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Jul 5, 2019 (posted I'm on maternity leave, but you may succeed in getting in touch with me during this time if you're not in a rush. We may even be able to work together if you have flexible deadlines. Otherwise, feel free to resend this email in September when I intend to be back and regularly checking emails again. All the best, Sabrina Sattnin...more, + 40 other entries »
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portugués al inglés: Ensino em casa para educação inclusiva/ Homeschooling for special education needs General field: Otros Detailed field: Periodismo
Texto de origen - portugués Amy Knepper é uma americana adepta do ensino em casa que escreveu um livro para orientar os possíveis candidatos do movimento e seus veteranos no caminho da construção de um cronograma escolar que funcione para ambos: pais e filhos.
No livro, ela fala sobre todas as armadilhas mais comuns e aponta quais são os temas mais importantes a serem observados para se ter sucesso em um ano de ensino em casa.
Blueprint Homeschooling já está à venda em inglês, português brasileiro, espanhol e francês. A versão em espanhol foi traduzida pelo estúdio "Sattnin Texts and Idioms".
Traducción - inglés Amy Knepper is an American homeschooler who wrote a book to guide possible homeschooling candidates and veterans on the path of building a school schedule which works for both: parents and kids.
In the book, she talks about all the most common traps and points out what are the most important topics to be observed to succeed in a year as a homeschooler.
Blueprint Homeschooling is currently on sale in English, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish and French. The Spanish version was translated by “Sattnin Texts and Idioms” studio.
inglés al portugués: Cocoa Paste Production Process/Processo de Produção da Massa de Chocolate General field: Otros Detailed field: Alimentos y bebidas
Texto de origen - inglés Introduction
The National Fine Cocoa of Aroma is a classification of the International Cocoa Organization (CIO) to the cocoa produced in Equator which purpose is to differentiate the ideal cocoa for the fabrication of the gourmet chocolate.
The suitable cocoa to make the gourmet chocolate has very peculiar features of taste and aroma what make it unique and different from the rest of cocoas produced around the world.
Traducción - portugués Introdução
O cacau nacional fino de aroma é uma classificação da Organização Internacional de Cacau (OIC) para o cacau produzido no Equador, cuja proposta é diferenciar o cacau ideal para a fabricação do chocolate gourmet.
O cacau para produção de chocolate gourmet apresenta características muito particulares de sabor e aroma, o que o torna único e diferente do restante dos cacaus produzidos ao redor do mundo.
francés al inglés: Le souvenir de Paris/ The souvenir of Paris General field: Arte/Literatura Detailed field: Poesía y literatura
Texto de origen - francés Paris, un après-midi de juillet. L’agitation est celle d’une fourmilière : incessante, tourbillonnante, frénétique. La chaleur, elle, est écrasante ; seule une légère brise offre par intermittence un peu de répit. Paris semble étrange sous le soleil d’été, presque irréel. L’atmosphère poisseuse, les bruits de la circulation, la promiscuité offrent un contraste saisissant avec la digne sérénité des incontournables de la ville : la Seine coule paisiblement, la Tour Eiffel se dresse au-dessus de la mêlée, la cathédrale Notre-Dame défie le temps, comme une grand-mère qui regarderait avec amusement ses petits-enfants s’ébattre devant elle.
Traducción - inglés Paris, an afternoon of July. Agitation is an anthill: incessant, whirling, frantic. The heat is overwhelming; only a slight breeze offers respite intermittently. Paris seems strange under the summer sun, almost unreal. The sticky atmosphere, the sounds of the traffic, the promiscuity offer a stark contrast with the dignified serenity of the inevitable of the city: The Seine flows peacefully, the Eiffel tower stands above the confusion, the Notre Dame cathedral defies time, like a grandmother who is watching with amusement her grandchildren romping in front of her.
español al portugués: Contracorriente/Contracorrente General field: Arte/Literatura Detailed field: Religión
Texto de origen - español Era el último día de clase. A la mañana siguiente tendrían que volver e al instituto solo para recoger las notas. La selectividad estaba a la vuelta de la esquina. Los muchachos pensavam en el último esfuerzo que tendrían que realizar antes de poder disfrutar de sus merecidas vacaciones de verano. Con suerte, además, podrán elegir la carrera que más les gustase.
Pero, no todos tenían tan claro lo que deseaban estudiar. Algunos jóvenes como Carlos, se sentían desmotivados y sólo querían que pasaran rápido esos días.
Traducción - portugués Era o último dia de aula. Na manhã seguinte teriam que voltar ao Instituto sozinhos para pegar as notas. A concorrência era grande. Todos pensavam no último esforço que teriam que fazer antes de poder desfrutar de suas merecidas férias de verão. Com sorte, elegeriam a carreira que mais gostassem.
Mas não eram todos que tinha certeza sobre o que queria. Alguns, como Carlos, se sentiam desmotivados e só queriam que os dias passassem depressa.
portugués al francés: O melhor trabalho de todos os tempos/ Le meilleur travail de tous les temps General field: Arte/Literatura Detailed field: Poesía y literatura
Texto de origen - portugués Com um gesto que afastou o suor da fronte, Liang interrompeu a caminhada para descansar sob a sombra de uma fileira de juníperos, sua parte favorita da pequena estrada que unia o palácio do imperador Qin Shihuang à sua casa. Não que pudesse contar que ali era seu lar: desde que se viu órfã após um massacre que dizimou a horda de guerreiros que protegia o reino, entre os quais estava seu pai, Liang foi acolhida por aquele a quem agora servia.
Traducción - francés C'est avec un geste qui déplaça la sueur de son front, que Liang interrompit la marche pour se reposer à l’ombre d’une rangée de genévriers, sa partie préférée de la petite route qui reliait le Palais de l’empereur Qin Shihuang à son domicile. Non pas qu'elle ait pu dire qu'elle était chez elle: depuis qu’elle était devenue orpheline après un massacre qui avait décimé la horde de guerriers qui protégeait le Royaume, dans laquelle était son père, Liang avait été accueillie par celui qu’elle sert maintenant.
inglés al español: Blueprint Homeschooling/El plan de la enseñanza en casa General field: Arte/Literatura Detailed field: Educación / Pedagogía
Texto de origen - inglés Introduction to Blueprint Homeschooling
This book isn't really about planning. After you've gone through it, you'll have a great plan for your school year, but that's just a bonus. This book is really about dreaming, envisioning, discovering, and preparing an ideal year of homeschooling for your whole family. Rather than having you fill in a bunch of charts and calendars, I will walk you through the process of discovering why you homeschool, what you hope each of your children will get out of homeschooling, and how you will make those dreams happen with a solid, workable plan.
Traducción - español Introducción al Plan de Educación en Casa
Este libro no es solamente sobre planeamiento. Después de leerlo, usted tendrá un gran plan para su año escolar, mas eso es un bono. Este libro es antes algo sobre sueño, visión, descubierta y la preparación de un año escolar ideal a toda su familia. Más que hacerle rellenar decenas de gráficos y calendarios, le voy a orientar a usted acerca del proceso de la descubierta de la razón de se enseñar en casa, qué esperar de sus alumnos y cómo hacer sus sueños realidad por medio de un plan sólido y aplicable.
Años de experiencia: 9 Registrado en Feb 2017
Seasoned, goal-driven translator who is well-traveled in various European countries and acquiring cultural imports; poised to apply solid skillset to improving organizational efficiency and boosting sales.
• Trained linguist, with excellent communication skills in four commonly spoken languages
• More than 10 years of demonstrated expertise as a journalist, with outstanding copywriting and editing skills
• Experienced translator, with a proven track record of accurate translations between the aforementioned languages
• Efficient project manager, having delivered high-quality results for a variety of assigned projects in the past
• Excellent voiceover artist, currently engaged in multiple recording projects
• Quick learner, with a strong ability to build cohesive teams and foster a positive growth culture
As a linguist, Sabrina's career started as a bachelor in Journalism over 10 years ago. She has a wide range of experience in diverse areas, both professionally and personally, once Sabrina is fond of studying and reading too. She's also a marketing specialist and has international titles in entrepreneurship and leadership from Dale Carnegie and Empretec, this last one a course provided by UNO (United Nations Organization). In 2016, she finished a Tourism Management course in Dublin, Ireland. Good background in Translations, Subtitling, Copywriting, Transcreation, Transcription, Voiceover, Editing, Time Coding, Website Localization, Content Producing, Teaching and Interpreting. Good experience as a literary translator as well. Languages: Brazilian Portuguese, British English, Spanish and Parisian French. Please, find out some references below:
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