The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

portugués al inglés Contabilidad Translation Glossary

portugués term inglés translation
é positivo de ...represents a positive balance of (amt)
Entered by: Mario Freitas
"aporte do saldo" balance increase
"Compensar" make up for
"garantia de moeda de pagamento do valor do principal da dívida" to guarantee against fluctuation in the currency of the payment of principal outstanding amount
"Importa a demonstração de resultado..." Concerns the Income Statement...
Entered by: Mario Freitas
"numa perspectiva 12 meses à frente" in a twelve-month-ahead forecast
"Ordenamento pátrio" national legal system
"por contrapartida" per balancing item; per contra entry
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
% HA % PA / % HA / (hours of activity, performance hours, or something similar)
Entered by: Mario Freitas
(CLIENTES) C/C (CLIENTS) Consolidated Account
(facturas em) conferencia Pending Approval
........ + JSCP Interest on Own Capital
1/3 adic const fer 1/3 additional constitutional vacation pay
a equipe designada deverá estudar as implicações do ponto de vista fiscal the appointed team must analyze the tax implications
A faixa salarial desta região está entre US$3,000 e US$ 5,000. The wage bracket for this area ranges from US$3,000 to US$ 5,000.
a presente (attached to) this document
a sua tomada pelos obrigacionistas acceptance thereof by the bondholders
Entered by: Mark Robertson
a título de contraprestação as consideration
a título universal universal (succession)
abate write-down
acordo coletivo. general wage agreement
acrescido do IVA VAT not included
Adiantamentos por conta [blank] Inc. advance payments [blank] Inc.
adquirente acquirer
Aglutinação Contábil Accounting consolidation
ajuste do resultado das disponibilidades geradas na atividade operacional operational cash flow adjustment
Ajustes Credores credit-generating adjustments
Entered by: judith ryan
Alienação de Participações Integrantes gains from disposal of equity interests that are part of current or long-term assets
alienação onerosa transfer for valuable consideration
Entered by: judith ryan
Alienações, Abates e Rea. Sales, Write-Downs and Reevaluation
alteração do perímetro de consolidação change in consolidation perimeter
Entered by: Edgar Potter
Amortização: séries uniformes postecipadas, antecipadas e diferidas Repayment / Amortization: post-fixed, pre-fized and deferred uniform series
aniversário da conta roll day / rolling day
ano do julgado year of the judg(e)ment; year of adjudication
antecipação de lucros futuros advance of futre profits
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Aplicações financeiras vinculadas linked investments
aportar a correção monetária allocate the monetary correction ...
appropriacao appropriation/ allocation
apropriação de resultados transitados appropriation of profit (loss) carried forward
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