The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

inglés Finanzas (general) Translation Glossary

inglés term inglés translation
go over the cliff fail to earn any stock options by not reaching the "cliff" (cut-off date)
LE Latest Estimates
P/O Payment order
"they" in this sentence the Bank
$.001 of amount deposited un milésimo del monto en dólares depositado
(to be covered under) a financial institution bond (to be) insured against losses caused by crime
Entered by: Balaban Cerit
**2s/10s flattener** strategy geared towards a reduction in the 2y/10y yield differential
...shall be up to the period of calendar days previous to the... it could mean no earlier than/not before, but it is ambiguous
100 percent less commision payable (100 percent - commision) payable
401(K) plan A defined contribution plan offered by a corporation to its employees...
a major ownership share a large shareholding but not necessarily a majority
accommodation monetary policy designed to stimulate growth
account cycle accounting cycle
accrued interest interest that has accumulated over a period of time
across the silos across traditional boundaries
adjused gross income income after allowable adjustments
Administration & Finance Manager/CFO I would not use the terms interchangeably (see notes)
against the euro in exchange of the euro
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
Agribusiness bond tax-exempt bonds (for agribusiness)
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
Allotment account (project) budget account
annual cop Cut-Off Point (COP)
antonym of 'constrained' would have more liquidity
as credit has seen a notable correction in the local Treasury market Please see below.-
Asset Management Firm Société de gestion d'actifs
assoc prof .... Associate Professor
associate base intricately involved a group of employees involved in all the details
associated adverse selection bad results due to asymmetrical information (associated with potential gridlock)
at 10.000 Russian Rubles per share at 10,000 (Russian) r(o)ubles a/ per share
at Arm\'s-Length with no question of a conflict of interest
Entered by: Ivan Niu
at the short end meaning at the short end of the yield curve, usually up to 2 years
available (in this context) not already in use
average multiple relative to the market Average Price-Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio)
€ 10.000,000 official and unofficial use vary
back-to-back consecutively / immediately after
Entered by: Ramona Ali
bait money money that can be traced by the police
balance purchase price remaining balance due
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
balances (here) supply/demand balances (supply constricted relative to demand)
bank fees and rates fees relate to transactions, rates relate to interest charged
bank voucher bank voucher=bank slip
banking case Business plan
Entered by: Cristina Bolohan
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