This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow:

September 28, 2007, 6:00 pm
Estados UnidosSyracuseIn personinglés
We will be meeting at the office in Syracuse. The office is located at 327 West Fayette Street, Suite 220.

Map to powwow location
Event Organizers:

Henry Dotterer

Fabio Descalzi

Colin Brady

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (20) / Confirmed: 8 / Tentative: 3
Name NoteWill Attend
Henry Dotterer  \"Organizer\" \"Host\" See you tonight!  y
XColin Brady  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" \"Host\" The building we are in is called Millpond Landing and we the are in suite number 220. The office phone number is 315-463-7323. Give us a call if you need help finding the office. See you there!  y
Fabio Descalzi  \"Organizer\" Hi from Montevideo! The next day we are holding our PW too! Wish I could be with you the day before...!  n
Andrew   Yes!  y
Jon Peck  \"Photographer\" In Atlanta  n
LinguaLinx Inc.   Please let me know of the time of the event as soon as it's known to relay to my job. I'd like to come, but it of course is up to them :)  y
XAlexander Ledo   ...  y
Yaroslav Starunov  \"Photographer\" ...  
Christian [email protected]  \"Photographer\" Never been to one. Can you tell me more? (I am in Ithaca)  m
Rosanna Palermo   A big project with a tight schedule just "landed" and I am very sorry to advise that I will not be able to attend. Have fun guys! I so wish I could be there!  n
Alexander Demyanov   Sorry, down with flu.  n
Mauricio Vicente   It will depend on the time, but I'd like to try.  m
Meihua (May) Shi   ...  n
echoshen   ...  
doritoniac   Hi! I am interested in this event. But I just arrived to Syracuse, and don't drive :)  m
mireille aboumrad   mireille k  y
XHildegard Klein-Bodenheimer (X)   I have a deadline for a huge project that weekend. Family prevented me from working over the last couple of days. I can't make it to the powwow. Sorry, would have loved to attend.  n
NancyLynn   slight change of plans: I'll be coming alone, but I'll be there! Leaving around noon!  y
Jochen Beheydt   ...  n
kmkrowens   Looking forward to my first powwow  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Syracuse - United States
Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:05
Miembro 2006
inglés al español
You're welcome LinguaLink4 Aug 14, 2007

Hi LinguaLink4, it may sound strange to welcome you from La Plata, Argentina, but by all means you are more than welcome in our powwows.

Kind regards,

Alexander Demyanov
Alexander Demyanov
Local time: 06:05
+ ...
Does it have to be on Friday? Aug 27, 2007

Would it be possible to move to the 29th (Saturday)?

Colin Brady
Colin Brady  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:05
francés al inglés
+ ...
Updated powwow information Sep 18, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I have updated the page with the location of our powwow (the office in Syracuse).

I was thinking we could meet around 6PM and grab a bunch of food from somewhere (pizza, Dinosaur Barbecue). At 7PM we are planning on having a Skype video chat with the powwow that is taking place in Argentina.

If you have any questions about this powwow or powwows in general, please send me an email: colin at proz dot com

Local time: 06:05
francés al inglés
+ ...

slight change of plans: Sep 24, 2007

I'll be coming alone, but I'll be there! Leaving around noon!

Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 06:05
We are looking forward to seeing everyone here! Sep 28, 2007

Hi all. We are looking forward to seeing you all here! The office number is 315-463-7323


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