Glossary entry

español term or phrase:

(+tx exceso_creds_tipo_t_ciclo_c)

inglés translation:

(+tx excess_core_credits_stage_c)

Added to glossary by Charles Davis
Dec 18, 2011 17:04
12 yrs ago
7 viewers *
español term

(+tx exceso_creds_tipo_t_ciclo_c)

español al inglés Otros Educación / Pedagogía Academic Transcript
I am translating an academic transcript and this appears after tipo +L2

what does is mean?
what is +L2?
Proposed translations (inglés)
3 +3 (+tx excess_core_credits_stage_c)
Change log

Dec 18, 2011 17:26: Rebecca LC changed "Language pair" from "inglés al español" to "español al inglés"

Dec 19, 2011 01:34: Lydia De Jorge changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"

Jan 1, 2012 09:25: Charles Davis Created KOG entry

Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

PRO (3): Charles Davis, Taña Dalglish, Lydia De Jorge

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Rebecca LC (asker) Dec 18, 2011:
oh, sorry
this is an academic transcript for Licenicatura en Ciencias de Trabajos.
It is from a Spanish University.
In the results table there is a column calle "tipo" and under that appears +L2.
Under the results table is a footnote "tipo:" where (+tx exceso_creds_tipo_t_ciclo_c) appears.
Rebecca LC (asker) Dec 18, 2011:
thans you, this makes more sense,
but what does (+tx exceso_creds_tipo_t_ciclo_c) mean?
Taña Dalglish Dec 18, 2011:
@ aussienomad Welcome. Perhaps you can look at these previous entries from 2006 which are similar (not that they are conclusive by any means) and we certainly need more context, e.g. country or origin, etc.).

Glossary entries from 13 December 2006
13 Dec 2006 – Under the heading tipo, there is "+L2" 1. What is the +L2 2. What do the following mean? Nota: (+tx exceso_creds_tipo_t_ciclo_c) ...
No estoy segura, pero quizá sea algo así como + Licenciatura 2 = Another degree/ second degree. Quizá esté estudiando una segunda licenciatura (?) OR second year of "licenciatura"?

(*Post_Fin_estudios) > Post termination studies*post_fin_estudios.h...
13 Dec 2006 – Under the heading tipo, there is "+L2" 1. What is the +L2 2. What do the following mean? Nota: (+tx exceso_creds_tipo_t_ciclo_c) ...
Spanish term or phrase: (*Post_Fin_estudios)
English translation: Post termination studies

Rebecca LC (asker) Dec 18, 2011:
thank you, sorry, no it's spanish to english, I must have put the languages in wrong
lorenab23 Dec 18, 2011:
aussienomad Welcome to Proz.
Are you sure is English to Spanish and not the other way around?
Can you tell us the country of origin?

Proposed translations

2 horas

(+tx excess_core_credits_stage_c)

There is a certain amount of guesswork here. Spanish universities (and not just Spanish ones, to be fair) have an annoying habit of using codes that are impenetrable to outsiders.

The part I'm fairly confident about is that "t" stands for "troncal". This is a standard abbreviation in classifying degree courses or subjects and the corresponding credits. The usual translation of "troncal" is "core": an "asignatura troncal" is a core course. So "creds_tipo_t", which pretty obviously stands for "créditos tipo t", means "type T credits", which are "core credits".

For example:
Códigos de la columna Tipo
T: Materia troncal.
O: Materia obligatoria "

"Excess core credits taken by the student at the home university will not be eligible for adaptation to any other type of credit (compulsory, optional or free electives) and will only be counted for purposes of the academic transcript of records."

I don't know what "ciclo_c" refers to. "Ciclo" normally means a stage or phase of the degree course; the standard division is "primer ciclo" and "segundo ciclo". "Ciclo c", however, is non-standard, and probably corresponds to a division of this particular course. I think all we can do is leave it as "stage c".

Finally, "+tx" looks to me like a code, in which "t" stands for "troncal" and "x" stands for "exceso". So this note is explaining what the code "tx" means: the student has taken too many core credits in stage C of the course. There is presumably a maximum permitted number and "-tx" in the "tipo" column indicates that this maximum has been exceeded. Given that another of the codes they use is "+L2", it seems likely that the "+" sign doesn't mean anything in particular but is just a character to show that this is a code.

I don't know about +L2", but the "L", in relation to types of credits, suggests "Libre elección": "free choice" or "elective" credits. This is standard: it refers to a certain number of subjects that may be taken outside the main degree subject. Perhaps these are "type 2 free choice credits", though precisely what that might mean is anyone's guess.

This is the best I can do, I'm afraid.
Peer comment(s):

agree evelyn beltrán : at least you tried
8 minutos
Thanks, Evelyn!
agree Taña Dalglish : Woweeee!! I have an teeny idea about "+L2" (i.e. second language?). See link attached which explains why: there is "L2/LE". Un abrazo.
42 minutos
Thank you, Taña! L2 certainly is used for second language, and perhaps that's what it means here. :)
agree Lydia De Jorge
6 horas
Many thanks, Lydia :)
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