Miembro desde Feb '07

Idiomas de trabajo:
inglés al español
inglés al catalán
español al catalán
catalán al español

Anna Queralt

Hora local: 18:03 CET (GMT+1)

Idioma materno: español Native in español, catalán Native in catalán
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Feedback from
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on Willingness to Work Again info
18 positive reviews
2 ratings (5.00 avg. rating)

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What Anna Queralt is working on
May 11, 2024 (posted via ProZ.com):  Doing what I enjoy the most these days since I got into SEO, SEO translation of a couple of articles in the Finance field -monthly assignments that every time make my week when they arrive. ...more, + 8 other entries »
Total word count: 0

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I have been a qualified translator since 2006, and while I started giving
my very first steps working in in-house positions both as a project manager and
conducting reviewing tasks in several translation agencies, I only decided to
become a full-time freelancer in 2009. Ever since, I never looked back. I soon
specialized in IT, Legal and Marketing translation, and these have become my
backbone in my work over the years. 

And while I have been a dedicated and
passionate translator for over a decade, since 2020 I also felt an urge to take
a turn in my career and expand my skills.

I have
always liked writing, so I trained and qualified as
a copywriter. And soon enough I was working as a content writer as well.

That not being enough, I also completed a 6-month-long Masters on Advanced
Technical SEO with Webpositer Academy (Spain, 2023), becoming a furious
passionate on SEO ever since.

Today, I can manage my own website understanding content creation in relation to both on-page SEO and technical (I understand and can manage WordPress from the back-end, as well as SEO plugins, and a website setup for ranking).

That has helped me to specialise, and collaborate in SEO translation projects with clients that are interested not only in the mere translation of their contents, but also in keeping their ranking in Google when translate them.

Este miembro obtuvo puntos KudoZ al ayudar a otros traductores a traducir términos de nivel PRO. Haga clic en total(es) de puntos para ver los términos traducidos.

Total de ptos. obtenidos: 115
Puntos de nivel PRO: 111

Idiomas con más puntos (PRO)
inglés al español107
catalán al español4
Campos generales con más puntos (PRO)
Puntos en 2 campos más >
Campos específicos con más puntos (PRO)
Derecho: contrato(s)20
TI (Tecnología de la información)16
Informática (general)12
Ingeniería: industrial8
Mecánica / Ing. mecánica8
Derecho: (general)7
Finanzas (general)4
Puntos en 9 campos más >

Ver todos los puntos obtenidos >
Palabras clave: freelance translator, SEO translation, copywriting, SEO translator, SEO copywriter, proofreader, translation services, proofreading services, copywriting services, reviewer. See more.freelance translator, SEO translation, copywriting, SEO translator, SEO copywriter, proofreader, translation services, proofreading services, copywriting services, reviewer, editor, IT, software, hardware, website localization, legal translation, marketing, tourism, travel, diving, fashion, spanish, english, catalan, SDL trados studio, memoq, memsource, SEO, WordPress, keyword research, SEO tools, SEO-on-Page. See less.

Última actualización del perfil
Dec 18, 2023