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Is this "offensive language"? [not for the very easily offended]
Autor de la hebra: Chris Says Bye
Chris Says Bye
Chris Says Bye
Exactly Jan 6, 2018

Samuel Murray wrote:
There is a time and place for sexual humour, and the moderator simply felt that these forums isn't such a place.

In which case it should fall foul of a rule on offensive content, not offensive language. Stupid xxxxxxxx xxxxxx need to set a xxxxxxx example and xxxxxxxx well improve their xxxxxxxx use of the xxxxxxxxx language.

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Mervyn Henderson (X)
Mervyn Henderson (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:29
español al inglés
+ ...
That's ... Jan 8, 2018

... quite a statement, Michael. Sounds rough.

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Is this "offensive language"? [not for the very easily offended]

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