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español al inglés - Tarifas: 0.07 - 0.09 USD por palabra / 27 - 30 USD por hora inglés al español - Tarifas: 0.07 - 0.09 USD por palabra / 25 - 32 USD por hora
Puntos de nivel PRO 200, Preguntas respondidas: 183
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2 proyectos mencionados 2 comentarios positivos de clientes
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Translation Volumen: 16552 words Completado el: Jun 2004 Languages: español al inglés
Website translation for the Sustainable Develoment Week
This was a job where I had to go into a lot of descriptions about the activities of the different participants in the field of the sustainable development in Chile. I also had to translate a lot of the graphic informative material. I think this was a very interesting job.
Org./Desarr./Coop. Internacional, Negocios / Comercio (general), Medioambiente y ecología
positiva Jorge Fuentes Mosca: she carried out in excellent work
Translation Volumen: 9473 words Completado el: Nov 2002 Languages: inglés al español
Exponaval Website translation
This was the translation of the whole Exponaval Website, including all kind of details.
positiva Jorge Fuentes Mosca: she carried out in excellent work
Muestras de traducción: 2
español al inglés: Renewable Energies Detailed field: Energía / Producción energética
Texto de origen - español KATIA HALD
Mayor conciencia social y voluntad política requiere el país para avanzar en desarrollo sostenible. Así lo demuestra la experiencia de diversas empresas que en Chile trabajan con energías renovables, las cuales aquí no se han podido masificar como debieran por la falta de normativas que avalen su crecimiento y por el escaso interés que ha tenido la comunidad por emplearlas.
Entre el 24 y 27 de mayo se realizará en la capital la Semana del Desarrollo Sostenible donde distintos personeros debatirán en torno a la materia en que destaca el uso de ese tipo de energías como una forma de ahorrar recursos, elevar la calidad de vida de la población y proteger el medio ambiente.
Un tema que para Chile hoy resulta fundamental a propósito del recorte de gas trasandino que afecta a nuestro país como consecuencia de la crisis energética que atraviesa Argentina, lo que pone de manifiesto la necesidad de explotar energías renovables.
Javier Morales será uno de los expositores en el mencionado evento. Es gerente de Relaciones Internacionales de la consultora Sigesa, firma que en el último tiempo ha estado evaluando el desarrollo de la geotermia en el país.
De acuerdo al ejecutivo, el estudio ha arrojado dos importantes conclusiones: que se requiere una rápida aprobación del proyecto de ley para la promoción de las energias renovables en Chile, y la privatización de Enap, la cual generaría recursos financieros para concretar en el corto plazo al menos dos proyectos de energía geotérmica en el país.
"El proceso de privatización no solo significaría la venta en sí misma de la compañía -dijo-, sino que estaría sujeta a dos importantes inversiones en geotermia en Chile, por supuesto en el marco de un proceso transparente que involucre la participación de todos sus trabajadores".
Traducción - inglés KATIA HALD
Greater social awareness and political will are necessary for this country to get into a major sustainable development advance. This has been the experience for the enterprises working in Chile on the renewable energy field. These enterprises have not been able to spread widely due to lack of regulations to support their growth and a lack of interest from citizens of the community to capitalize on them.
Between May 24th -27th the Sustainable Development Week will be held in Santiago. Here, representatives from all over the world, will discuss the issues that lay emphasis on this kind of energy as a way to save resources, improve the population life quality and protect the environment.
Nowadays this is a fundamental subject for our country regarding Argentina's plans to reduce gas supplies to Chile as an outcome of Argentina facing a natural gas shortage crisis. This crisis makes clear the need to develop the renewable energy field.
Javier Morales is going to be one of the speakers of the above mentioned event. He is the International Relations Manager of Sigesa an environmental and management consulting company that has been in recent times evaluating the development of geothermics in the country.
According to the executive, the study has reached two important conclusions: A quick approval of the promotion of Chilean renewable energy sources law is required and ENAP privatization. This would generate financial resources to bring to life within the country on a short term at least two geothermic energy projects.
"The privatization process would not only mean to sell the company, says the executive, but also that two important investments on geothermics will be made in Chile. All of this, of course, under the frame of a transparent process that has to involve the participation of all of its workers".
inglés al español: 2004 Report from the Canada-Chile Commission for Environmental Cooperation Detailed field: Medioambiente y ecología
Texto de origen - inglés ENVIRONMENT CANADA
Canada, through the Environmental Technology Centre (ETC), undertook the following initiatives on Air Quality Measurement:
• The NAPS network continues to expand both in number of sites and species measured. A NAPS project, initiated in early 2003, generated routine measurements of PM2.5 mass, metals, ammonia, ions, and organic and elemental carbon. Six speciation sites were operational in fiscal year 2003/2004
• The ambient air quality monitoring at selected NAPS Network sites was performed for air-related CEPA toxic substances such as selected metals, certain VOC, PAH, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), pentachlorophenol (PCP), and PCDD/F. R&D work continued to improve the sampling and analytical methods employed. New and improved analytical methods for measurement of additional substances in ambient air were developed. R&D focussed on air-related substances included that are not currently measured in the NAPS Network, including certain VOC, metals, organic acids and amines, and other ionic species. This work involved a variety of analytical techniques
The ETC participated in a number of special studies related to air toxics measurement. For example, the ETC was requested by the Sydney Tar Ponds Agency (STPA) to begin monitoring VOC at six locations every six days at the Sydney Tar Ponds for three years. The ETC continued to cooperate with the University of Virginia to study plant hydrocarbons emissions and their impact on the environment.
Traducción - español ENVIRONMENT CANADA
Canadá, a través del Centro Tecnológico del Ambiente, (CTA), emprendió las siguientes iniciativas para la Medición de la Calidad del Aire:
• La Red NAPS continúa expandiéndose, tanto en la cantidad de sitios como en el número de las especies medidas. Un proyecto NAPS, iniciado a principios del 2003, generó mediciones de rutina de la masa de PM2.5, metales, amonio, iones, y carbón elemental y orgánico. Seis sitios de especiación se encontraban operables en el año fiscal 2003/2004.
• El monitoreo de la calidad del aire ambiental, en sitios seleccionados de la Red NAPS, fué realizado con el fin de identificar sustancias tóxicas relacionadas con el aire (CEPA) tales como ciertos metales, algunos Compuestos Orgánicos Volátiles (COV), hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos(HAP), hexaclorobenzeno (HCB), pentaclorofenol (PCF), y dibenzodioxinas y dibenzofuranos (PCDD/F). El trabajo de R&D siguió mejorando los métodos analíticos y de muestreo empleados. Se desarrollaron métodos analíticos nuevos y mejorados para la medición de sustancias adicionales del aire. R&D se concentraron en sustancias relacionadas con el aire, incluídas aquellas que actualmente no se miden en la Red NAPS, incluyendo ciertos Compuestos Orgánicos Volátiles, metales, ácidos orgánicos y aminos, y otras especies iónicas. Este trabajo involucró una gran variedad de técnicas de análisis.
• El Centro Tecnológico del Ambiente (CTA) participó en un gran número de estudios especiales relacionados con la medición de elementos tóxicos en el aire . Por ejemplo, la Agencia Sydney Tar Ponds le solicitó al CTE que comenzara un monitoreo de Compuestos Orgánicos Volátiles en seis lugares cada seis días, durante tres años en el Sydney Tar Ponds. El ETC continuó cooperando con la Universidad de Virginia para estudiar las emisiones de las plantas de hidrocarburos y su impacto en el medioambiente.
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I worked as a Freelance translator from 1981 to 1984 for CONIN Creces Magazine translating all kind of articles from English into Spanish.
From 1984 to 1986 I worked as a Freelance translator in the Medical field for students of different Chilean Universities, also from English into Spanish.
In 1988 I translated the "Global Cooperation for a Better World" project. This project was sponsored by the United Nations and was carried on by the Brahma Kumaris University.
From 1987 to 1989 I worked at Tronwell Institute in Chile as a Teacher first and then as an English Laboratory Superviser
Also, in 1989 I translated part of the Tobar Donoso Project (protection of the Awa Ecuatorian indian land heritage) carried on by the Rainforest Information Centre from Australia in conjunction with the Ecuatorian government.
From 1991 to 1996 I worked as a Bilingual Executive Secretary for Manpower Chile.
From 1996 to 1998 I worked for PROTEL CHILE, as a Bilingual Executive Secretary
In 2002 I worked as a translator for the Chilean "Exponaval " Web Site (from English into Spanish)through the enterprise "Dédalo Producciones y Eventos"
In 2003 I worked as a translator for the Chilean Air Force Magazine through the enterprise "Dédalo Producciones y Eventos"
In 2004 I worked as a translator for the "Sustainable Development Week" Website organized by CEPAL through AEPA and Chile Ambiental (from Spanish into English). That same year I also worked for CONAMA CHILE in the translation (from English into Spanish) of the "2004 Report from the Canada-Chile Commission for Environmental Cooperation".
In the present time (last two years) I have been studying to become a Clinical Psychologist (Bolivariana University, Chile)
My specialization areas are related to the environmental, medical (general), computers(general) Websites (general) psychological and journalist fields.
I am also very interested in translations related to literature (novels, science fiction), esoteric literature, archeology and anthropology.
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