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Muestras de traducción: 2
portugués al inglés: Rational Diagnosis of Hypertension through Gene Identification [excerpt] General field: Ciencias Detailed field: Genética
Texto de origen - portugués Em nosso laboratório, estamos procurando refinar esta análise reduzindo o intervalo entre os
marcadores moleculares de cada região para permitir uma melhor identificação do gene através das técnicas de clonagem semelhantes àquelas empregadas para identificar o gene da fibrose cística.
Traducción - inglés In our laboratories, we are seeking to refine this analysis by reducing the interval between each region's molecular markers in order to permit better gene identification through cloning techniques similar to those used to identify the cystic fibrosis gene.
inglés al portugués: Gutenberg: Man of the Millennium General field: Otros Detailed field: Historia
Texto de origen - inglés Johannes Gutenberg worked...and his work changed the world.
Many listed Gutenberg the “Man of the Millennium.” Life listed his invention as the most significant event of the millennium.
In 1455, Gutenberg invented the printing press. Within 10 years, the total number of books went from 50,000 to over 10 million. The first book off the Gutenberg press: the Bible. Copies had taken a year to be produced, by hand. God providentially gave this Kingdom Tool for the spread of the Gospel through the work of Johannes Gutenberg.
“...religious truth is imprisoned in a small number of manuscripts, which confine instead of spread this public treasure. Let us break the seal which binds these holy things; let us give wings to Truth in order that she may win every soul that comes into the world by her word, no longer written at vast expense, but multiplied everlastingly by a machine which never wearies.” --Gutenberg
“Yes, it is a press, certainly, but a press from which shall flow in inexhaustible streams of the most abundant and most marvelous liquor that has ever flowed to relieve the thirst of men. Through it, God will spread His word; a spring of pure truth shall flow from it; like a new star it shall scatter the darkness of ignorance, and a cause a light hithertofore unknown to shine among men.” --Gutenberg
Traducción - portugués Johannes Gutenberg trabalhou...e seu trabalho mudou o mundo.
Muitos listaram o Gutenberg como o “Homem do Milénio”. A revista Life listou sua invenção como o evento mais significativo do milénio.
Em 1455, Gutenberg inventou o prelo. Dentro de 10 anos, o número total de livros subíu de 50.000 à mais de 10 milhões. O primeiro livro impresso no prelo de Gutenberg: a Bíblia. Antes disso levava um ano para produzir à mão uma só cópia. Deus deu providencialmente essa Ferramenta do Reino para a propagação do Evangelho através do trabalho do Johannes Gutenberg.
“...a verdade religiosa está presa numa quantia pequena de manuscritos, que limitam em vez de espalharem esse tesouro público. Deixe-nos romper o selo que liga essas santas coisas; deixe-nos dar asas à Verdade para que ela possa ganhar cada alma que entra no mundo através da sua palavra, nunca mais escrita com grande custo, mas multiplicada eternamente por uma máquina que nunca cansa.” --Gutenberg
“Sim, é um prelo, certamente, mas um prelo do qual fluirá em rios inesgotáveis o mais abundante e mais maravilhoso licor que já fluiu para aliviar a sede dos homens. Através dele, Deus espalhará a Sua palavra; uma fonte de verdade pura fluirá dele; como uma estrela nova dispersará as trevas de ignorância, e causará uma luz outrora desconhecida a brilhar entre homens.” --Gutenberg
Formación en el ámbito de la traducción
Graduate diploma - School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Años de experiencia: 22 Registrado en Sep 2013
I have been in love with Brazilian culture for more than 30 years, writing and speaking Portuguese at every opportunity. Altogether, I've lived more than 12 years in Brazil and am familiar with every region of the country, from the rainforests in the North to the Pampas of the South. This experience has enabled me to learn local dialects, idiomatic expressions and slang, and I still hunger for more.
For my last ten years in Brazil, I worked as a professional translator and interpreter (both simultaneous and consecutive). The other two years I was a professional photojournalist and art director in Rio de Janeiro. I have taught and lectured in both Portuguese and English.
My experience as a writer and public speaker keeps my translations and interpretations vibrant, accurate and enjoyable. My husband, Don Best, is a professional editor and author of several books. Working together, we delight in translating Portuguese into English prose that is suitable for publication. That is, it is easy to read, grammatically correct, and faithful to the original.
Together, we offer you The Best Communication. Our translation and editorial services focus on marketing, tourism, business, journalism, photography, literature, education, health, rainforest ecology, and Biblical materials.
We look forward to making YOUR communication the veryBEST!