The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

croata al inglés Medicina (general) Translation Glossary

croata term inglés translation
fibrovapnene promjene calcified fibrous lesions
pretežitim udjelom državnog kapitala greater share of the national capital
Entered by: Gordana Podvezanec
withhold or withdraw ne primjeniti ili prekinuti
Entered by: Larisa Zlatic, Ph.D.
(zdravstvene) tegobe (health) conditions
250 lj Higg 250 IU HTIG
Entered by: Dinap
abdukciona udlaga abduction immobilizer
abdukcioni jastuk abduction pillow
ACC common carotid artery
Entered by: sandra zovko
acijanotičan ,anikteričan i eupnotičan. acyanotic, anicteric, eupneic
Entered by: Gordana Podvezanec
afebrilan afebrile
Entered by: Gordana Podvezanec
AG - antigravitacijski položaj anti-gravitational position
alenteza alenthesis
anteklinasti anterior wedging
Entered by: Gordana Podvezanec
aspartat aminotransferaza aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
čuvane i održavane trudnoće monitored and special-care pregnancies
štetne masnoće bad/harmful fats
Entered by: I H
šuk blood glucose
Žličica Epigastrium
B.I. (Barthelov indeks) Barthel's index (BAI)
b.o. (bez osobenosti) nad
biomikroskopija biomicroscopy
bolnički pobol hospital morbidity
bubnjić eardrum/tympanic membrane
centralni hilusni efekt central hilum (effect)
cholesterol showering rasap dijelova kolesterola
Entered by: Dinap
CSR contralateral stapedial reflex
DDC DDC (Dia-dynamic Currents)
dežurstvo standby duty
def. deformative, deformans
diskartrotična promjena diskarthrotic change
Entered by: A.Đapo
diskspondilofit disc spondylophyte
dismorficno, dilatiran (trbuh) dismorphic/dysmorphic dilated/distended abdomen
Djelatnost department, services
djelomicnog uvida (i kriticnosti) partial insight
DKS differential [blood] count
DP nije proširen pancreatic duct not enlarged
Entered by: ipv
dr. med. specijalist psihijatrije MD, Psychiatry medicine MD vs Ph.D
ductus racing thoughts/rambling train of thought
dugopotezna stenoza elongated stenosis
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