Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 158 results
The World Bank. English-Spanish and Spanish-English Glossary
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, The World Bank |
This edition of the World Bank Glossary has been revised and expanded by the Terminology Unit of the Bank's Translation, Interpretation and Conference Services Division, in close collaboration with the English and Spanish Translation Sections. The Glossary is intended to assist the Bank's translators and interpreters, other Bank staff using Spanis... View more
English-Russian glossary of terms related to the Glossary of Terms related to the Promotion of International Cooperation to Combat Illicit Financial Flows in Order to Foster Sustainable Development.
Англо-русский глоссарий по цифровым финансовым услугам
Оперативная группа МСЭ-Т по цифровым финансовым услугам |
Настоящий глоссарий представляет собой сборник терминов, которые обычно используются в области цифровых финансовых услуг, и пояснение значения этих терминов. Термины сгруппированы по категориям, а не приведены в соответствии с алфавитным порядком. Существуют семь основных категорий терминов.
English-Russian Glossary in the domain of Financial Management.
We understand that life insurance, annuities, mutual funds, and other financial products aren't always the easiest things to understand. Your New York Life agent can provide the most precise explanations of these products and services, and explore possible solutions that fit your needs.
Italian-English glossary of financial terms
Babel Linguistics |
Italian-English glossary of financial terms for tax returns, accounting, and banking.
English-Spanish glossary of financial terms & definitions for retirement, taxes, accounting, and banking.
Glossaire des services financiers numériques
Ce rapport a été rédigé par Carol Benson et Nils Clotteau avec la contribution de Cecily Northup, Trevor Zimmer et Yuri Grin. Il a été révisé par le groupe de travail sur l’écosystème des services financiers numériques. |
Publié par l’Union postale universelle (UPU) Berne (Suisse) Ce glossaire est une compilation de termes couramment utilisés dans le domaine des services financiers numériques et donne une explication de la signification de ces termes. Les termes sont regroupés par catégorie, et non par ordre alphabétique. Il existe 7 catégories principales, comme... View more
قاموس السوق والتداول - Financial Markets Glossary
UAE/ |
تعريفات بسيطة لمصطلحات تداول الأسواق العالمية. Note that although the headings are in Arabic, this is an Eng > Ara glossary.
Glossary of Finance,Banking and Investment with Arabic definitions
مسرد بالمصطلحات المستخدمة في امتحان شهادة المحاسب اإلداري المعتمد
Association of Accountants and Financial Professionals in Business |
Glossary of terms used in the CPA Exams
The Reuters Financial Glossary has been developed to give quick access to definitions of terms and concepts used in the foreign exchange, money, equity, commodity and debt markets. Terms used in technical analysis and macro-economics are also included. It is fully cross-referenced and many terms have links to other websites that give additional inf... View more
Securities glossary
SecuritiesGlossary |
Glossary of securities terms. More than 800 terms.
Markets have a language all their own and within that language, forex has its own dialect. Here are some terms we commonly use in our commentary.
Forex Trading Terms (Categorized): Abvreviations & Accronyms, Economic Indicators, Forex Market Terms, Forex People, Forex Slang Terms, Forex Technical Analysis, Forex Trading Strategies, General Financial Terms, Generic Accounting Term, Historical Terms, Influential People and Organizations, Institutions and Organizations, Insurance Terms, Interna... View more
Trading glossary |
Glossary of trading terms.
Glossary of financial terms. About 600 terms.
Monolingual glossary of financial terms
Banca del Lazio popolare |
Italian monolingual glossary of financial terms
Financial terms for investors
Cégvezetés (journal "Company management") |
Very good Hungarian language monoligual decription and short clarification of financial terms
Dear translators, We are making our experience in the field of financial translation available to you in order to enrich your work, this bilingual English/French glossary.
Consumer Expendeniture Survey Glossary
Bureau of Labor Statistics |
"This glossary is divided into four sections: Characteristics Expenditures Income and personal taxes Other financial information."
European Central Bank's glossary
European Central Bank |
Glossary of terms related to the activities of the European Central Bank (monetary policy, payment systems, statistics, etc.)
English-Spanish Glossary of Terms Relating to Higher Education & Student Financial Aid
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities and others |
This glossary is maintained and supported by a group of organizations involved in student financial aid and in promoting access to higher education to Hispanics throughout the country: Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities,National Association for College Admission Counseling, National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators... View more
Christian Lassure |
A rich and comprehensive bilingual online translating and explanatory dictionary of economy, banking, business and finance. With more than 6850 entries per language, the dictionary tackles all domains of today's business life, from the most recent Stock Exchange instruments to corporate and trade finance, risk management, accounting, credit practic... View more
oltre 15.000 vocaboli periodicamente aggiornati con nuove nozioni) sia in italiano che in inglese, con le relative spiegazioni sempre precise ed esaustive.
Accountancy Business Glossary (EN)
AllBusiness.Com |
Alphabetical list of standard English accountancy/business and financial terms
Англо-русский словарь терминов венчурного финансирования
Словарь содержит более 1700 толкований терминов и расшифровок аббревиатур в сфере венчурного бизнеса (инвестирование, рынки, проекты, методы и инструменты), прямых инвестиций, деятельности фондовых бирж, IPO. Ввиду того что многие термины имеют несколько различные толкования по разные стороны океана или же могут быть неоднозначными, в словарь включ... View more
Словарь содержит более сотни терминов с толкованиями по управлению рисками. Словарь может быть полезен риск-менеджерам и финансовым аналитикам, работающим в банках и на предприятиях нефинансовой сферы.
Quite exhaustive glossary of financial terms
Glossary of Selected Financial Terms
International Monetary Fund |
Glossary of Selected Financial Terms Terms and Definitions International Monetary Fund
Dizionario on-line di circa 1000 termini finanziari (termini, categorie, definizioni ed esempi) Online glossary of approximately 1000 financial terms (terms, categories, definitions and examples)
Financial glossary
Banco Santander |
Financial Banking Glossary with definition of the terms in Spanish.
Financial Glossary
UOL - Universo Online |
In this glossary you will find definitions and explanations to the main terms used in the economic and financial world. Note that the glossary is portuguese-portuguese, useful for portuguese speakers to understand term usage better.
Börsenglossar Financial Times Deutschland
Financial Times Deutschland |
Deutsches (teilweise englische) Börsenterminologie
One of the main sources of financial dictionary is the financial glossary by Campbell R. Harvey, renowned finance expert and J. Paul Sticht, professor of International Business at Duke University. It provides concise definitions of 8,000 terms with 18,000 useful links. This information comes from the world of banking and investing, providing ... View more
financial and accounting dictionary
trusted translations | http://www.spanish-translator-servi...
English - Spanish Financial Dictionary Spanish - English Financial Dictionary English - Spanish Accounting Dictionary Spanish - English Accounting Dictionary
Economy & Trade, German - English |
It is a dictionary of financial, in particular stock market, terms, and, as well as giving the translation, gives a short definition of the meaning.
Más de mil términos y expresiones inglesas que se usan corrientemente en publicaciones económicas y financieras.