Idiomas de trabajo:
español al inglés
inglés al español

Christine Walsh

Hora local: 00:24 -03 (GMT-3)

Idioma materno: inglés Native in inglés, español Native in español
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I am British but have lived in Argentina since my early teens, which has made me fully bilingual in English and Spanish. I have a solid foundation in literature in both languages, as well as being a university-trained certified translator. Since beginning to work as a freelance translator, after many years of teaching language and literature in top private schools in Argentina, I have translated several books to the complete satisfaction of their authors and publishers, in addition to academic articles and many non-literary texts. I enjoy working in collaboration with the authors whenever possible, and can provide their names and email addresses as references, together with brief samples of the work I have done for them.

Besides my training and full command of both languages, I have an eye for detail and take pride in my work, providing high-quality translations in both English and Spanish. Feel free to contact me for translation or proofreading services, to request quotes or sample translations, and for any other information you may require.

I have appended a list of some of my most interesting translations, with links to additional information:

Las Maestras de Sarmiento, bilingual edition published in Buenos Aires by Grupo Abierto Comunicaciones, 2007. Author: Julio Crespo - Translator: Christine Walsh.

A Minor Indiscretion: Detained in Morocco, by Graham Hutt. Tate Publishing, 29/12/2009 - 311 pages. (Spanish translation by Christine Walsh not yet published).

Lugar de memoria: ¿un concepto para el análisis de las luchas memoriales? El caso de Uruguay y su pasado reciente, by Eugenia Allier Montagno, PhD . CUADERNOS DEL CLAEH, 2.ª serie, año 31, n.º 96-97, 2008/1-2.,d.dmQ

Alejandra (Vol.10, No. 1-2) Point of Contact- Copyright 2010. Syracuse University Press. A bilingual edition dedicated to Argentinean poet Alejandra Pizarnik. (Most of the Spanish to English translations by Christine Walsh).

Tzvi Tal (Forthcoming, 2012) "Jews in cinema: The Other Becomes Mainstream". (English translation by Christine Walsh) Adriana Brodsky and Raanan Rein (eds.), Princesses, Petty Criminals and Pariahs: Facets of Jewish Experiences in Argentina. Leyden and Boston: Brill Editors.

The Chosen, by Absalon Fonseca, November 2012. A fantasy / science fiction novel, translated into English by Christine Walsh.
Este miembro obtuvo puntos KudoZ al ayudar a otros traductores a traducir términos de nivel PRO. Haga clic en total(es) de puntos para ver los términos traducidos.

Total de ptos. obtenidos: 3698
Puntos de nivel PRO: 3688

Idiomas con más puntos (PRO)
inglés al español2459
español al inglés1229
Campos generales con más puntos (PRO)
Ciencias sociales241
Puntos en 4 campos más >
Campos específicos con más puntos (PRO)
Poesía y literatura314
Textil / Ropa / Moda209
General / Conversación / Saludos / Cartas152
Medicina (general)141
Construcción / Ingeniería civil131
Educación / Pedagogía128
Puntos en 87 campos más >

Ver todos los puntos obtenidos >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects1
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
español al inglés1
Specialty fields
Gobierno / Política1
Poesía y literatura1
Other fields
Palabras clave: literature, history, novels, science fiction, juvenile fiction, children's literature, travel guides, tourism, biographies, journalism. See more.literature, history, novels, science fiction, juvenile fiction, children's literature, travel guides, tourism, biographies, journalism, art, fashion, psychology, social sciences, education, cinema, films, fitness, general science, environment, livestock, historia, literatura, turismo, biografía, psicología. See less.

Última actualización del perfil
Apr 5, 2014

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