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inglés Religión Translation Glossary

inglés term inglés translation
run his machine out on to the interstate take it a little bit too far/his approach is excessive/exxagerate
Entered by: Jose Marino
"(God’s') a gonna trouble the water" going to stir up the (healing) waters
a box of counters a box containing tokens representing money
a false opposition the two are not really opposed to each other
a meal by the way the meal is only a temporal comfort on one's journey to spiritual realization
a passing missionary a missionary who happened to be passing by at that time
a traditional church environment both (typical atmosphere of churches in general and to church)
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
a world that is running down a world that is decaying, slowly dying
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
although not without qualification but subject to some conditions/restrictions
an overarching structure an all-embracing structure
anticipation (happy) expectation
are scattered many truths as so many pearls are distributed many truths, each of which is as valuable as a pearl
arguing God’s character back to him pleading with God that He must honour His own character
as a separate people as a unique, isolated people
as an important qualification an important caveat
as much as but rather
associating with others for prayer praying in group with other peolple
assumed implicitly meant and understood
attend well to the life lived in it meet the requirements of the way people will live in it
attributes Scripture to that of... ascribes/assigns it to
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
back street mission halls modest storefront missions in inner city slums
be banished disappear
be extracted knocked out of it, brought down or reduced
be vain of earthly honors an archaic way of saying,"vain about earthly honours"
beyond personality yet without personality
beyond the comprehension of the highest order of angels not even the highest order/rank of angels can comprehend Christ's majesty and honor.
biased (fraudulently) inaccurate
both in church and chapel both in the Church of England and non-conformist churches
bring a scandal on the gospel cast aspersion on/stigmatise/bring shame on the Gospel
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
C.S.V. Cleric of St. Viator
calls for asks for, demands
cannot make the least sacrifice of ... humor refuse to change their mood
carried on to our salvation and continues through (until we reach) our salvation
carry us a little way enable us to make a little progress
carrying all before him conquering, prevailing over everything/everyone before him
carrying the marks ... to a pitch too high making the bar too high
carryover transfer: meaning transferred from vehicle (figure) to tenor (ground)
caused ... volcanoes caused ... volcanic eruptions
character moral character
cherish stimulate, cause to grow
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