Miembro desde Oct '11

Idiomas de trabajo:
inglés al alemán
español al alemán
italiano al alemán
portugués al alemán
alemán al español

Nathan Vymyslicky
Sp/En/Pt>Ger,Ger>Sp,Eng>Sp,Pt>Sp, It>Ger

Dusseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Alemania
Hora local: 22:05 CET (GMT+1)

Idioma materno: alemán Native in alemán, español Native in español
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14 positive reviews
2 ratings (5.00 avg. rating)
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About me

I am a German and Spanish native speaker and I mainly translate from English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese into German. I perform translations in the areas of Marketing & Advertising, Market Research (e.g. Surveying), Internet & E-Commerce (e.g. Company Profiles, Press Releases, Websites incl. Terms and Conditions etc.), Multimedia, Science, Journalism, Business & Management (e.g. Teaching Material), Automotive, IT & Telecommunication, Logistics, Technical (e.g. User Manuals) and Tourism.

Education & Working Languages

Born and raised in Germany I provide high quality translations into my (first) mother language, which is German. Thanks to my Argentine mother, I also consider Spanish to be my (second) mother language, for which I am your perfect partner when you are in urgent need of a translation in this language pair. I also include Italian and Portuguese, especially Brazilian Portuguese into my working languages. Last but not least, English is the language with the highest demand on the market, for which I am most experienced in this language pair. Given the fact that I am bilingual in 2 languages and cover 4 languages at the same time I am able to offer 6 different language combinations to my international clients:

English --> German
Spanish (International) --> German
Portuguese --> German
German --> Spanish (Argentina/Mexico/International)
English --> Spanish (Argentina/Mexico/International)
Portuguese --> Spanish (Argentina/Mexico/International)
Italian --> German

DUE TO POTENTIAL VIOLATION OF SENSITIVE PROJECT DETAILS CANNOT BE SPECIFIED ON THIS PAGE. For a detailed list of projects realized or further inquiries please don’t hesitate to get into contact with me. Emails to the address specified below will be answered in a short time (mobile phone). Payment information as well as sent files will be held strictly confidential. Publicly accessible translations (e.g. links) may be used for personal marketing purposes.

WARNING! In the light of current events: A scammer is urging translation agencies to do pre-payments via paypal and he is using my identity to do that!
Do not collaborate with and/or pay this person!
He is using the name '' Nathan Vymyslecky'' (a misspelling of my last name, which is Vymyslicky), my own personal (but modified and old) CV and the following email addresses: [email protected]
[email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected].

Be careful and please let me know via proz.com if you become a victim of this scam.
Thank you!

Payment Terms & Conditions:

Rates are to be agreed before a project/long term collaboration. Minimum rate (EUR 15.00) applies for any document or text to be translated with less than 200 words. If a minimum rate is agreed but with the actual amount of words exceeding 200 words, agreed rates per word apply.

If monthly invoicing was agreed, payment of entire invoice amount is required (at the latest) within end of month following the month in which invoice was issued (between 30 and 60 days).
Invoicing per project requires payment of entire invoice amount within 30 days from invoice date, as specified. Monthly issued invoices include a heading specifying the month, e.g. ‘december invoice’, regular invoices include the heading ‘invoice’ only.

Overdue accounts subject to a service charge of 5% per month.
Extra charges such as transfer fees are borne by the recipient (translation agency, institution, company or private person) of the invoice(s), not by the issuer (translator). Paypal fee and/or bank fee costs (difference between total sum specified in the invoice and actual payment sum) will be raised in the following invoice.

Clients of one of the EU member states require a valid VAT number. German tax authorities require me to charge 19.00 % VAT extra to German clients, as well as all private consumers from EU member states who do not have a VAT number for their organisation.

Thanks for your understanding!

Nathan Vymyslicky
Translator (English/Spanish/Portuguese -> German & English/Portuguese/German--> Spanish) )
Düsseldorf, Germany
[email protected]

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects111
With client feedback4
100% positive (4 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
inglés al alemán94
español al alemán13
portugués al alemán5
Specialty fields
General / Conversación / Saludos / Cartas42
Mercadeo / Estudios de mercado28
Ingeniería (general)12
Medicina (general)9
Medios / Multimedia9
Finanzas (general)9
Publicidad / Relaciones públicas8
Cine, películas, TV, teatro8
TI (Tecnología de la información)7
Automóviles / Camiones7
Recursos humanos7
Derecho: (general)5
Internet, comercio-e5
Deportes / Ejercitación / Recreo5
Viajes y turismo5
Negocios / Comercio (general)5
Educación / Pedagogía4
Cocina / Gastronomía4
Informática: Programas3
Transporte / Fletes3
Textil / Ropa / Moda3
Ciencias sociales, sociología, ética, etc.2
Medicina: Salud2
Gobierno / Política1
Juegos / Videojuegos / Apuestas / Casino1
Informática: Sistemas, redes1
Mecánica / Ing. mecánica1
Fotografía/Imagen (y artes gráficas)1
Cosméticos / Belleza1
Other fields
Derecho: contrato(s)12
Química, Ciencias/Ing. quím.5
Certificados, diplomas, títulos, CV5
Ciencia/ Ing. del petróleo4
Alimentos y bebidas4
Energía / Producción energética4
Barcos, navegación, marítimo4
Biología (biotecnología/química, microbiología)3
Ganadería / Cría de animales3
Medicina: Instrumentos2
Derecho: impuestos y aduanas2
Derecho: patentes, marcas registradas, derechos de autor2
Inversiones / Valores2
Medioambiente y ecología2
Nombres (persona, empresa)2
Ingeniería: industrial2
Construcción / Ingeniería civil1
Electrónica / Ing. elect.1
Materiales (plástico, cerámica, etc.)1
Matemáticas y estadística1
Medicina: Farmacia1
Arte, artes manuales, pintura1
Metalurgia / Fundición1
Bienes inmuebles1
Informática: Hardware1
Fuerzas Armadas / Defensa1
Informática (general)1
Medicina: Odontología1
Venta al detalle1
Palabras clave: Localization, translation, translator, traductor, traductores, portuguese, portugiesisch, portugues, spanish, spanisch. See more.Localization, translation, translator, traductor, traductores, portuguese, portugiesisch, portugues, spanish, spanisch, espanol, english, englisch, inglés, ingles, german, deutsch, aleman, alemán, alemao, journalism, brasilian, brazil, brazilian, brasil, brasileiro, argentina, argentine, argentino, south american, latin american spanish, certificates, marketing, market research, survey, marktforschung, technical, medical, General, Marketing & Advertisement, Market Research, Medical, Science, IT, Technical, Textile, Journalism, Press Releases, Subtitling, Scripts, Business and Management, Tourism, Cooking, Automotive, Telecommunication, Multimedia, Internet & E-commerce, Logistics, Contracts, subtitles. See less.

Última actualización del perfil
Apr 28, 2023