Powwow Report for Alemania - Hamburg (May 28 2016)

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Report from  Heather McCrae
Dear colleagues
We had a great time! In total, 11 ProZ members came, plus another 20 members from various Facebook groups. This meant we had a very diverse range of people, language pairs and specialities which in turn meant that we had lively and interesting discussions.
I think it was very clear that everyone enjoyed themselves very much and the last people left the venue at around 18:30 to go on to another location and continue their conversations!
We had a nice venue in central Hamburg with a room to ourselves and a very tasty buffet that everyone visited several times. All in all, despite the 15 people who did not turn up, the powwow was a great success. All I can say to the non-attendees that you really lost out on a brilliant event.
Thank you to everyone who came! I believe lots of new friendships started up yesterday. I enjoyed meeting you all.
regards and until the next time
Heather McCrae

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Thomas Gohlke
Brigitte Pusch-Kovacs
René Cofré Baeza
Dr. Birgitte Eggeling
Heather McCrae
Andrea Garfield-Barkworth
Anette Brandt
Jozsef Horvath (X)
Laurence Orr
Jonathan Roberts
Chloë Spreadborough
Taher Kawas

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