Idiomas de trabajo:
español al inglés
inglés al japonés
inglés al criollo haitiano

Pamela Peterson
Experienced, Accurate, and Affordable.

Hora local: 08:36 EST (GMT-5)

Idioma materno: español Native in español
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We've been in business since 1991 and serve many Fortune 50 Companies. Our focus is translating into Spanish but we offer translation into all languages. We also offer Hispanic Market consulting for advertising agencies and other types of companies. We work with a team of experiences and professional translators from all over the world. Our translations are always done by a team of 3 people: translator, editor, and proofreader. Quality control is key for us.

Our services:
Translation: employee manuals, training manuals, ad copy, contracts, any type of document into and from all languages
Website Translation: we will translate your website directly into the HTML code
Interpreting: Conferences, meetings, court, training sessions
Coaching: we assist our advertising clients during recording sessions for radio or TV commercials into Spanish by helping select the talent, translating the ad copy, and then coaching the talent during the recording session to ensure accuracy and cultural appropriatness.
Palabras clave: translation services into Spanish, translation of employee handbooks, translation of employee manuals into Spanish, website translation into Spanish, website translation into French, language translation services, Los Angeles language translation services, WA DC translation services, telephone interpreting services into Spanish Creole

Última actualización del perfil
Sep 15, 2022