Idiomas de trabajo:
inglés al español
español al inglés

Sandra Cortés
MBA, Renewable Energies, Marketing,

Puerto Montt, Los Lagos, Chile
Hora local: 14:15 -03 (GMT-3)

Idioma materno: español Native in español
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I have been working as a freelance English>Spanish translator during the last 5 years. I have done Sp-En transcriptions, I worked for Lionbridge during two years doing some translations for Dell and Microsoft web pages, and also worked as a Quality rater for Google. I also did volunteer collaboration with the Canadian Indigenous Leadership Development Institute. My work here was focused on translating documents, bylaws, annual reports, sponsorship reports, and brochures for the World Indigenous Business Forum which was held in Santiago de Chile on October, 2017.

I have full time availability. I invite you to contacting me and I assure you that you will be contacting a committed professional!

Palabras clave: spanish, technology, science

Última actualización del perfil
Aug 3, 2018

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