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¿En qué proyecto de traducción está trabajando actualmente?
Translating an eBook on technological tools for product developers.
Translating an article about the use of renewable energy in the maritime industry.
Revising a series of blog posts on safety issues and solutions while travelling.
Just finished a volunteer medical translation for Translators Without Borders.
I have just begun work on a translation document about best recycling practices.
Translating the synopsis of a new TV series. I now know what to watch next!
Spent the morning translating a newsletter for a sports technology company. Time to take a walk!
Just put the final touch on a translation on sustainable forest management for a US-based NGO. 1 user
Translating a blog post for a solar panel manufacturer, English to French, 700 words.
Proofing a translation on development aid, English to French, 16,471 words.
Translating the privacy policy of a solar panel manufacturer, English to French, 4,803 words. Working on the translation of a marketing brochure for a local eco-house that doubles as a bed & breakfast. Always fun and uplifting to translate!
Translation of a blog post on safe access to drinking water in developing countries.
Afternoon task: translation from English into French of a short newsletter (600 words) for a solar panel manufacturer.
A global report on the state of the ocean for a nonprofit organisation, English to French, 18,000 words.
Just finished translating advertising/marketing material for one of my most regular partners, a high-tech company. English to French, 600 words (which does not sound like much, but the content was very creative!)
(editada) Working on the translation of a training manual for the staff of a US-based environmental agency.
Revision of a tender for a pharmaceutical company, English to French, 4,500 words
Subtitles for a series of videos aimed at marketing leaders, English to French, 11,000 words