Idiomas de trabajo:
español al inglés
inglés al español

Oreon Internacional de Costa Rica S.A. - Oreon Internacional de Costa Rica S.A.
It is the message, not the messenger.

San Jose, San Jose, Costa Rica
Hora local: 13:16 CST (GMT-6)

Idioma materno: español Native in español
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Medical Field:
Simultaneous Interpretations for continuous medical education purposes in Costa Rica and abroad.
Clinical Coordinator (secondary investigator) for the Costarrican Institute of Clinical Research.
Sales force trainer in Central America for the Pharmaceutical Industry.
Bussines Administration:
Official Simultaneous Interpreter and Translator of the MMM program TULANE/INCAE Medical Masters Degree.
Fully available to travel and work for audio and voice over requirements.

Quotes supplied according to job specifications.
Palabras clave: medical, medical events, investigator meetings, pharmaceuticals marketing and sales, continuous medical education, healthcare, medical congress, medical seminars, medical events, medical workshops. See more.medical, medical events, investigator meetings, pharmaceuticals marketing and sales, continuous medical education, healthcare, medical congress, medical seminars, medical events, medical workshops, video voiceovers.. See less.

Última actualización del perfil
Sep 26, 2023

More translators and interpreters: español al inglés - inglés al español   More language pairs