Idiomas de trabajo:
español al inglés
español (monolingüe)
inglés (monolingüe)

Phoenix III
True words...

Estados Unidos
Hora local: 07:54 EST (GMT-5)

Idioma materno: inglés Native in inglés, español Native in español
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9 positive reviews
(1 unidentified)

1 rating (5.00 avg. rating)

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Tipo de cuenta Traductor o intérprete autónomo, Identity Verified Identidad verificada
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Afiliaciones This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Servicios Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Subtitling, MT post-editing, Transcription, Sales, Copywriting
Se especializa en
Publicidad / Relaciones públicasCertificados, diplomas, títulos, CV
Poesía y literaturaGeneral / Conversación / Saludos / Cartas
Derecho: (general)Transporte / Fletes
Fotografía/Imagen (y artes gráficas)Jergas


Actividad en KudoZ (PRO) Puntos de nivel PRO 770, Preguntas respondidas: 1107, Preguntas formuladas: 15
Comentarios en el Blue Board de este usuario  7 comentarios

Payment methods accepted PayPal, Skrill., TransferWise
Experiencia Años de experiencia: 38 Registrado en Aug 2013 Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credenciales español al inglés (Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, verified)
inglés al español (Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, verified)
español (State of Florida Qualified Court Translator/Interp)
inglés (State of Florida Qualified Court Translator/Interp)
Miembro de ATA
EquiposPhoenix III
Software Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, Wordfast PRO, Powerpoint, Wordfast
CV/Resume inglés (DOCX)
Events and training
Prácticas profesionales Phoenix III apoya's Directrices profesionales.
I was born in Colombia and my family moved to NY when I was a young child. (That's where the Spanish comes from). I went to business school there and later on to College. My friends were bringing their families here to the states and began asking me to translate their diplomas, birth certificates, etc. and before I knew it word got around and work became more interesting. During a trip to Colombia I learned that I qualified to be a licensed translator and I thought that this would look nice on my CV and so I applied. As a result, I actually translated for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs while there! On and off I have been translating/interpreting all my life but charging... well, since 1986. Recently, I have decided to make it my full time career because I actually enjoy it so much. Never a dull moment and definitely not a routine job! I was browsing for translation jobs and found and I immediately signed up. I am elated! It's everything I was looking for. Training, support and job opportunities all within a professional environment, not to mention the chance to meet other colleagues in the community and learn from one another.
Este miembro obtuvo puntos KudoZ al ayudar a otros traductores a traducir términos de nivel PRO. Haga clic en total(es) de puntos para ver los términos traducidos.

Total de ptos. obtenidos: 837
Puntos de nivel PRO: 770

Idiomas con más puntos (PRO)
español al inglés392
inglés al español360
Campos generales con más puntos (PRO)
Puntos en 4 campos más >
Campos específicos con más puntos (PRO)
Derecho: (general)87
General / Conversación / Saludos / Cartas50
Medicina (general)49
Educación / Pedagogía47
Finanzas (general)43
Negocios / Comercio (general)35
Puntos en 46 campos más >

Ver todos los puntos obtenidos >
Palabras clave: English to Spanish, Spanish to English, translator, interpreter, accounting, advertising, agriculture, business, certificates, cooking. See more.English to Spanish, Spanish to English, translator, interpreter, accounting, advertising, agriculture, business, certificates, cooking, correspondence, degrees, editing, education, finance, general conversation, fitness, gardening, health, law, letters, literature, marketing, medical, mining, proofreading, religion, travel, tourism, sports, ghost writing, Spanish Translation, español, castellano, Inglés, inglés, legal, law, attorney, lawsuit, complaint, contract, technical, business, contract, technical demanda, abogado, derecho, ley, finance, comercio, certified, conference, simultaneous, consecutive, deposition, trial, documents, written, translation, interpretation, interpreter, traductora, traducción, intérprete, asilo, asylum, certified, certificado, pharmaceuticals, patents, laboratory, instrumentation, manufacturing, engineering, medical charts, medical test, guidelines, nursing, nutrition, history, medication, guides, pharmaceutical, guides, patient information, soccer, agronomy, forestry, cinema, criminology, criminología, patent application, solicitud de patentes, traducción de canciones, lyrics translation, history, records, life sciences, newsletters, agreements, social sciences, contracts, yahoo, medicine, experience, English, health care, holistic, therapies, lab practice, marketing, flyers, bibliographies, trade, Spanish, localization, freelance, Mexico, legal, traductores, press releases, banks, economía, google, computers, internet, environmental, finanzas, technical, legal, cellular, network, publications, presentations, brochures, press releases, websites, books, web, red, bolsa, mobile, móvil, cable, mortgage, credit, debit, hipoteca, crédito, débito, preparations, inventory, work, area, barrel, vaccine, Education, Contracts, Public relations, Birth Certificates, Acta de nacimiento, Advertising & Public Relations; Law (general), Legal, Medicine, Heath Care, (general), Engineering (general), Computers (general), Business (general), Finance & Economics (general), Industry and Technology (general) Cosmetics, Printing & Publishing, Automotive Industry, Transportation, Literature, Arts and Humanities (general), Military, Multimedia, Insurance, Music, Biology, Architecture, Marketing, Psychology, Agriculture, International Development, Business (general), Sociology, Machinery & Tools, Tax Law, Patents, Trademarks & Copyrights, Sports, Government, Travel & Tourism, Telecommunications, Banking & Financial Law, Corporate Law, Accounting & Auditing, Art, Gastronomy, Shipping & Maritime, Ecology & Environment, Film & Television, Real Estate, History, Food & Dairy, translation, traducción, english, spanish, inglés, español, castellano, proofreading, editing, corrección, edición, revisión, subtitling, transcription, transcripción, culture, IT, computers, music, software, hardware, media, marketing, tourism, medicine, social, sciences, telecommunications, journalism, informática, computadoras, social science, linguistics, linguist, information, engineering, literary, literatura, ingeniería, medicina, paypal, websites, páginas, web, música, guitar, guitarra, html, xhtml, css, ADSL, CAT, tools, CATs, freelance, freelancer, independiente, autónomo, PC, arte, cultura, medios, periodismo, ciencias, sociales, turismo, certificates, letters, resume, transcript, accounting, birth certificate, passports, agreements, patents, bylaws, articles of incorporation, market research, marriage certificates, banking, finanzas, medios, contratos, certificados, actas, CV, certificado analítico, documentos, partidas de nacimiento, partidas de matrimonio, pasaportes, convenios, marcas, patentes, estatutos, investigación de mercado, jurado, juicio, tribunal, compraventa, articles of incorporation, constitucion de sociedad, fundamentos de derecho, sentencia juzgado, acuerdo entres accionistas, Shareholders Agreement, informe de Revision fiscal, Art, History, Conservation, Law, Jurisprudence, Cultural Rights, Museums, Painting, Sculpture, Travel, Tourism, Information Technology, Computer Graphics, Film, Video Editing, Telecommunications, Interpretation Services, Railroads, Railways, Renewable Energies, Law, Contracts, Finance, Statements, Balance, Sheets, Accounts Professional, medical, industrial, legal translator, Profesional, traductor, Legal, Law, Attorney Lawsuit Complaint Contract Techunical Business Demanda Abogado Derecho, Ley, Finance, Comercio, Certified, Written Translation Interpretation, Spanish, Broward County, . See less.

Última actualización del perfil
May 31, 2023

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