The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

inglés al indonesio Deportes / Ejercitación / Recreo Translation Glossary

inglés term indonesio translation
Ball dead - ball in play, far base, shuttle throwing, shuttle relay formation, bola mati, bola hidup, base jauh, lemparan bolak-balik, formasi operan beranting bolak-balik
Entered by: Wiyanto Suroso
bank masse pukulan bola bilyar dgn kedudukan tongkat hampir berbentuk tegak lurus terhadap meja
base running--- lari ke base
Entered by: Wiyanto Suroso
basic curls, hammer curls basic curls, hammer curls
Entered by: Harry Hermawan
bocce boce, bocia
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
come from behind win membalik keadaan
Entered by: Asti Wijayati
conditioning pengkondisian
Darts lempar paser
deep down the line tajam menyusur garis
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
diving sengaja menjatuhkan diri
Entered by: Harry Hermawan
handicap rating peringkat handicap
He missed the first but played in the second of back-to-back 5-2 defeats ia tidak main di laga pertama, tapi diturunkan di laga kedua yang kembali berujung kekalahan 5-2
kick and rush tendang dan lari (kick n rush)
Entered by: Harry Hermawan
Lead-up Game latihan keterampilan teknik dasar
Entered by: Wiyanto Suroso
leg lifts angkat kaki
Entered by: Wiyanto Suroso
line play adu dorong dalam formasi baris
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
Medicine ball bola latih
open bracket bracket terbuka
Entered by: Tony Bennjamin
quads otot paha atas
Real-time visual and auditory feedback umpan balik audiovisual seketika
rebounding, passing melakukan rebound dan passing
retractable strap oozes ergonomics . . . tali yang dapat ditarik masuk menghasilkan desain yang ergonomis, . . .
Short Handed Goal gol [posisi] kalah tangan
Entered by: Tony Bennjamin
slide tackle merebut bola dengan cara mengganjal
Entered by: Hikmat Gumilar
stunter pelakon bahaya
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
that was one hell of a match sungguh pertandingan yang seru
Two-Run Home Run home run dua poin
wampum lihat penjelasan
warming the bench Jadi pemain cadangan saja
Entered by: Ray Nugraha
winning performance penampilan sang juara
wobble board papan keseimbangan
Wristband gelang handuk
Entered by: Nur Cholis
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