Archived polls

5926 polls, displaying 751 through 800
If a “Translator of the Year Award” existed, I would vote for a candidate based on:
By anonymous - featured on Jun 19, 2021
Difficulty of work done 35.3%
Professional attitude 32.1%
Other 18.8%
Volume of work done 6.6%
Length of translation career 5.0%
Number of KudoZ points 1.2%
CAT expertise 1.0%
501 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When you outsource a translation, which payment method do you prefer to use?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 18, 2021
I never outsource 48.5%
Electronic funds transfer 25.9%
Paypal 16.5%
Other 4.0%
Check drawn on a bank in your country 2.8%
Credit card 2.1%
Moneybookers 0.2%
575 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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In your opinion, which is the best way to master a foreign language?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 17, 2021
Go abroad for a short-term language practice 33.0%
Marry a foreigner 21.0%
Other - N/A 19.7%
Read and watch news 11.4%
Go to college 11.0%
Chat online with foreigners 2.1%
Cram vocabulary 1.8%
563 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often do you check your email?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 16, 2021
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Have you ever attended a professional conference?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 15, 2021
Yes, and it was worthwhile 37.9%
No, but I am interested 28.1%
No, and I am not interested 19.4%
Yes, but it was not really worthwhile 11.7%
Other 2.8%
597 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which is the language (L2) that proved to be the most useful in your job as a translator?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 14, 2021
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What is your work status?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 13, 2021
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Have you incorporated new payment methods (for clients or personal purchases) in the last year?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 12, 2021
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Do you turn on auto reply when you finish your work for the day?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 11, 2021
No 90.1%
Yes, sometimes 5.0%
Other 2.7%
Yes, always 2.2%
597 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have your ever done a big translation for free?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 10, 2021
No, never 67.2%
Yes, once or twice 21.9%
Yes, many times 8.2%
Other - N/A 2.6%
644 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many weeks off do you take this year?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 9, 2021
none 27.7%
2 weeks 16.5%
other (please share) 13.3%
4 weeks 10.7%
more than 5 weeks 10.5%
3 weeks 9.9%
1 week 8.5%
5 weeks 2.9%
588 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you handle large payment delays (over 6 weeks)
By anonymous - featured on Jun 8, 2021
Only payment reminders 38.6%
A combination of the above 33.0%
Negative feedback on professional forums 8.9%
Other: share 8.2%
Threats with legal action 4.7%
Nothing 3.8%
Threats with debt collection 1.4%
Threats with contacting the end client 1.4%
575 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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An agency offers you a job. After seeing they are poorly rated, you:
By anonymous - featured on Jun 7, 2021
Decline, and tell them honestly why 32.0%
Accept, but request upfront payment 20.8%
Don't reply 20.3%
Decline, saying you're overbooked 18.2%
Other (please, share) 8.7%
543 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you relax between large projects?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 6, 2021
Enjoy short trip outside 29.2%
Other - N/A 21.8%
View movie 15.6%
Listen music 12.4%
Read books 11.5%
Meet friends 9.6%
418 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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At what stage of your career did you realise you wanted to be a translator?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 5, 2021
It was my first professional choice 52.1%
Became a translator after 10 years working professionally 30.6%
Became a translator after 20 years working professionally 10.3%
Became a translator when I retired from my profession 4.4%
Became a translator after 30 years working professionally 2.5%
591 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you provide both interpretation and translation services?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 4, 2021
I only provide translation 62.1%
Yes 25.0%
No 11.4%
I only provide interpretation 1.1%
I only provide other services 0.5%
651 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How much do you blame your Internet connection for your less-than-desired performance?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 3, 2021
Not at all 60.7%
Not that much 31.8%
A lot 7.5%
570 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you manage online distractions (social media, messaging apps, news feeds, etc.)?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 2, 2021
Willpower 32.2%
Still working on it 27.2%
Multitasking 19.6%
Other (please share) 11.4%
Organization methods (productivity apps, timers, reminders, etc.) 9.6%
562 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you suffer from low back pain?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 1, 2021
No 49.8%
Yes 43.7%
Other - N/A 6.5%
645 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What is your favourite moment for working on a translation task?
By anonymous - featured on May 31, 2021
early morning 49.5%
evening and night 18.2%
mid afternoon 17.0%
other (please share) 8.2%
late in the night 7.0%
499 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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I prefer to contact people...
By anonymous - featured on May 30, 2021
By e-mail 79.4%
In person 5.6%
By phone 4.7%
By text/mobile messaging 4.7%
By Skype or other instant messengers 2.4%
Other 2.2%
By Facebook/Social Networks 1.1%
465 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What is your favorite dictionary format?
By anonymous - featured on May 29, 2021
Website 66.0%
Hardcover 14.2%
Other - N/A 6.8%
Smartphone app 4.4%
CD or DVD platform 3.8%
Softcover 3.4%
I don't use dictionaries 1.4%
586 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are your rates lower than the industry standard for your language combination?
By anonymous - featured on May 28, 2021
No 62.1%
Yes 30.5%
Other 7.3%
573 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you have to be a believer in order to translate a religious text?
By anonymous - featured on May 27, 2021
No 65.6%
It depends 23.4%
Yes 10.9%
649 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you ever written a cover letter to apply for a freelance position?
By anonymous - featured on May 26, 2021
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What do you do when client's proofreaders make unnecessary changes to your translation?
By anonymous - featured on May 25, 2021
I write a comment for the client 35.1%
I reject the unnecessary changes 22.3%
I write a comment to the proofreader 16.1%
I accept all the changes 13.3%
Other (please share) 8.2%
I do not reply 5.1%
573 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which of these irritates you the most when you are working on a project?
By anonymous - featured on May 24, 2021
Phone calls 32.6%
Loud talking 31.8%
Other - N/A 15.4%
Loud music 9.1%
Constant human traffic in your visual field 5.9%
Hooting cars outside your work space 5.3%
475 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you charge translation tests required by outsoucers?
By anonymous - featured on May 23, 2021
No, I never charge them 48.3%
Yes, for more than 300 words 20.1%
I don't accept those tests 13.2%
Yes, my minimum order charge 9.6%
N/A 8.8%
408 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Would you accept to submit a scanned copy of your passport to an international agency/client?
By anonymous - featured on May 22, 2021
No 56.4%
Yes 33.8%
Other 9.8%
559 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you consider that your profession as a translator has made you a better person?
By anonymous - featured on May 21, 2021
Yes 51.4%
No 37.4%
Other - N/A 11.2%
554 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you apply to tenders?
By anonymous - featured on May 20, 2021
No, I have enough work to go by. 29.6%
No, they are a waste of time and money. 28.6%
Yes, but I have not been awarded any yet. 15.1%
Yes, and I have been awarded one or two. 13.5%
Other. 13.3%
497 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you support any non-language related organisations?
By anonymous - featured on May 19, 2021
Yes (please share) 52.5%
No 47.5%
425 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you prefer to market yourself as a professional translator?
By anonymous - featured on May 18, 2021
Through paid memberships in big websites. 40.6%
I do not have a preference. 28.9%
Other. 13.8%
Through social websites. 10.1%
Through creating my own website. 6.7%
537 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which language do you use most when writing emails to your clients?
By anonymous - featured on May 17, 2021
Source language 65.0%
Target language 23.8%
Other 5.9%
Third language not source or target 5.3%
492 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you ever wanted to date (go out with) another translator?
By anonymous - featured on May 16, 2021
No 41.0%
Haven't thought about it 25.9%
Yes 12.5%
Already done it 10.3%
Maybe 4.2%
Don't know 2.9%
Other 2.0%
Too shy 1.3%
456 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you use a free e-mail address for work purposes?
By anonymous - featured on May 15, 2021
Yes - I only have a free e-mail address 62.9%
No - I only use my own domain 18.3%
I use both a free address and my own domain 14.3%
Other 4.6%
568 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What is the most common excuse from clients for not having paid your invoice?
By Christina Pauly - featured on May 14, 2021
Something else (please share). 31.6%
I overlooked it. 20.0%
I planned to pay it today. 17.5%
I didn't receive it. 13.9%
There is a mistake in your invoice. 6.8%
You sent it too early/too late. 5.0%
I was on holiday. 4.3%
I was ill. 0.9%
440 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you outsource some of your translation work?
By anonymous - featured on May 13, 2021
No, I never outsource my work. 74.0%
Yes, sometimes. 23.1%
Yes, usually. 2.9%
585 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When you apply an hourly rate on a project, when does your counting start?
By anonymous - featured on May 12, 2021
When starting the actual work 47.4%
When preparing the file(s) 18.5%
I never apply hourly rates 17.4%
When reading the email instructions 13.1%
Other 3.6%
563 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What are your expectations for 2021, work-wise?
By Oriol Vives (X) - featured on May 11, 2021
More clients, jobs and income 42.6%
Remaining the same 25.9%
I don't know 14.1%
Probably less of them all 11.3%
Other (please, share!) 3.3%
More clients and jobs, but less income 2.8%
568 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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In how many freelancer sites do you work?
By anonymous - featured on May 10, 2021
Only 1 50.1%
2 25.3%
3 12.0%
More than 5 9.2%
4 3.4%
435 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many weeks per year do you spend abroad in order to speak your working languages?
By anonymous - featured on May 9, 2021
None 59.9%
1-2 weeks 14.0%
3-4 weeks 9.4%
More than 6 months 8.2%
1-3 months 6.6%
3-6 months 1.8%
392 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Has any of your clients asked you to lower your rates due to financial restraints?
By Claudio Machado Junior - featured on May 8, 2021
No, and I would refuse 39.1%
Yes, and I accepted 21.1%
Yes, but I refused 21.1%
Other (Please, share) 9.7%
No, but I would accept 9.1%
517 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many words have you translated in your career?
By anonymous - featured on May 7, 2021
I don't know / I don't keep track 49.3%
Less than 1 million 10.3%
1-2 million 8.7%
2-5 million 8.0%
5-10 million 8.0%
Over 20 million 7.8%
10-15 million 5.7%
15-20 million 2.2%
600 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What percentage of your translation work is direct or indirectly related to COVID-19?
By Rocio Barrientos - featured on May 6, 2021
Less than 10% 78.0%
Between 10 to 49% 17.1%
Over 50% 4.9%
591 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you work with a laptop or desktop computer?
By Francesca Battaglia - featured on May 5, 2021
Laptop 60.7%
Desktop 32.9%
Other 6.4%
708 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Is there always a valid transfer of copyright when you deliver audiovisual translation?
By AlbaLTD - featured on May 4, 2021
I don't know 73.9%
With some clients only 10.3%
Never 8.4%
Always 7.3%
687 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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As a freelancer, my retirement plan consists of:
By anonymous - featured on Apr 27, 2021
A combination of some or all of these 47.8%
Haven't thought that far into the future 17.5%
Personal savings 10.2%
Receiving social security 7.8%
Other (please share) 6.3%
Private pension plan 6.0%
Other investments 4.2%
Inheritance 0.2%
617 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which method do you prefer to improve your directory ranking position in your language pair?
By tilak raj - featured on Apr 26, 2021
Answering KudoZ questions 36.0%
All of these 25.8%
Giving and receiving WWA Feedback 18.9%
Other (please share) 15.4%
Participating in the Forum 3.8%
797 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Were any of these subjects present in your higher education as a translator ?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 19, 2021
None of the above 72.8%
Project Management 7.3%
All of the above 7.1%
Business administration 6.8%
Marketing 5.9%
1133 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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5926 polls, displaying 751 through 800