Poll: Do you visit ProZ.com on Sundays? Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
PAS Local time: 18:15 polaco al inglés + ...
Well, I AM impressed. I chose "depends" (if that differs from "sometimes")
I will visit if I'm working on Sunday, but if I'm not, I try not to turn on the box from hell at all.
Pawel Skalinski | | |
Maria Karra Estados Unidos Local time: 12:15 Miembro 2000 griego al inglés + ... all the time | Feb 21, 2007 |
I visit it whenever I open my browser; I set it to be my homepage I never even log off. I think I'm obsessed with ProZ. I've been obsessed for years and I'm afraid there's no medicine for that.
Maria | | |
In a personal attempt towards what they call "conciliación familiar" here in Spain, I have disconnected the ADSL at home and removed the computer to an office elsewhere. Now of course you find me looking for childcare on Sundays so that I can get on with work... | |
Tina Vonhof (X) Canadá Local time: 10:15 neerlandés al inglés + ...
I answered 'usually' but I almost always visit the site on Sundays, knowing how desperately one can need help with one term or another for a job that needs to be done by Monday. I've been there! | | |
Sanmar Reino Unido Local time: 17:15 neerlandés al inglés
I am with Pawel on this one. Unless I really have to work on Sundays I will avoid switching the computer on at all. It is good to get a break from it now and again! | | |
Steven Capsuto Estados Unidos Local time: 12:15 Miembro 2004 español al inglés + ...
I try to average a five-day work week (not always possible). However, which five days they are varies from week to week. | | |
Simon Bruni Reino Unido Local time: 17:15 Miembro 2009 español al inglés
I can't help associating those pastel green-brown-yellowish colours with work, so I try to avoid Proz if I'm on a day off. | |
Jocelyne S Francia Local time: 18:15 francés al inglés + ... Only if something has gone terribly wrong | Feb 22, 2007 |
I'm with Steven and try to limit the number of days I work per week. I generally take the weekend off and avoid accepting jobs on Fridays, which means that I'm only ever in front of the computer on a Sunday when I've (very badly) miscalculated how long a translation will take. It's only happened twice, I think.
Jocelyne | | |
By seeing the responses, it is evident to say that,
People just love Proz.
Vivek | | |
But not for long... Usually, there's not anything new on Sunday... I think Saturday, Sunday and early Monday (i.e. up to 4 or 5 p.m. Indian Standard Time) are the most silent days on proz.
I come here because it's a habit... but I don't stay here for long on these days. | | |