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francés al inglés: French legal example General field: Jurídico/Patentes Detailed field: Derecho: contrato(s)
Texto de origen - francés 1.2 Obligations du Sous-traitant
1.2.1 Obligations générales
Le Sous-traitant a l’obligation de désigner pour ce Contrat un représentant habilité à prendre toutes dispositions et décisions relatives à la marche des travaux, en particulier au cours des différentes réunions.
Le Sous-traitant a l’obligation d’informer l’Entrepreneur Principal de tout changement qui pourrait survenir dans son statut, ou son organisation, ou qui concernerait les membres de son personnel affectés à l’exécution de ce Contrat.
1.2.2 Obligations particulières
Le Sous-traitant déclare se soumettre aux charges et obligations imposées à l’Entrepreneur Principal au titre du Marché Principal en ce qu’elles se rapportent aux travaux objet du présent Contrat.
Il se soumet également, pour la partie qui le concerne, aux instructions recommandations, et contrôle du Maître de l’Ouvrage, du Maître d’Oeuvre, ou de l’Entrepreneur Principal.
Tout ordre de service émanant du Maître d’œuvre et/ou du Maître d’ouvrage est de plein droit exécutable par le Sous-traitant après transmission par l’Entrepreneur Principal.
Lorsque le Sous-traitant estime que les mesures prescrites dépassent les obligations du présent contrat de sous-traitance, il doit, à peine de forclusion, présenter à l’Entrepreneur Principal sa réclamation dûment motivée dans un délai de huit jours par lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception ou par lettre remise contre récépissé, sans qu’il puisse pour autant en suspendre l’exécution.
Les comptes rendus de réunions de chantier seront réputés acceptés dans toutes leurs dispositions à défaut d'observations ou de contestations émises dans les mêmes formes et délais.
Les réclamations, observations ou contestations du Sous-traitant ne suspendent pas l'exécution des mesures prescrites, à moins qu'il n'en soit autrement décidé par l’Entrepreneur Principal.
Le Sous-traitant s’engage également à respecter les charges et obligations du présent Contrat de Sous-traitance. Les Présentes Conditions Générales s’imposent aux parties dès lors qu’il n’y est pas dérogé par l’une des dispositions des Conditions Particulières.
Le Sous-traitant déclare se soumettre aux obligations légales et réglementaires en vigueur sur le chantier.
Le Sous-traitant supportera seul les préjudices de toute nature qu’il pourrait occasionner à l’Entrepreneur Principal, à ses Co-traitants ou sous-traitants, au Maître d’ouvrage ou à des tiers, notamment par suite d’un manquement aux obligations du Marché Principal et du présent Contrat de Sous-traitance.
Le Sous-traitant assume la responsabilité pleine et entière des équipements objet du présent contrat, non seulement au titre de leur fourniture, de leur montage et de leur mise en service, mais également des études nécessaires à leur parfaite conception et réalisation, à leur bonne tenue et à leur bon fonctionnement; dès lors, la transmission par l’Entrepreneur Principal des éléments visés à l'article 5.1.2 ci-avant ne saurait en aucun cas limiter ou diminuer cette responsabilité, le Sous-traitant devant s'assurer de leur compatibilité avec les fournitures et prestations qui lui sont confiées; de même, l'approbation ou le contrôle de ses notes de calcul, plans, schémas, dessins, etc., ne sauraient en aucun cas atténuer sa responsabilité.
Le Sous-traitant reconnaît avoir pris en temps utile connaissance de tous les éléments nécessaires à la parfaite compréhension, des fournitures, travaux et prestations qui lui sont confiés, ainsi qu'à leur réalisation, leur achèvement, leur bonne tenue et leur bon fonctionnement conformément aux dispositions du Marché Principal, y compris en ce qui concerne les fournitures et prestations non décrites parce qu'accessoires ou implicites, ou parce que faisant partie des règles de l'Art.
Le Sous-traitant reconnaît avoir pris connaissance des difficultés particulières du Contrat principal, et pris en compte les obligations de l’Entrepreneur Principal, en particulier dans le cas de maintien en service d’installations existantes, de mise en service partielle, etc.
Le Sous-traitant doit prendre toutes mesures et faire toutes diligences pour que l’Entrepreneur Principal puisse satisfaire en temps utile aux charges et obligations qui lui sont imposées par le Marché Principal. Le Sous-traitant doit notamment :
• fournir en temps utile à l’Entrepreneur Principal les pièces que celui-ci doit remettre au Maître de l’Ouvrage selon les conditions du Marché Principal, et notamment la déclaration légale d’ouverture du chantier,
• faire toutes observations qui lui apparaissent opportunes au regard des règles de son art sur les plans qui lui sont communiqués,
• si le présent Contrat est signé avant le Marché, donner à l’Entrepreneur Principal tous éléments et informations relevant de sa compétence professionnelle et permettant de traiter ledit Marché,
• aviser immédiatement par écrit l’Entrepreneur Principal des observations qui lui seraient directement adressées et s’interdire d’exécuter tout ordre qui lui serait donné directement par tout autre intervenant que l’Entrepreneur Principal,
• signaler par écrit à l’Entrepreneur Principal, dans un délai maximum de 5 jours à compter de leur survenance, tous les faits qui peuvent justifier une demande ou une réclamation, dans ce cas, le Sous-traitant appliquera la procédure de l’Article 9 des présentes Conditions Générales. A défaut de communication dans le délai précité, le Sous-traitant ne sera plus en droit de présenter une demande ou un recours fondé directement ou indirectement sur les faits dont il s’agit.
Sur demande de l’Entrepreneur Principal pendant la durée du présent Contrat, le Sous-traitant devra :
• fournir la justification de sa qualification professionnelle pour les travaux objet du présent Contrat,
• justifier qu’il a rempli ses obligations fiscales et sociales et fournir toutes attestations qui lui seraient demandées à ces sujets.
Traducción - inglés 1.1 Duties of the Subcontractor
1.1.1 General duties
It is the obligation of the Subcontractor to designate for this Contract a representative fit to make all decisions and stipulations relative to the progress of the works, in particular during various meetings.
It is the obligation of the Subcontractor to inform the Main Contractor of any change which may occur in his status, or his organisation or as regards members of his staff employed for the performance of this Contract.
1.1.2 Special duties
The Subcontractor declares himself subject to the charges and duties imposed on the Main Contractor under the Procurement Contract in so far as they relate to the works object of the present Contract.
He is also subject, for his part in the Contract, to the instructions, recommendations and inspection of the Client, of the Project Manager or of the Main Contractor.
All works instructions issued by the Project Manager and/or the Client are ipso jure executable by the subcontractor after he has received them from the Main Contractor.
When the Subcontractor considers that the measures specified exceed the duties of the present contract of subcontracting, he must, on pain of foreclosure, present to the Main Contractor his complaint duly set out with reasons within one week by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by letter delivered against receipt, without any right to suspend operations in this circumstance.
The Minutes of site meetings will be deemed to be accepted in all their provisions in default of comments or objections issued in due form and time limits.
The complaints, comments or disputes of the Subcontractor do not suspend performance of the actions specified, unless it has been otherwise decided by the Main Contractor.
The Subcontractor also undertakes to abide by the responsibilities and duties of the present Contract of Subcontracting. The Present General conditions are binding on the parties unless it is derogated by one of the Special conditions.
The Subcontractor declares himself bound by the legal and statutory duties in force on the site.
The Subcontractor alone will bear the costs of damages of any nature which he may cause to the Main Contractor, to his Fellow Contractors or subcontractors, to the Client or to a third parties, particularly as a consequence of a failure to comply with the duties of the Procurement Contract and in the present Contract of Subcontracting.
The Subcontractor assumes full and entire responsibility for the equipment, object of the present Contract, not only as regards provision, mounting and commissioning, but also for the design specifications necessary to its perfect conception and making, for its good running and good functioning; consequently, communication by the Main Contractor of the elements detailed in article 5.1.2 above will in no way limit or reduce this liability, the Subcontractor having to ensure its compatibility with the supplies and services which are entrusted to him; similarly, the approval or inspection of his calculation notes, plans, diagrams, drawings etc., will in no way diminish his responsibility.
The Subcontractor acknowledges having taken cognizance in due time of all elements necessary to a complete understanding, of the supplies, works and services which are entrusted to him, as well as their making, their completion, their good running and good functioning in conformity with the provisions of the Procurement Contract, including with regard to supplies and services not described, because they are ancillary or implicit or because they constitute good engineering practice.
The Subcontractor acknowledges having taken cognizance of particular difficulties of the Main Contract, and having taken into account the duties of the Main Contractor, in particular in the case of maintenance in service of existing installations, of partial commissioning, etc.
The Subcontractor must take all measures and take all due care so that the Main Contractor can in due time satisfy the liabilities and duties which are imposed on him by the Procurement Contract. The Subcontractor must in particular:
• supply to the Main Contractor in due time the documents which the latter must submit to the Client in accordance with the conditions of the Procurement Contract, and in particular the legal declaration of the opening of the site,
• make all comments which seem appropriate to him with regard to good engineering practice on the plans which are communicated to him,
• if the present Contract is signed before the Procurement Contract, give to the Main Contractor all relevant elements and information about his professional competence and permitting him to undertake the said Contract.
• advise immediately in writing the Main Contractor of any comments directly addressed to him and to refrain from carrying out any order which may be given to him by any intervener other than the Main Contractor,
• inform the Main Contractor in writing; within a minimum of 5 days from their occurrence, of all facts which could justify an action or a complaint, in this case the Subcontractor will apply the procedure in Article 9 of the present General Conditions. In default of communication in the aforementioned time limit, the Subcontractor will no longer have the right in law to bring an action or an appeal based directly or indirectly on the facts at issue.
When required by the Main Contractor during the life of the present Contract, the Subcontractor must:
• provide evidence of his professional qualification for the works which are the object of the present Contract,
• to provide evidence that he has fulfilled his fiscal and social security duties and to provide any certificates of accreditation which may be required of him in these matters.
The Subcontractor undertakes to provide to the Main Contractor all the information and documents necessary for the preparation and production of the entirety of the works, such as are listed in the Special Conditions.
He must in addition:
• provide complete information about the personnel and the materiel employed in the production of the works forming the object of the present Contract,
• facilitate the inspection of arrangements made outside the site for the supply of materiel or materials,
• render account of all constraints relevant to the organisation of the site and the performance of the works,
• report in writing difficulties which he encounters or send in due time the complaints concerning coordination,
alemán al inglés: German legal example General field: Jurídico/Patentes Detailed field: Derecho: contrato(s)
Texto de origen - alemán § 1 Gegenstand der Kooperation
Der AN wird ab dem XXXX 2006 im Auftrage des AG alle für die Erkundung und Durchdringung des italienischen Marktes zweckdienlichen Maßnahmen ergreifen. Ziel dieser Tätigkeit ist die Analyse und Schaffung eines italienischen Marktes für Marktberatungsmaßnahmen der xxxx, insbesondere auch in Gestalt von Multi-Client-Studien.
AN wird die in geeigneter Weise angesprochenen, potentiellen Kunden über den Gegenstand der Tätigkeit des AG fachlich korrekt informieren und beraten.
Der AN wird die Ergebnisse seiner Tätigkeit in regelmäßigen Berichten an den AG zusammenfassen. Darin sind die angesprochenen Kunden, die als potentielle Abnehmer in Frage kommen, unter Angabe von Kontaktadressen zu benennen. Alle von potentiellen Kunden herrührenden Anfragen etc. wird der AN an den AG weiterleiten.
Über die konkreten für die Zwecke der Vertragserfüllung zu ergreifenden Maßnahmen entscheidet im Rahmen der vom AG gesetzten Zielvorgaben der AN in voller kaufmännischer Autonomie. AN ist an keine Arbeitszeiten gebunden; auch der Ort seiner Tätigkeit wird vom AN frei gewählt.
§ 2 Modalitäten des Tätigwerdens des AN
Im Rahmen der für die Zwecke der Erfüllung dieses Vertrages durchgeführten Tätigkeiten ist der AN berechtigt und verpflichtet, für seinen gesamten Außenauftritt die Marke xxxx zu verwenden, insbesondere auf Briefpapier und Visitenkarten.
Der AN verpflichtet sich, für die Zwecke der Erfüllung der ihm vertraglich obliegenden Aufgaben auf eigene Kosten eine ausschließlich XXXXXX gewidmete Telefon- und Faxverbindung bereit zu stellen. Auch bei der Nutzung der Telefon- und Faxverbindung hat der AN die Marke XXXXXX zu verwenden (z.B. im Rahmen der Einrichtung der Faxkennung und des Anrufbeantworters etc.).
Nach Vertragbeendigung wird der AN die Nutzung der Marke des AG sofort einstellen.
Rechtsgeschäftliche Vertretungsmacht wird dem AN nicht eingeräumt.
Traducción - inglés § 1 Article of Cooperation
The contractor will from xxxxx 2006 on behalf of the principal take appropriate measures to research and penetrate the Italian market. The object of this business is the analysis and creation of an Italian market for market consultancy services from xxxxx, more particularly in the shape of multi-client studies.
The contractor will use his professional and technical expertise to inform and advise potential customers, whom he will contact in an appropriate manner, about the object of the principal's business.
The contractor will send regular reports to the principal summarising the results of his business. In these the customers who have been contacted and who can be considered potential buyers are to be listed, together with their contact details. All enquiries etc. emanating from potential customers will be passed on by the contractor to the principal.
For the purposes of fulfilment of this contract, the contractor will have full commercial autonomy to take decisions affecting the methods used, within the parameters set by the principal. The contractor is not bound to observe specific hours of business. The contractor is also free to choose the place of business.
§ 2 Conditions of the contractor’s powers
In the context of the business carried out in fulfilment of this contract the contractor is entitled and obliged in his dealings with third parties, to use the brand name xxxxx, in particular on stationery and business cards.
The contractor undertakes, in the fulfilment of the contractual obligations incumbent on him, to provide at his own expense a telephone and fax connection devoted exclusively to XXXXX. In all telephone and fax communications the contractor is also to use the brand name XXXXXX (e.g. the fax identification and answer phone are to be installed under the brand name XXXXXX etc.).
After expiry of the contract the contractor will immediately cease to use the principal's brand name.
In legal transactions the contractor is not empowered to act as the principal's representative.
francés al inglés: Extracts from scientific magazine General field: Ciencias Detailed field: Geología
Texto de origen - francés Ces pas ont 345 000 ans
C’est désormais établi : les plus anciennes empreintes connues de pieds humains, laissées dans les cendres encore fraiches du volcan Roccamonfina (sud de l’Italie) remontent à 345 000 ans.
Ces 56 traces de 20cm de long et de 10 de large, surnommés « les pas du diable », avaient été découvertes en 2003.
Leur datation, réalisée au Laboratoire des sciences et du climat et de l’environnement de Gif-sur-Yvette, grâce à la mesure des isotopes de l’argon contenus dans la roche volcanique, vient de livrer ce chiffre, précis à 6 000 ans près.
Les hominidés qui les ont laissées devaient être des représentants d’Homo heidelbergensis, espèce qui a suivi Homo erectus après sa sortie d’Afrique et qui a précédé Homo neandertalensis et Homo sapiens.
Ils étaient bipèdes, mesuraient environ 1,35 m, et devaient fuir une éruption qui s’annonçait, car leurs empreintes ont été recouvertes par une couche de lave qui les a figées.
Notre étoile n’est pas tout à fait ronde.
Grace aux données recueillies par le satellite Rhessi, Martin Fivian, de l’université de Berkeley, a calculé que le diamètre du Soleil est plus court de 12 km selon l’axe polaire que dans le plan équatorial. Soit 0,001% de différence !
Comme pour la Terre, la force centrifuge, due à la rotation du Soleil sur lui-même y est sans doute pour quelque chose. Mais c’est surtout son champ magnétique, qui, en agissant sur la pression du gaz en fusion, déformerait notre étoile.
Extraits de Science et Vie, décembre 2008
Traducción - inglés These footsteps are 345,000 years old
It has now been confirmed: the oldest known prints of human feet, left in the ash of the Roccamonfina volcano (south of Italy) while the ash was still fresh, are 345,000 years old.
These 56 tracks, 20 cm long and 10 cm wide, nicknamed “the devil’s footsteps”, were first discovered in 2003.
Scientists at the Laboratory of sciences, the climate and the environment of Gif-sur-Yvette, using techniques, which measure the argon isotopes contained in the volcanic rock, have just dated them to this figure, accurate to within about 6,000 years, .
The hominids who left them must have been representatives of Homo heidelbergensis, the species which succeeded Homo erectus after his exit from Africa and which preceded Homo neandertalensis and Homo sapiens.
They were bipedal, about 1.35 m tall, and must have been fleeing an eruption which was threatening, for their footprints were covered by a layer of lava which has solidified them.
Our star is not completely round
Thanks to the data collected by the Rhessi satellite, Martin Fivian, from the University of Berkeley, has calculated that the diameter of the Sun is 12 km shorter along its polar axis than across its equatorial plane. That is to say a difference of 0.001% !
Like the Earth, the Sun has a centrifugal force, caused by its rotation on its axis, which is really quite considerable. But its magnetic field, acting on the pressure of the gas in the fusion processes, is considered the main cause of the deformation of our star.
Extracts from Science et Vie, December 2008
español al inglés: Extract from Museum catalogue General field: Ciencias Detailed field: Geología
Texto de origen - español Otros elementos y colecciones
En la planta baja del Museo se exponen tres vitrinas (72 – 74) con muestras fósiles y minerales consideradas especiales, ya sea por su espectacularidad o por su excelente edad de conservación.
Entre los minerales destacan: el conjunto de cristales de yeso de Fuentes de Ebro (Zaragoza), el magnífico ejemplar de pirita de Lucainena de las Torres (Almería), el cristal de color rojo intenso de elbaíta (rubelita) del alto Lingonha (Mozambique) y, por último, el mayor cristal de vivianita extraído en la unión (Murcia).
Entre los fósiles son relevantes la colección de trilobites de localidades famosas, una salamandra miocena con la impresión de los tejidos blandos, procedente de Ribesalbes (Castellón), que muestra un excelente grado de conservación de las estructuras esqueléticas.
La parte central de esta planta está ocupada por una vitrina con una excepcional muestra de pirita del yacimiento más importante de esta especie mineral a nivel mundial, como es el Navajún (La Rioja) y por un montaje de gran tamaño que reproduce la excavación de los restos del mastodonte Anancus arvernensis en el yacimiento plioceno de Las Higueruelas (Alcolea de Calatrava, Ciudad Real).
En las esquinas de la planta principal se presentan cuatro vitrinas temáticas (79 -82) en las que exponen aspectos generales sobre los Minerales ornamentales y Gemas, El ámbar y los fósiles, las Propiedades físicas de los minerales y los Sistemas cristalográficos.
Extraído de la Guida del Museo Geominero, Madrid
Traducción - inglés Other elements and collections
On the ground floor of the Museum fossils and minerals considered special, either for their spectacular appearance or for their excellent state of preservation are exhibited in three display cases (72-74).
Among the minerals worthy of note are the assemblage of crystals of gypsum, from Fuentes de Ebro (Zaragoza), the magnificent example of pyrites from Lucainena de las Torres (Almería), the vibrant red crystal of elbaite, (rubelite), from the high Lingonha (Mozambique) and, lastly, the largest crystal of vivianite extracted in Spain (Murcia).
Among the fossils of special interest are the collection of trilobites from famous localities and a salamander from the Miocene with the traces of soft tissues from Ribesalbes (Castellón), the skeletal structures of which are in an excellent state of preservation.
A display case with an exceptional specimen of pyrites from the most important site in the world, the Navajún (La Rioja) and by a large scale montage which represents the excavation of the remains of the mastodon Anancus arvernensis in the Pliocene deposits of Las Higueruelas (Alcolea de Calatrava, Ciudad Real) occupies the central area on this floor.
In the corners of the main floor four themed display cases (79-82) contain exhibitions on Ornamental Minerals and Gems, Amber and Fossils, The Physical Properties of Minerals and Crystallographic Systems.
Extract from the guidebook of the Museo Geominero, Madrid
español al inglés: Spanish legal example General field: Jurídico/Patentes Detailed field: Derecho: contrato(s)
Texto de origen - español 1.1 Contrato de Servicio
Los servicios descritos se contratarán por un período obligatorio de 60 (sesenta) meses contados a partir de la fecha del fallo de la licitación. La definición de la programación, implementación, desarrollo y operación de los servicios se establecen en secciones posteriores de este documento. Al finalizar el periodo obligatorio, el SAT tendrá la posibilidad de optar por alguno de tres mecanismos para garantizar su continuidad operativa:
1) La renovación del contrato objeto de esta licitación.
2) La renovación del contrato objeto de esta licitación, con opción de efectuar la compra de los componentes habilitadores a valor residual.
3) La apertura de un nuevo concurso con servicios similares.
El Proveedor XXXXX deberá tomar en cuenta, para fines de su propuesta económica, la vida útil de la infraestructura que pondrá a disposición del SAT para la entrega de los servicios, reflejándola en la medida de lo posible, en beneficios financieros al ofertar los servicios, si dicha vida útil de algunos componentes fuese mayor a la duración del proyecto.
La asignación de los servicios será a un solo proveedor en partida única.
1.2 Situación Actual
El proceso de negocio actual, descrito de manera general, inicia cuando los importadores/exportadores requieren de hacer la importación/exportación/tránsito de mercancías hacia/desde/por México y realizan los trámites para conseguir las licencias/permisos/autorizaciones ante las autoridades correspondientes.
En procedimientos relacionados con Comercio Exterior, tanto de industria privada como del gobierno, encontramos las siguientes cifras:
• Aproximadamente 30 actores involucrados (Agentes navieros, Agentes Aduanales, Exportadores, Importadores, etc.)
• Aproximadamente 40 diferentes documentos utilizados durante la cadena de suministro, restricciones y regulaciones no arancelarias, aduanas, entre otros.
• Aproximadamente 200 diferentes datos de información, de los cuales entre el 60 y el 70 % son capturados en más de una ocasión en las diferentes dependencias (RFC, Folio, Vigencias, País de Procedencia, etc.)
• Existen 35 regulaciones y restricciones no arancelarias, conforme al Anexo 22 de las Reglas de Carácter General en Materia de Comercio Exterior.
• Se han desarrollado sistemas para tener Intercambio Electrónico entre Aduanas y la Secretaría de Economía (SE), Secretaría de Agricultura , Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación (SAGARPA), Secretaría de Salud(SS), Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional (SEDENA) y Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT).
• Se tienen identificados cerca de 162 trámites con 310 modalidades que están relacionados con operaciones de importación, exportación y transito de mercancía en el país.
• En el padrón existen 767 Agentes Aduanales y 670 Apoderados Aduanales activos.
• El padrón de importadores activos es de 55,535.
• Se emiten cerca de 37,853 permisos para exportar por todas las dependencias involucradas.
• Se emiten cerca de 1, 133, 349 permisos para importar por todas las dependencias involucradas.
• En el año se tramitan 7.5 millones de pedimentos normales y 6.5 millones de remesas de consolidado.
• En promedio cada Agente Aduanal y/o Apoderado Aduanal elabora mensualmente 811 pedimentos.
• Cada pedimento, en promedio cuenta con 7 hojas anexas que se envían a Aduanas.
• Además, cada pedimento cuenta con 7 hojas anexas que son de uso exclusivo entre el Importador y el Agente y/o Apoderado Aduanal (facturas, comprobantes, papeles de trabajo, etc.)
• El archivo del Importador se compone de su pedimento y 7 anexos.
• El archivo del Agente y/o Apoderado Aduanal se compone de su pedimento y 14 anexos
• Se anexan al pedimento entre 7 y 14 hojas en promedio, las cuales tienen que ver con el cumplimiento de las regulaciones y restricciones arancelarias que en ocasiones son extraviadas en las plataformas de revisión de las aduanas de nuestro país.
• En la Administración General de Aduanas para realizar la entrega de copias certificadas de pedimentos, se necesita de 1 hr a 90 días hábiles (dependiendo del número de pedimentos solicitados).
• Para la certificación, el proceso puede llevarse de una hora a 3 días hábiles (dependiendo del número de pedimentos solicitados).
• Los pedimentos no son almacenados bajo normas de seguridad adecuadas debido a que existen pedimentos mojados, mordidos, arrugados, etc. No obstante no se cuenta con medidas preventivas en caso de un desastre.
• Las condiciones de trabajo no son las adecuadas en el almacén, generando gastos adicionales, como por ejemplo mascarillas, respiradores, etc.
• El volumen de papel que se maneja actualmente equivale a alrededor de 27,000 árboles anuales.
• Los archivos físicos, se deben de conservar como mínimo, 5 años.
• Para que Aduanas pueda conservar un archivo físico de 68,124 anexos de pedimentos, se requiere un espacio aproximado de 18 metros cuadrados.
• Un importador en promedio resguarda 252 pedimentos al año en su archivo, los cuales se conservan en 5 metros cuadrados.
Traducción - inglés
1.3 Service Contract
The services described will be put out to contract for an obligatory period of 60 (sixty) months from the date of the award of the bid. The definition of the programming, implementation, development and operation of the services are set out in later sections of this document. At the end of this obligatory period, the SAT will have the possibility of opting for one of three mechanisms to guarantee is continuing operation:
4) The renewal of the contract object of this bid.
5) The renewal of the contract object of this bid, with the option of purchasing the loaned components at residual value.
6) The opening of a new bid with similar services.
The XXXXX Supplier will have to take into account, for the purpose of his economic proposal, the useful life of the infrastructure which he will make available to the SAT for the delivery of his services, reflecting this in the assessment of what is possible, in financial benefits in bidding for the services, if the said useful life of some components is greater than the duration of the project.
The assignment of the services will be to a sole supplier in a single consignment.
1.4 Current Situation
The process of the current transaction, described generally, starts when the importers/exporters need to perform the import/export/transit of goods to/from/via Mexico and fulfil the formalities to obtain the licences/permissions/authorisations from the relevant authorities.
In processes related to Foreign Trade, both in private industry and in government, we find the following statistics:
• Approximately 30 participants involved (Shipping Agents, Customs Agents, Exporters, Importers, etc.)
• Approximately 40 different documents used in the supply chain, non tariff, customs restrictions and regulations, among others.
• Approximately 200 different information data, between 60 and 70% of which are captured on more than one occasion in the different government departments (RFC, Folio, Validities [Vigencias], Country of Origin, etc.)
• There exist 35 non tariff regulations and restrictions, in compliance with Annex 22 of the Norms of General Character of Foreign Trade.
• Systems have developed for exchanges between Customs and the Secretary of the Economy (SE), the Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock-rearing, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA), the Health Secretary (SS), the Secretary of National Defence (SEDENA) and the Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT).
• Some 162 formalities with 310 different types, related to operations of import, export and transit of goods in the country have been identified.
• 767 Customs Agents and 670 Customs Representatives exist in the census.
• The census of active importers is 55,535.
• Around 37,853 export permits are issued by all the government departments involved.
• Around 1, 133, 349 import certificates are issued by all the government departments involved.
• 7.5 million Standard licences and 6.5 million remittances of funds are processed each year.
• On average each Customs Agent and/or Customs Representative prepares 811 licences per month.
• Each licence, on average relies on 7 pages of annexes which are sent to Customs.
• In addition, each licence relies on 7 pages of annexes which are for the exclusive use between the Importer and the Customs Agent and/or Representative (invoices, supporting documents, working papers, etc.)
• The Importer's archive consists of its licence and 7 annexes.
• The Customs Agent's and/or Representative's archive consists of its licence and 14 annexes.
• On average between 7 and 14 pages are annexed to the licence, pages which have to do with the compliance with the tariff regulations and restrictions which sometimes are lost in the inspection platforms of the Customs in our country.
• From 1 hour to 90 working days (depending on the number of licences applied for) are needed in the General Customs Administration to achieve the delivery of certified copies of licences.
• For certification, the process can take from one hour to three working days (depending on the number of licences applied for).
• The licences are not stored within adequate standards of security because of the fact that there exist wet, wrinkled licences, etc. However preventative methods in case of a disaster cannot be relied on.
• Working conditions in the store are not adequate, generating additional expenses, as for example masks, respirators, etc.
• The volume of paper which is handled at present is equivalent annually to some 27,000 trees.
• The physical archives have to be conserved, as a minimum, for 5 years.
• So that Customs can conserve a physical archive of 68,124 annexes to licences, a space of approximately 18 square metres is required.
• An importer safeguards on average 252 licences per year in his archive, which takes up 5 square metres.
francés al inglés: Tourist brochure extract General field: Otros Detailed field: Viajes y turismo
Texto de origen - francés Brocéliande, Terre de Légendes
Domaine de Merlin, l’enchanteur, de la fée Viviane et des chevaliers ensorcelés….la forêt de Brocéliande est bien ce royaume mythique de la légende arthurienne.
Partez explorer ses mystères en prenant garde aux sortilèges qui pourraient vous faire aimer ce lieu plus que nul autre.
En arrivant à Paimpont, face à sa très belle abbaye du XVII siècle qui se mire dans un lac placide, une autre Bretagne se dévoile, intemporelle et mystérieuse.
Voici l’entrée de l’antique forêt de Brocéliande dont les paysages envoûtants, succession de sous-bois, landes, fougères et vallons, nourrissent depuis toujours l’imaginaire des hommes.
Légendaires balades
Il faut prendre son temps et s’aventurer au hasard des sentiers pour que la magie opère.
Au détour d’un chemin apparaîtra alors le Val Sans Retour, superbe vallon sinueux et sauvage dominé par les falaises pourpres qui serait le domaine de la fée Morgane.
A proximité se trouvent le Miroir-aux-Fées, étang perdu reflétant les caprices du ciel, l’Arbre d’Or, ou encore l’Hôtié de Viviane et son joli panorama.
Atmosphère, atmosphère
Bien d’autres sites naturels comme les vallées profondes de la Chambre-aux- Loups à Iffendic ou celles, sauvages, du Serein et de l’Aff possèdent ce même charme envoûtant qui confère son atmosphère à cette région.
A la lisière de la forêt, découvrez le charme des villages de Saint-Péran, Monterfil, Tréhorenteuc avec leurs églises et manoirs en grès ou en schiste pourpre.
Sans oublier l’abbatiale de Saint-Méen-le-Grand classée monument historique.
Extraits de Haute Bretagne, Ille-et-Vilaine, Comité Départemental de Tourisme Haute Bretagne, Ille-et-Vilaine
Traducción - inglés Brocéliande, Land of Legends
Realm of Merlin, the enchanter, of the fairy Viviane and of the bewitched knights ….the forest of Brocéliande, is really the mythical kingdom of the Arthurian legend.
Set off to explore its mysteries but beware the magic spells which could make you fall in love with this place as with no other.
When you arrive in Paimpont and look across at its very fine seventeenth century abbey, which is reflected in a placid lake, another Brittany reveals itself, timeless and mysterious.
Here is the entrance to the ancient forest of Brocéliande, whose bewitching landscapes, a succession of brushwood, heaths, bracken and little valleys, have always fed the imagination of men.
Fairy tale walks
You have to take your time and wander at will along the footpaths for the magic to work.
At the bend of a path you will catch sight of the Val Sans Retour, a superb little winding, wild valley, dominated by purple cliffs which is supposed to be the realm of Morgane, the fairy.
Nearby are situated the Miroir-aux-Fées, or Fairies’ Mirror, an isolated pond reflecting the moods of the sky, the Arbre d’Or or Tree of Gold, and the l’Hôtié de Viviane or House of Viviane
Atmosphere, atmosphere
Many other natural places of nature, such as the deep valleys of the Chambre-aux- Loups or Wolves' Chamber at Iffendic or the wild valleys of the Rivers Serein and Aff possess his same bewitching charm, which gives this region its atmosphere.
On the edge of the forest, discover the charm of the villages of Saint-Péran, Monterfil, and Tréhorenteuc with their churches and manor houses built in sandstone or in purple schist
And don’t forget the abbey-church of Saint-Méen-le-Grand, which is classified as an historical monument.
alemán al inglés: Extract from tourism brochure General field: Otros Detailed field: Viajes y turismo
Texto de origen - alemán Rennes, eine Stadt , die zu feiern versteht.
Rennes ist bei Nacht genauso lebenswert wie bei tage.
Eine Stadt mit Ausstrahlung, Lebensfreude, Dynamik….. noch weitere positive Eigenschaften ließen sich bei der Beschreibung von Rennes aufzuzahlen.
Als Aushängeschild der Historie und Moderne der Haute-Bretagne besitzt diese Stadt Eleganz und zudem eine wahre Seele, sie das Leben in ihr so angenehm gestaltet. Ein Besuch ist auf jeden Fall empfehlenswert!
Rennes – Stadt der Kunst und Geschichte
Ein Spaziergang durch das historische Zentrum von Rennes genügt, um sich in diese Stadt unwillkürlich zu verlieben; an der Places des Lices und der Place de la Mairie treffen Sie auf die zwei für Rennes typischen Baustile. Den einen Platz umsäumen herrliche mittelalterliche Fachwerkhauser mit farbenfrohen Fassaden, den anderen imposante Bürgerhäuser aus dem 17. Jahrhundert mit elegantem Flair und skulpturalen Masken.
Nur ein Katzensprung entfernt befinden Sie sich mitten in den beleibten Geschäftsvierteln mit ihren gepflasterten Gassen und Platzen, in denen es sich herrlich bummeln und shoppen lässt. Ihr Stadtbummel führt Sie an Kirchenvorplatzen und Portalen vorbei, die den Blick auf hübsche Innenhofe freigeben. In der Nahe der Vilaine treffen Sie auf das im klassizistischen Stil errichtete Rathaus gegenuber dem eindrucksvollen, vom Barockstil geprägten Stadttheater.
Auszug der Broschüre des Fremdenverkehrsbandes der Haute Bretagne
Traducción - inglés Rennes a city which knows how to party.
Rennes is as lively by day as by night
A city of charisma, joie de vivre, dynamism…. and a lot more besides.
As a showplace of the historical and modern in Haute Bretagne this city has both elegance and real soul, making life here truly pleasant. It definitely is worth a visit!
Rennes – city of Art and History
You will fall helplessly in love with the city when you stroll through the historical centre of Rennes; in the Place des Lices and the Place de la Mairie you will come across the two architectural styles typical of Rennes. Sublime medieval half-timbered houses with colourful facades line one square, while imposing seventeenth century town houses with sculptured stonework elegantly line the other.
Only a stone’s throw away you are right in the middle of the popular shopping areas with their cobbled alleys and squares, where you can spend a wonderful time wandering and shopping. Your stroll through town leads you past church forecourts and portals, opening up views into pretty inner courtyards. Near the River Vilaine you come across the City Hall, built in the classical style, opposite the impressive, predominantly Baroque City Theatre.
Extract from the Haute Bretagne Tourist Information brochure
español al inglés: Extract from tourism brochure General field: Otros Detailed field: Viajes y turismo
Texto de origen - español Un Carácter imponente
Los burgos de Bécherel, Châteaugiron e Combourg, antiguas ciudades florecientes e históricas, poseen un extraño encanto pintoresco que justifica bien su label « Pequeña Ciudad de Carácter ». ¿Coal es, pues, el secreto de su belleza?
Bécherel, ciudad del Libro
Regatear o encontrar la perla rara será posible en Bécherel, bonita Pequeña Ciudad de Carácter que ha conservada su encanto del siglo XVII.
Ciudad del Libro desde 1989, alberga una importante comunidad de libreros, talleros de encuadernación, artesanos de arte y anticuarios que animan continuamente las calles de la ciudad.
Acontecimiento estrella de la primavera en la ciudad: la fiesta del Libro y del Arte que atrae a gran número de chamarileros y curiosos.
Châteaugiron, antigua fortaleza medieval
Otra maravilla es la pequeña Ciudad de Carácter de Châteaugiron, entre Rennes y Vitré, que le desvelara sus mansiones del siglo XVI con voladizo y sus decoraciones góticas o « a la italiana » y sus casas de comerciantes de tela de marina.
La pequeña Ciudad de Carácter de Combourg, cuna de romanticismo, posee una magnifica fortaleza medieval, propiedad de la familia del famoso escritor François-René de Châteaubriand.
« Fue en los bosques de Combourg donde me convertí en lo que soy, » decía el escritor al propósito de su vocación precoz.
¡Disfruten paseando alrededor del « Lago Tranquilo » y abandónense a sus sueños e inspiración!
Extraído del folleto, Haute Bretagne del Comité Départemental du Tourisme Haute Bretagne, Ille-et-Vilaine
Traducción - inglés Towns of character
The historical and ancient, still flourishing towns of Bécherel, Châteaugiron and Combourg have a strange, picturesque charm which well justifies their title of “Little Towns of Character”. What, then, is the secret of their beauty?
Bécherel, Town of the Book
You can enjoy hunting for and perhaps finding a rare pearl of a book in Bécherel, a pretty Little Town of Character which has preserved its seventeenth century charm.
Town of the Book since 1989, it houses a large community of booksellers, bookbinders, artists and antiquarians whose activities constantly enliven its streets.
The town’s main attraction in spring is the Book and Arts Festival which attracts a considerable number of secondhand dealers and visitors.
Châteaugiron, a former medieval fortress
The Little Town of Character of Châteaugiron, lying between Rennes and Vitré, is another gem displaying its sixteenth century mansions with their corbels, decorated in the Gothic or Italian styles and its sailcloth merchants’ houses.
The Little Town of Character of Combourg, the cradle of Romanticism, boasts a magnificent medieval fortress, owned by the family of the famous writer, François-René de Châteaubriand.
“It was in the woods of Combourg where I became what I am,” said the writer about the early flowering of his genius.
Enjoy strolling around the “Tranquil Lake” and let its dreams inspire you!
Extract from the brochure, Haute Bretagne published by the Comité Départemental du Tourisme Haute Bretagne, Ille-et-Vilaine
Formación en el ámbito de la traducción
Graduate diploma - University of Westminster
Años de experiencia: 15 Registrado en Dec 2009 Miembro desde Feb 2010
alemán al inglés (RAF training, verified) francés al inglés (RAF training, verified) francés al inglés (The Polytechnic of Central London, verified) alemán al inglés (The Polytechnic of Central London, verified) español al inglés (Bachelor of Laws, London University)
I am a qualified and experienced linguist, an associate member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists, a professional and trained translator, with experience in the fields of defence and of education. I translate mainly from French into English and from German into English, but also from Spanish into English.
I first trained as a translator in 1976, but circumstances pushed me in another direction. I spent 7 very exciting years as an officer in the Royal Air Force, where my language skills were constantly in use. I served for some time in Berlin (before the Wall came down) where I made professional and personal contacts with the French Air Force and with the German populations of our local borough of Spandau.
My next move took me into education; from 1987 to 2009 I gained a wide and varied experience in teaching French, German and Spanish in secondary schools.
My native language is English and I translate only into this language.
My main specialist translation fields are:
General sciences and geosciences
Palabras clave: French, German, Spanish, into UK English, law, contracts, employment contracts, business and marketing contracts, adoption papers and reports, judgements. See more.French, German, Spanish, into UK English, law, contracts, employment contracts, business and marketing contracts, adoption papers and reports, judgements, court documents, writs, summons, copyrights, typeface, fonts, evidence, science, geology, physics, biology, chemistry, palaeontology, environment, ecology, NGO, travel, tourism, camping, campsite, hotel, restaurant, education, pedagogy, business, trade, general, marketing, archaeology, finance, français, allemand, espagnol, en anglais, juridique, contrats, emploie, entreprise, marketing, publicité, adoption, citation, mandement, signification, sciences, géologie, physique, biologie, chimie, paléontologie, environnement, écologie, OGN, voyage, tourisme, camping, hôtel, restauration, éducation, pédagogie, deutsch, französisch, spanisch, ins englische, Jura, Vertrag, Arbeit, Gesellschaft, Marketing, Werbung, Wissenschaften, Geologie, Physik, Chemie, Paläontologie, Umwelt, Ökologie, Tourismus, Campingplatz, Hotel, Gasthaus, Bildung, Ausbildung, Pädagogik, español, francés, alemán, en inglés, jurídico, contrato, trabajo, empresa, marketing, publicidad, ciencias, geología, física, química, paleontología, entorno, ecología, turismo, camping, hotelero, enseñanza, pedagogía. See less.