general) 38 Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado 29 Inversiones / Valores 27 Finanzas (general) 25 Viajes y turismo 14 Recursos humanos 10 Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional 10 Gobierno / Política 9 Administración 7 Educación / Pedagogía 7 Deportes / Ejercitación / Recreo 7 Internet, comercio-e 7 Bienes inmuebles 6 Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc. 5 Medicina (general) 5 Ingeniería (general) 5 Cocina / Gastronomía 5 Informática: Sistemas, redes 4 Certificados, diplomas, títulos, CV 3 Juegos / Videojuegos / Apuestas / Casino 3 TI (Tecnología de la información) 3 Publicidad / Relaciones públicas 3 Derecho: patentes, marcas registradas, derechos de autor 3 Barcos, navegación, marítimo 2 Transporte / Fletes 2 Periodismo 2 Economía 2 Medioambiente y ecología 1 Arquitectura 1 Medios / Multimedia 1 General / Conversación / Saludos / Cartas 1 Ciencias (general) 1 Venta al detalle 1 Derecho: impuestos y aduanas 1 Seguros 1 Muebles / Aparatos domésticos 1 Construcción / Ingeniería civil 1 Medicina: Salud 1 Other fields Contabilidad 3 Ciencia / Ing. nuclear 2 Materiales (plástico, cerámica, etc.) 1
Palabras clave: ÜBERSETZER, TRANSLATOR, ÜBERSETZUNGEN, TRANSLATION SERVICES, CONTRACTS, VERTRÄGE, distributorship agreement, purchase agreement, terms and conditions, contract on services. See more . ÜBERSETZER, TRANSLATOR, ÜBERSETZUNGEN, TRANSLATION SERVICES, CONTRACTS, VERTRÄGE, distributorship agreement, purchase agreement, terms and conditions, contract on services, contract of sale, sole distributorship contract, by-laws, international assignment contract; Vertriebsvertrag, Kaufvereinbarung, Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen, AGBs, Dienstleistungsvertrag, Kaufvertrag, Alleinvertriebsvertrag, Vereinssatzung, Arbeitsvertrag; LEGAL, COMMERCIAL, FINANCIAL, MARKETING AND TECHNICAL TRANSLATIONS, TELECOMMUNICATION, BUSINESS & BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, PATENTS, PATENT CLAIMS, TOURISM & TRAVEL, E-LEARNING, TEXTBOOKS, REPORTS, RESUMES, CERTIFICATIONS, ARCHITECTURE, REAL ESTATE, TECHNOLOGY, GASTRONOMY, AGRICULTURE, WEBSITES, JOURNALISM, LITERATURE, Rechtstexte, Wirtschaftstexte, wissenschaftliche Texte, journalistische Texte, Marketing-Texte, touristische Texte, Lehrtexte, gastronomische Texte, Patente, Patentansprüche, Immobilien; ENGLISH, GERMAN, ENGLISCH, DEUTSCH, RELIABLE, FAST, ALWAYS ON TIME, AFFORDABLE, DEUTSCHLAND, GERMANY, CERTIFIED TRANSLATOR, PROOFREADING, LEKTORAT, LEKTORATE, USA, SPAIN, SWITZERLAND, die SCHWEIZ, AUSTRIA, ÖSTERREICH, ENGLAND, GREAT BRITAIN, GROSSBRITANNIEN, Bauvertrag, Darlehensvertrag, Dienstvertrag, Kaufvertrag, Leihvertrag, Mietvertrag, Pachtvertrag, Schenkungsvertrag, Transportvertrag, Erlassvertrag, Abtretung, Schuldübernahme, Gesellschaftsvertrag, Gemeinschaftvertrag, Übereignung, Werklieferungsvertrag, Werkvertrag, Reisevertrag, Maklervertrag, Bürgschaftsvertrag, Ehevertrag, BGB, Collaboration Agreements, Confidentiality Agreements, Material Transfer Agreements, Consultancy/Supply of Service Agreements, Consortium Agreements, Teaming Agreements, Purchase Contracts, Hire Contracts, Employment Contracts, Private Consultancy Contracts, Licensing Contracts, Contracts for the provision of Education/Learning, Independent Consulting Agreement, Cooperative Agreement, Facilities Use Agreement, Gesetz zur Regelung des Rechts der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB-Gesetz), Arbeitsgerichtsgesetz (ArbGG), Beurkundungsgesetz (BeurkG), Durchführungsverordnung zum Bewertungsgesetz (BewDV), Bewertungsgesetz (BewG), Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (BGB), Bundesgebührenordnung für Rechtsanwälte (BRAGO), Betäubungsmittelgesetz (BtMG), Gesetz über das Bundesverfassungsgericht (Bundesverfassungsgerichtsgesetz - BVerfGG), Gesetz über das Zentralregister und das Erziehungsregister (Bundeszentralregistergesetz BZRG), Ehegesetz (EheG), Einkommensteuer-Durchführungsverordnung (EStDV), Gesetz zur Vereinheitlichung und Änderung familienrechtlicher Vorschriften (Familienrechtsänderungsgesetz - FamRAendG - FamRÄndG), Gesetz über die Angelegenheiten der freiwilligen Gerichtsbarkeit (FGG), Grundbuchordnung (GBO), Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland (GG), Gesetz betreffend die Gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbHG), Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz (GVG), Gewerbesteuer-Durchführungsverordnung (GewStDV), Gewerbesteuergesetz (GewStG), Gesetz über den Widerruf von Haustürgeschäften, Handelsgesetzbuch (HGB), Haftpflichtgesetz (HPflG), Jugendgerichtsgesetz (JGG), Kündigungsschutzgesetz (KSchG), Körperschaftsteuer-Durchführungsverordnung, Körperschaftsteuergesetz (KStG), Lohnsteuer-Durchführungsverordnung (LStDV), Gesetz zur Regelung der Miethöhe (MHG), Gesetz über Ordnungswidrigkeiten (OWiG), Gesetz über die Haftung für fehlerhafte Produkte (Produkthaftungsgesetz - ProdHaftG), Gesetz über Preisnachlässe (Rabattgesetz) (RabattG), Scheckgesetz (ScheckG), Solidaritätszuschlagsgesetz (SolZG), Strafgesetzbuch (StGB), Strafprozeßordnung (StPO), Straßenverkehrsgesetz (StVG), Straßenverkehrs-Ordnung (StVO), Umwelthaftgesetz (UmweltHG), Gesetz über Urheberrecht und verwandteSchutzrechte (Urheberrechtsgesetz - UrhG), Umsatzsteuergesetz (UStG), Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb (UWG), Verbraucherkreditgesetz (VerbrKrG), Gesetz über das Verlagsrecht (VerlG), Vermögensteuergesetz (VStG), Vermögensteuerrichtlinien (VStR), Gesetz über den Versicherungsvertrag (VVG), Verwaltungsgerichtsordnung (VwGO), Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz (VwVfG), Gesetz über das Wohnungseigentum und das Dauerwohnrecht (WEG), Gesetz zur Regelung der Wohnungsvermittlung (WoVermittG), Zivilprozeßordnung (ZPO), Appropriation Act, Armed Forces Discipline Act, Child Support, Pensions and Social Security Act, Finance Act, Financial Services and Markets Act, Freedom of Information Act, Insolvency Act, Limited Liability Partnerships Act, Nuclear Safeguards Act, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act, Employment Act, Abfindungsguthaben, Abgeschlossenheitsbescheinigung, Abhängigkeitsverhältnis, Abhörverbot, Ablehnung von Gerichtspersonen, Ablieferung, Abmahnung, Abmarkung, Abschlagszahlung, Abschlussvollmacht, Abtretung, Abwesenheitspflegschaft, Abwesenheitsverfahren, Änderungskündigung, Affektzustand, Agenturvertrag, Akkordarbeit, Aktenlageentscheidung, Alibi, Alimente, Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen, Amtsanmassung, Amtsarzt, Anatomievertrag, Anbieterkennzeichnung, Anderkonto, Anerkenntnis, Anfangsverdacht, Angeklagter, Angeschuldigter, Angriffsmittel, Anhängigkeit, Ankauf gestohlener Sachen, Anklageschrift, Anleitung zu Straftaten, Anlieger, Anmeldepflicht von Betrieben, Anonyme Geburt, Anonyme Gesellschaften, Anschlussberufung, Anschlusspfändung, Anstiftung, Arbeiterrentenversicherung, Arbeitgeber, Arbeitgeberanteil, Arbeitnehmer-Sparzulage, Arbeitnehmer, Arbeitnehmer - Pauschbetrag, Arbeitslosengeld, Arbeitslosenhilfe, Arbeitsrecht, Arbeitsschutz, Arbeitsverweigerung, Arglistige Täuschung, Artikel, Arztregister, Assessor, Aufenthaltsgenehmigung, Ausfertigung einer Urkunde, Außergerichtliche Kosten, Ausspähen von Daten, Aussperrung, Austauschpfändung, Bande, Bankakzept, Bankgeschäfte, Bankrott, Bargebot, Barkauf, Barscheck, Basiszinssatz, Bedarfsgemeinschaft, Beförderungsvertrag, Befreite Vormundschaft, Begehungsdelikt, Beistand, Beitragsbemessungsgrenze, Beleidigung, Berliner Testament, Berufung, Bescheid, Beschluss, Beschränkte persönliche Dienstbarkeit, Beschuldigter, Besitz, Besitzschutz, Bestandsverzeichnis, Betriebseinnahmen, Bewährungshelfer, Beweislast, Bilanz, Buchführung, Bundesarbeitsgericht, Bundesfernstraßen, Bundesgerichtshof, Datenschutz, Dauerauftrag, Dauerdelikt, Dauerschuldverhältnis, Deckungshypothek, Deckungsverhältnis, Deklaratorische Wirkung, Delikt, Deliktsfähigkeit, Devisen, Diebstahl, Dienstaufsichtsbeschwerde, Dinglicher Anspruch, Diskont, Duldungsbescheid, Duldungstitel, Effekte, Effektivklausel, Ehebruch, Ehefähigkeit, Eidesformel, Einheitsstrafe, Einzelrichter, Empfangsbekenntnis, Endpreis, Enterbung, Erbanfall, Erbe, Erbfall, Erbfolge, Erblasser, Erbschaft, Erbschaftskauf, Erbteil, Erbunwürdigkeit, Erbverzicht, Ersatzerbe, Factoringvertrag, Fahrerlaubnis, Fahrtenschreiber, Fahruntüchtigkeit, Fahrverbot, Fahrzeugbrief, Familiengericht, Familienrecht, Familiensachen, Firma, Fixgeschäft, Flurstück, Fortgesetzte Gütergemeinschaft, Garantenstellung, Geburtenbuch, Gefängnis, Gegenseitiger Vertrag, Gegenstandswert, Gekreuzter Scheck, Geldbuße, Gemeinschaftliches Testament, Gerichtskosten, Gerichtsstand, Gerichtsvollzieher, Geringfügiges Beschäftigungsverhältnis, Girogeschäft, Girovertrag, Gläubiger, Glaubhaftmachung, Grundbuch, Haftbefehl, Haftpflichtversicherung, Haftung, Halterhaftung, Handelsgeschäft, Handelsgesellschaft, Handelsgewerbe, Handelskauf, Handelsregister, Handelsvertreter, Handlungsvollmacht, Hauptsache, Hauptsacheklage, Hauptverhandlung, Hausfriedensbruch, Heranwachsende, Herausgabe, Herstellungsklage, Hypothekenregister, Kahlpfändung, Kasse gegen Dokumente, Kasse gegen Faktura, Kauf, Kaufmann, Kauf auf Probe, Kauf nach Probe, Kausalgeschäft, Kautionswechsel, Kilometerpauschale, Kinderzulage, Klageänderung, Klagearten, Klagenverbindung, Kommanditgesellschaft, Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, Konditionsgeschäft, Konzession, Kostenansatz, Kostenaufhebung, Kostenberechnung, Kostenentscheidung, Kostenrechnung, Kostentrennung, Kraftfahrzeug-Haftpflichtversicherung, Krankengeld, Kreuzverhör, Kriminalpolizei, Kurzarbeit, Ladendiebstahl, Ladung, Lärm, Landesarbeitsgericht, Landesversicherungsanstalt, Landgericht, Lastschriftverfahren, Lebensalter, Legalisation, Legalität, Leistungsklage, Leistungsort, Leistungszeit, Löschung, Lohnpfändung, Makler, Mandant, Manteltarifvertrag, Medizinischer Dienst der Krankenversicherung, Mehrarbeit, Meineid, Merchandising, Mietgericht, Mietkauf, Mietkaution, Mietverhältnis, Minderlieferung, Mindesturlaub, Mischehe, Mittäterschaft, Mittelbare Stellvertretung, Mitvermächtnis, Mobiliarzwangsvollstreckung, Mitgift, Mündliche Verhandlung, Mündlichkeitsgrundsatz, Muttergesellschaft, Mutterschaftshilfe, Nachbarrecht, Nachforderungsklage, Nachlassgericht, Nachlassverbindlichkeiten, Nachtarbeit, Nachverfahren, Nachvermächtnis, Namensrecht, Nebenforderung, Nichtehe, Nichtigkeitsklage, Nichtzulassungsbeschwerde, Nießbrauch, Nötigung, Notanwalt, Notfrist, Notfristzeugnis, Nottestament, Nutzungspfand, Nutzungswert, Oberlandesgericht, Objektives Verfahren, Obliegenheit, Obligatio, Obligation, Oderkonto, Öffentlicher Glaube, Offizialprinzip, Offizialverfahren, Opportunitätsprinzip, Ordentliche Gerichtsbarkeit, Orderpapiere, Ordnungswidrigkeit, Partei, Parteiänderung, Parteibeitritt, Parteibetrieb, Parteifähigkeit, Parteiprozess, Parteivernehmung, Parteiverrat, Partei kraft Amtes, Parzellierung, Passivlegitimation, Patentanwalt, Pauschalpreis, Pauschbetrag, Pfändungsgläubiger, Pfändungsschuldner, Pfandbrief, Pfandfreigabe, Pfandsiegel, Plädoyer, Provision, Prozessantrag, Prozessbetrug, Prozessfähigkeit, Prozessgericht, Prozesskosten, Prozessurteil, Prozessvergleich, Prozessvollmacht, Punktation, Rabatt, Raub, Rechtkraftzeugnis, Rechtsbehelf, Rechtsbehelfsbelehrung, Rechtsbeschwerde, Rechtsfähigkeit, Rechtshängigkeit, Rechtsmittel, Rechtsmittelbelehrung, Rechtsmittelschrift, Rechtsmittelverzicht, Rechtsprechung, Rechtsstreit, Rechtswidrigkeit, Rechtszug, Reisegepäckversicherung, Reisevertrag, Revisionsgericht, Richter, Rubrum, Rücklage, Rückzahlungsklausel, Ruhen des Verfahrens, Sachantrag, Sachbericht, Sachbeschädigung, Sachen, Sammelklage, Schadensversicherung, Scheck, Scheckbürge, Scheckprotest, Scheckprozess, Scheckregress, Scheidung, Schiedsgericht, Schiedsrichter, Schiedsrichtervertrag, Schlussurteil, Sofortige Beschwerde, Sonderausgaben, Sondernutzung, Sondervermögen, Sozialgericht, Stellvertretung, Strafantrag, Strafanzeige, Strafen, Strafkammer, Strafmündigkeit, Strafverfolgung, Täter, Tantieme, Tariffähigkeit, Tarifpartner, Taschengeldparagraph, Taschenpfändung, Tatbestand, Tateinheit, Tatgericht, Tatmehrheit, Tatort, Teilhypothek, Teilkaskoversicherung, Teilurteil, Tod, Todesstrafe, Tod der Prozesspartei, Tod des Angeklagten, Tod des Prozessbevollmächtigten, Überfall, Übergangsvorschriften, Überhang, Überladung, Überpfändung, Unfall, Unfallversicherungsträger, Urschrift, Urteilskopf, Vaterschaft, Vaterschaftsanerkennung, Verbindung von Sachen, Verbindung von Verfahren, Verbraucher, Verfahrensbeteiligte, Verfügungsgrundsatz, Verhandlungsgrundsatz, Verkehrsanwalt, Verkehrssünderkartei, Vermächtnis, Versicherungsbetrug, Versicherungsfall, Versicherungshypothek, Versicherungsmakler, Versicherungsnachweis, Versicherungsperiode, Versicherungsvertreter, Versuch, Verweisung, Verzichtsurteil, Vindikation, Volljährigkeit, Vollstreckbare Ausferigung, Vollstreckbare Urkunde, Vollstreckungsabwehrklage, Vollstreckungsanspruch, Vollstreckungsgericht, Vollstreckungsklausel, Vollurteil, Vorläufige Vollstreckbarkeit, Vorlegungsfrist, Vorlegung von Sachen, Vormerkung, Vormundschaftsgericht, Vorpfändung, Vorratspfändung, Vorsitzender Richter, Vorsorgepauschale, Vorsorgeunterhalt, Vorsorgeuntersuchungen, Vorweggenommene Erbfolge, Vorwegpfändung, Wechselklausel, Wechselmahnbescheid, Wechselprozess, Wechselzinsen, Widerklage, Zugewinnausgleich, Zuwiderhandlung, Zwangsvollstreckung, Zweckverband, Zweigniederlassung, abandonment, abatement, abstract of title, abuse, accessory, accomplice, accord and satisfaction, accumulation trust, acknowledgment, acquittal, act of God, act of nature, action, actual damages, ademption, administration, administrative expenses, administrator, administratrix, admissible evidence, admission, adopted child, adoption, adultery, adverse possession, affiant, affirmative action, affirmative defense, age of majority, agent, aggravate, aggravating circumstances, alimony, allegation, alternate beneficiary, annual meeting, annuity, annulment, anticipation, appeal, appellant, appellate court, appellee, appraisal, appraiser, appreciation, arbitration, arbitrator, arraignment, arrest, arrest warrant, articles of incorporation, assault, assessment benefits, assignee, assignment (of copyright), association, asylum, attestation, attorney fees, Attorney General, audit, augmented estate, authenticate, author, avails, avowal, bail, bail bond, bailiff, bankruptcy, bankruptcy trustee, bar examination, bench trial, beneficiary, bequeath, bequest, best evidence rule, best interests (of the child), beyond a reasonable doubt, bifurcate, board of directors, bond, booking, border patrol, breach of contract, bulk sales law, burden of proof, burglary, business records exception, capital gains, capital punishment, capitalized interest, caption, cash surrender value, cause of action, certification mark, certification of trust, certified copy, challenge for cause, chambers, charge, charitable trust, child support, circuit court, circumstantial evidence, civil case, civil procedure, Civil Rights Act, clear and present danger, close corporation, closing argument, co-tenants, codicil, collateral estoppel, collection agency, collective work, collision damage waiver, collision insurance coverage, collusion, comfort care, commercial frustration, common law marriage, community property, comparable rectitude, competent evidence, compilation, complaint, comprehensive insurance coverage, condemnation, conditions of carriage, condonation, confidential communication, confinement in prison, conformed copy, connivance, consanguinity, consortium, constructive eviction, Consumer Leasing Act, consummation, contempt, contempt of court, contest, contingency, contingency fee, contingent beneficiary, continuance, contraband, conviction, cooperative insurance, copyright, copyright notice, Copyright Office, copyright owner, copyright registration, corporate resolution, corporation, corpus delecti, cosigner, cost basis, counterclaim, counteroffer, County Attorney, court costs, court order, covenants, conditions & restrictions (CC&Rs), credit bureau, credit counseling, credit file, credit insurance, credit report, credit shelter trust, creditor, crime against nature, criminal case, criminal complaint, criminal insanity, criminal law, cross-claim, cross-complaint, cross-examination, cross-licensing, cruelty, curator, current monthly income, curtesy, custodial interference, custodian, custody (of a child), damages, death taxes, debenture, debit card, debt collector, debtor, decedent, decision, declaration under penalty of perjury, declaratory judgment, deductible, deduction, deed of trust, defamation, default, default divorce, default judgment, defeasance, defendant, defined benefit plan, defined contribution plan, deponent, deportation, deposition, derivative work, descriptive mark, desertion, design patent, devise, devisee, digital signature, dilution, direct examination, directed verdict, director, disability benefits, discharge (of debts), dischargeable debts, disclaim, disclaimer, disclosure, disposable income, dispute, dissolution, distributee, District Attorney (D.A.), district court, diversity jurisdiction, dividend, divorce, divorce agreement, doctrine of equivalents, dominant tenement, donation, donee, donor, dower and curtesy, durable power of attorney, easement by prescription, eavesdropping, effluxion of time, egress, elective share, Electronic Funds Transfer Act, electronic signature, electronic surveillance, electronic ticket, elements (of a crime), emancipation, emergency protective order, encroachment, endowment insurance, entity, equitable distribution, estate planning, estate taxes, eviction, evidence, evidentiary, exclusionary rule, exclusive license, exculpatory clause, executive privilege, executor, executrix, exemplary damages, exempt property, exemption trust, express warranty, expropriation, extended warranty contracts, failure of consideration, failure of issue, Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA), Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), false arrest, false imprisonment, family court, fault divorce, federal court, felony, fictitious business name, fictitious name, filing fee, final beneficiary, financial guardian, finder's fee, fixed rate mortgage, forbearance, forced share, foreclosure, foreign divorce, forfeiture, fraud, fraudulent transfer, funding a trust, future interest, garnishment, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), general damages, general partner, general power of attorney, gift taxes, golden rule argument, grace period, grand jury, grandfather clause, grant deed, grantor, grantor retained income trust, green card, gross estate, gross lease, grounds for divorce, group life or group health insurance, guaranteed reservation, guarantor, guaranty, guardian, guardian of the estate, guardianship, harassment, health benefits, health care directives, hearing, hearsay rule, heir, hold harmless, holographic will, home warranty, homestead declaration, homicide, Housing and Urban Development (HUD), illegal, illicit, illusory promise, immigrant visa, Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), impeach, implied warranty, implied warranty of habitability, imprison, inadmissible evidence, incapacity, incidents of ownership, incompatibility, incompetence, incompetency, incurable insanity, indecent exposure, independent contractor, indispensable party, informed consent, infraction, infringement (of copyright), infringement (of patent), infringement (of trademark), ingress, inherit, inheritance taxes, inheritors, injunction, injunctive relief, inlining, intangible property, integrated pension plan, intellectual property (IP) law, intent-to-use application, intentional tort, interference, interlocutory decree, Internet service provider (ISP), interrogation, interrogatory, intestate, intestate succession, inure, inventory, invest, investor, invitee, irreconcilable differences, irremediable or irretrievable breakdown, irresistible, impulse test, irrevocable trust, issue, joint custody, joint tenancy, judgment, judgment notwithstanding the verdict (JNOV), jurisdiction, jurisdictional amount, juror, jury, jury nullification, justice system, labor certification, landlord, lapse, larceny, lawful issue, lease, lease option, legacy, legal action, legal custody, legal papers, legal risk placement, legislative immunity, liability, liability insurance coverage, liable, license (of invention, copyright or trademark), lien, life beneficiary, life insurance, life insurance avails, life tenant, limited equity housing, limited liability, limited liability company (LLC), limited liability partnership (LLP), limited partnership, limited personal liability, limited power of attorney, lineal descendants, liquid assets, liquidating partner, litigation, living trust, living will, loan broker, loan consolidation, loss damage waiver (LDW), majority, malfeasance, malpractice, mandamus, mandatory, mandatory injunction, marital deduction, marital life estate trust, marital property, Marital Settlement Agreement, Marital Termination Agreement, marriage, marriage certificate, marriage license, martial, misconduct, mechanic's lien, median family income, mediation, mediator, Medicaid, Medicare, meeting of creditors, memorandum, memorandum decision, mineral rights, minimum contacts, misdemeanor, misfeasance, misrepresentation, mistrial, misunderstanding, month-to-month tenancy, moral rights, natural person, naturalization, negative amortization, negative pregnant, negotiable instrument, net earnings, net estate, net lease, net taxable estate, no-fault insurance, nominal damages, noncompete, noncompetition agreement, nondischargeable debts, nondisclosure agreement, nonexempt property, nonimmigrant, nonimmigrant visa, nonobviousness, nonprobate, nonprofit corporation, nonrefundable ticket, nontransferable ticket, notarize, notary public, novation, novelty, nuisance, nuisance fees, oath of office, offensive collateral estoppel, offer, offer of proof, officer, offset, one-year rule, open adoption, opening statement, order to show cause, ordinance, original work of authorship, overbooking, own recognizance (OR), owners' agreement, palimony, par value, partnership, patent, Patent and Trademark Office (PTO), patent claim, patent deed, patent drawing, patent pending, patent search, paternity suit, pay-on-death (POD) designation, pension, per capita, permanent resident, personal injury, personal injury recovery, personal property, personal representative, petition, petitioner, plagiarism, plaintiff, plant patent, plea, power of appointment, precedent, preference, preliminary injunction, premarital agreement, prenuptial agreement, presumed abuse, presumption of innocence, pretermitted heir, prior art, priority debt, private mortgage insurance (PMI), privileged communication, probate court, proceeds for damaged exempt property, professional corporation, promissory estoppel, prosecute, Prosecuting Attorney, prosecutor, proving a will, provisional patent application (PPA), provocation, reaffirmation, real estate agent, real estate broker, real property, recording, recusal, redaction, redemption, reformation, refugee, removal, rent control, replacement value, replevin, repossession, request for admission, request to admit, residuary beneficiary, residuary estate, residue, respondent, response, responsive pleadings, restraining order, restraint on alienation, retainer, retirement benefits, right of representation, right to cancel (a contract), rule against perpetuities, rule of doubt, search warrant, secondary meaning, secret warranty program, secured debt, security deposit, seizure, self-defense, self-incrimination, self-proving will, sentence, servient tenement, setback, settlor, severability clause, severance pay, sexual harassment, shared custody, shared equity mortgage, shareholder, shareholders' agreement, short sale (of house), sick leave, sickness benefits, slander, small claims court, small entity, Social Security, sole custody, sole proprietorship, sound recording copyright, special administrator, special damages, special power of attorney, specific bequest, specific intent, specific performance, specification, spendthrift trust, spite fence, split custody, sponsor, spousal support, springing durable power of attorney, sprinkling trust, stare decisis, state court, State's Attorney, status (immigration), statute, statute of limitations, statutory damages, statutory share, statutory, subject matter, stepchild, stepparent adoption, stipulated insurance, stirpes, sublease, subpoena, subrogation, substituted service, substitution of parties, succession, summary adjudication of issues, summary judgment, summary probate, summons, superior court, Supreme Court, survivors benefits, taking against the will, tangible personal property, tax basis, temporary restraining order (TRO), tenancy by the entirety, tenancy in common, tenant, tender offer, testamentary disposition, testamentary trust, testate, testator, testify, third degree instruction, title company, title insurance, tort, tortious interference, trade dress, trade name, trade secret, trademark, trademark ownership, trademark registration, trademark search, trust merger, trustee, trustee powers, trustor, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, unconscionability, uncontested divorce, undercapitalization, underwriter, undue hardship, unemployment insurance (UI), unfair competition, Uniform Gifts to Minors Act, Uniform Resource Locator (URL), Uniform Transfer-on-Death Security Act, Uniform Transfers to Minors Act, uninsured motorist coverage, United States Attorney, unjust enrichment, unlawful, unlawful detainer, unsecured debt, use tax, usefulness, usufruct, utility patent, variance, veniremen, venue, vertical privity, vested remainder, view ordinance, visa waiver program, visitation rights, warrant, warranty, warranty adjustment program, warranty deed, warranty of fitness, warranty of merchantability, wash sale, will, willful tort, wiretapping, with prejudice, witness, witnesseth, words of procreation . See less . Este perfil ha recibido 282 visitas durante el mes pasado, de un total de 231 visitantes Última actualización del perfil Nov 14, 2024