734 registrants

Lawyer-Linguist virtual event 2013

Dec 10, 2013

Conference recap


Date: Dec 10, 2013
Registrants: 734
Attendees: 557
Sessions: 8



Welcome Address - Suzanne Deliscar

Time: 13:00 to 13:10

What is the role of the Lawyer-Linguist in the Language Services Industry?

Time: 13:15 to 13:45

The Lawyer-Linguist as CEO

Time: 13:50 to 14:20

Training for the Lawyer-Linguist Profession

Time: 14:25 to 14:50

Working as a Lawyer-Linguist for the European Court of Justice (Freelancers and In-House)

Time: 14:55 to 15:25

Maintaining a Law Practice as a Lawyer-Linguist

Time: 15:30 to 16:00

The Lawyer-Linguist as Interpreter

Time: 16:05 to 16:40

Closing remarks - Suzanne Deliscar

Time: 16:50 to 17:00

Conference feedback

A very interesting presentation with lots of information about useful websites and relevant associations - thanks!

Sarah Shade
Member since: Jun 19, 2013

Dear Mrs. Deliscar, dear panelists, thank so much for your valuable contribution to the organization of this interesting session; may I mention, in respect to legal-language resources, the availabilty in some countries of translations of a number of legal regulations and Acts into English and French available free on line, as for instance, in Spain through the website of the Ministry of Justice (www.mjusticia.es, by clicking the words "traducciones del derecho español" in the upper part of that website ("buscar"), in case it might prove useful to any colleagues. As to free multilingual glossaries available on line, the "Termium Plus" provided by the Canadial government might prove useful to colleagues working in the English, French and Spanish language combinations, surely there are lots of other interesting legal-language related websites around the world and it might prove useful to gather information in this respect by interested colleagues for an upcoming session of this interesting lawyer-linguist seminar on line. Greetings,

Jordi Iglésias i Puigdomènech
Member since: Apr 4, 2007

A good organised event with a lot of information. Thank you for it.

Great speakers and lots of info, I already look forward to next year's event!

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