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Muestras de traducción: 1
inglés al portugués: Excerpt of the short story "Tenth of November" General field: Arte/Literatura
Texto de origen - inglés Today’s assignation: walk to pond, ascertain beaver dam. Likely he would be detained. By that species that lived amongst the old rock wall. They were small but, upon emerging, assumed certain proportions. And gave chase. This was just their methodology. His aplomb threw them loops. He knew that. And revelled it. He would turn, level the pellet gun, intone: Are you aware of the usage of this human implement?
They were Netherworlders. Or Nethers. They had a strange bond with him. Sometimes for whole days he would just nurse their wounds. Occasionally, for a joke, he would shoot one in the butt as it fled. Who henceforth would limp for the rest of its days. Which could be as long as an additional nine million years.
Safe inside the rock wall, the shot one would go, Guys, look at my butt.
As a group, all would look at Gzeemon’s butt, exchanging sullen glances of: Gzeemon shall indeed be limping for the next nine million years, poor bloke.
Traducción - portugués A missão de hoje: caminhar até à lagoa e averiguar o dique dos castores. Provavelmente seria detido, por aquela espécie que habitava dentro da velha parede rochosa. Eles eram pequenos mas, ao emergir, assumiam certas proporções e corriam atrás dele. Era simplesmente essa a sua metodologia. A autoconfiança dele deixava-os confusos. Ele sabia disso. E divertia-se. Virava-se, apontava a pressão de ar e entoava: Vocês sabem qual é o uso deste utensílio humano?
Eles eram os habitantes do Submundo. Também conhecidos como subterrâneos. Eles tinham um estranho vínculo com ele. Às vezes, durante dias inteiros, ele cuidava das suas feridas. De vez em quando, por brincadeira, ele disparava contra o rabo de um deles enquanto fugia. O qual, a partir daquele momento, coxearia para o resto da sua vida. Que podia durar mais de nove milhões de anos.
Em segurança dentro da parede rochosa, aquele que foi atingido diria: Pessoal, olhem para o meu rabo.
Todos no grupo olhavam para o rabo de Gzeemon, trocando olhares carrancudos como que a dizer: o Gzeemon vai mesmo coxear durante os próximos nove milhões de anos, coitado do homem.
Formación en el ámbito de la traducción
Bachelor's degree - Universidade de Évora
Años de experiencia: 4 Registrado en Jun 2020
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Aegisub, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
Aspiring professional translator with several years of experience in non-profit translation work, currently taking a master’s degree in Translation. Highly developed understanding of English and Portuguese culture. Will provide quick and accurate translations. Motivated to learn and grow as a professional translator, always looking for new challenges. My fields of expertise include: video games, IT, marketing, travel & tourism, media and more.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I will provide my CV upon request.
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