The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

inglés Finanzas (general) Translation Glossary

inglés term inglés translation
took the legs away from stopped the momentum of
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
towards as a preliminary part of
Trader seller-buyer-seller/broker/arranger
Trinsom Trinsom
turnover (in this context) market volume (buying and selling, trading in the shares)
Tx transaction
UCI undertakings for collective investment
uncalled capital vs. unpaid capital unsubscribed capital vs. share capital not yet paid in
underweight duration shorter duration than the benchmark
ungeared balance sheet basic, standard, simplified balance sheet
uniquely exclusively
Unit Co#/CC# Unit Company Number/Call Center Number
US yield positions investments holdings in US
USD USD 183.2 billion
Using risk-return perspectives using an approach that assesses risk relative to return
verb "to sigue" error in text - should be "issue"
vested callable (in this context)
vindication vengeance; exculpation; substantiation (not:debt collection)
Visibility costs costs of being visible to/showing your presence to a customer
voting rights in the transferee voting rights conferred to the transferee
Entered by: Wilsonn Perez Reyes
VSAX VSA - vendor-specific attribute
W+O/S+C widows and orphans / spouses and children
were out nothing had not lost anything
What financial institutions call it? diminishing loan agreement
wide of above / more than
workdown revaluation/impairment
working estate an estate that has various kinds of work including farming, being carried out
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
World Bank Aides Memoirs Notes (from the French language)
worst case curve parallel and twist moves most unfavourable yield curve changes
Writing large numbers write out million and billion but not thousand or lesser
X times forward earnings x times the analysts\' average forecast for the company\'s next year\'s/12 months\' earnings
yields continued to move in yields continued to fall
Entered by: Mwananchi
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