The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

inglés Medioambiente y ecología Translation Glossary

inglés term inglés translation
alga/algae algae
amenity values values of social well-being
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
average 0,6/year and 5.3/year 0.6 % and 5.3% of the total recordings for the year
block movements Movement of blocks of rocks, or rock layers, or earth layer
centrally concerned mainly/principally concerned
comfortably in the future so far in the future that we don't need to worry
cutting oils a lubricant used in the cutting of metals
dressing of trees pruning
DS dissolved solids
Entered by: Barbara L Pavlik
energetic(al) energy (adj)
Flood means ..................... of embankments flowage of, outflow of, deluging of, overflow of
fogging applying pesticide with fine droplets
for environmental goods and bads for environmental assests and liabilities / positives and negatives/ goods and bads
glacial water banks vs. river flows glacial water run down= glacial water decreases/diminishes
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
Hummer military vehicle adapted for commercial use
international rationale a principle applied as standard internationally
Entered by: Cristina Bolohan
match the miles you redeem give a value equal to that of the miles you redeem
Microbial products Produtos Microbianos
MR Package Material Requisition/Requirements Package
Entered by: Mark Nathan
mVday cubic meters per day
no hay reclaih / hay reclaih non-recyclable / recyclable
Nominal payment a modest payment.
Entered by: Ray Nugraha
ODP GWP UNEP ODP : Ozone Depleting Potential /GWP: Global Warming Potential/UNEP:UN environment program
PC passenger car
preimaginal pre-adult
Programmatics Programmatics Coordinator / Manager (missing noun)
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
pull the ladder up behind smb prevent others from enjoying what they enjoy
quiz rally quiz competition
render.. rendered treat..treated
river basin a large or small depression in the surface of the land or in the ocean floor b : the entire tract of country drained by a river
rsp. or
Entered by: Darko Kolega
rules at put ... at
Entered by: Max Nuijens
sentence 2 things are used as air quality indicators:
Entered by: Rajan Chopra
sentence grammatical question Here's how I'd do it
sludge Slushy matter or sediment such as that precipitated by the treatment of waste.
to pass through the opportunity costs cost pass-through
WHY: "in" the plankton? (and not "part of" the plankton?) Usage depends on intent - use either one, or even "within the plankton"
[air quality standard] having a legal status established by relevant laws and regulations
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