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Search results: (73 matches)
Scams Is this a scam? The same e-mail over and over again! =( [email protected] [email protected]
a través de Dear
Translator/Interpreter, After a quick
review of your profile on American Translators
Luciana E. Lovatto Jul 28, 2020
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina ¿Cómo transferir fondos a Argentina desde PayPal (sin recurrir a los cheques)? Nubi-Paypal [quote]Martin Cavalitto wrote: [quote]Luciana
E. Lovatto wrote: Acabo de probar el sistema
Nubi (me registré y solicité un pago). En cinco
días, les cuento cómo me fue. Las comis
Luciana E. Lovatto May 8, 2019
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina ¿Cómo transferir fondos a Argentina desde PayPal (sin recurrir a los cheques)? ¡Gracias, Roberto! Acabo de probar el sistema Nubi (me registré y
solicité un pago). En cinco días, les cuento
cómo me fue. Las comisiones son las mismas que me
cobra el banco, pero se acorta muchísimo
Luciana E. Lovatto May 10, 2017
Interpreting Help with a research on telephone interpreting Thanks, Marie-Claire! Sure, these links will be very useful for my
research. Kind regards, Luciana
Luciana E. Lovatto Jun 22, 2010
Interpreting Help with a research on telephone interpreting Thank you Thanks Lee, your feedback is really important for
the research. You have made a great
contribution. [quote] [on one line you listen
to the speaker, on the second line you
Luciana E. Lovatto Jun 17, 2010
Interpreting Help with a research on telephone interpreting Hi colleagues: I am studying
interpretation and I am doing a research on
telephone interpreting. I would really appreciate
if you could answer these questions in case
Luciana E. Lovatto Jun 17, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: A world without translators/interpreters would be: comments It would be more diverse... every culture would be
purer maybe without so much globalization.
Luciana E. Lovatto Feb 16, 2010
Scams Scammers requesting to buy Systran language software I have also received this message :( Hello, Luciana! Sender: Steve (494) Subject:
Translation Job Message: We currently need
English to Spanish Translators.If you"re
interested to work with us please contact us by
Luciana E. Lovatto Oct 26, 2009
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina PM salary in Argentina (inhouse position) Don't agree with you [quote]Mauricio Manzo wrote: You wouldn’t go
to a doctor in Argentina and tell him he’s
earning money at “sweatshop” rates, because
his colleagues in the U.S. earn more.
Luciana E. Lovatto Jul 30, 2009
Money matters Is crisis fear pushing agencies to damage themselves? Crisis-driven paranoia [quote]Viktoria Gimbe wrote: And yes, some
agencies do seem to have a hard time recognizing
that their most important asset is their
translators. However, I think the translators are
Luciana E. Lovatto Mar 11, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you learned any new languages since you started working as translator? Yes I love languages! Before getting my translation
degree, I began learning Italian, French and
German. Last year, I decided to go on with the
Italian course. Luciana
Luciana E. Lovatto Mar 5, 2009
Powwows Powwow: Santa Fe - Argentina Cambio de día Hola, les escribo para contarles que se cambió la
fecha del powwow al viernes 26, ya que el 27 el
Colegio de Traductores organiza una jornada.
Marina: espero que para vos también sea mej
Luciana E. Lovatto Sep 10, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: When working on an extremely urgent project, daily mealtimes with my family / those I live with Meals are the fuel you need to think properly :) I cannot skip lunch nor breakfast, I need to eat
in order to think no matter what. I don’t care
much about the other meals of the day, as long as
I have mate to drink ;)
Luciana E. Lovatto Sep 5, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you still be a translator without the aid of the Internet & PC? Of course, I would Internet & PC are only tools that shorten the
distance between clients and translators, and
among colleagues themselves, and also they help
reduce the time it would take to handwrite a
Luciana E. Lovatto Aug 25, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: How many email addresses do you regularly use? Let’s say 4 2 to work 1 to receive and send professional
information 1 to receive mails from friends and
personal information
Luciana E. Lovatto Aug 21, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: What do you do when there is little or no work? Me, Azalia. [quote]azalia wrote: Missing option: read
books/magazines. I hope people still read
traditional books, newspapers or magazines and do
not only "stare at their computer" in search of
Luciana E. Lovatto Aug 14, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Is a second monitor necessary for translators? Maybe Although I have a 19” monitor, I wish I had one
more sometimes. In some projects when you have to
work with PDF as a reference a second monitor
would be a treasure.
Luciana E. Lovatto Jul 29, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you file hard copies of your translations? No need to do so [quote]Diana Arbiser wrote: Why would I want to
kill so many trees? [/quote] I couldn't agree
more with you. Apart from that there are so many
options to store a file without printin
Luciana E. Lovatto Jul 25, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you charge for proofreading projects? Quite difficult to find a rate! I proposed this poll, because I wanted to hear
from other colleagues. My personal experience is
that I have spent a great part of my career
editing. I agree with Gianfranco in the sense th
Luciana E. Lovatto Jul 24, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: How profitable has translation been for you? I couldn`t agree more!!!! [quote]Philippe Etienne wrote: [quote] "the
translation business is very profitable, providing
you're not a translator". Philippe [/quote]
Luciana E. Lovatto Jun 4, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you surf the web for unrelated topics when you should be working? Yes, I do Reading the local newspaper is something I can`t
avoid doing. I need to know what’s going on
around me, outside my home office. Nonetheless
when I have a lot of work I try to focus only
Luciana E. Lovatto May 29, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: My email inbox alone (not folders) contains: Lots of e-mails in my inbox!!!! [quote]Catherine Knight wrote: Interesting
question, Nicole, I like it :) I answered "less
than 500". A few months ago I started using the
Googlemail interface for my mails, and I "
Luciana E. Lovatto May 6, 2008
Translation Theory and Practice "Post-editing" of Machine Translations I agree with you, Martín [quote].... all we have ever asked at proz and
faithfully answered may be commercially exploited
and sold for millions of galactic drachmas to
serve as a huge translation memory...
Luciana E. Lovatto Oct 19, 2007
Translation Theory and Practice "Post-editing" of Machine Translations Not a nice experience.... Hi Jonathan! I had to work on a project like this.
Luckily I was paid by hour, not by word, because
it took me a lot of time. Otherwise, I would have
charged the client as if it were a nor
Luciana E. Lovatto Oct 18, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: Before I leave home, I double check I've: I talk to my dog [quote]Nina Khmielnitzky wrote: I know, I'm a
crazy cat lady. I wish him a pleasant day and a
nice nap. [/quote] Me too, Nina! I also talk
to my dog!!! I love animals and I love her
Luciana E. Lovatto Oct 10, 2007
Business issues TRADOS rates I don`t agree with you, Samuel [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: [quote]Luciana
Lovatto wrote: I think that when an agency offers
such a low price they are not
serious...[/quote] Who would you think is
likely less
Luciana E. Lovatto Oct 8, 2007
Business issues TRADOS rates That is more than a discount! [quote] You are the one who paid all that money
to buy it. The benefit of using Trados is
supposed to be the ability to control
terminological consistency by using Multiterm and
Luciana E. Lovatto Oct 5, 2007
Spanish Postularse para un trabajo ¡Gracias! Estoy sorprendida por la calidad de sus
respuestas, las palabras de aliento, los consejos
y las experiencias que cada uno de ustedes me ha
transmitido, no sólo a mí, sino a muchas
Luciana E. Lovatto Sep 27, 2007
Spanish Postularse para un trabajo Me he postulado para varios trabajos cuando
aparece uno interesante, cada dos semanas más o
menos. Hasta el momento sólo obtuve la respuesta
de una persona, que me preguntó cuándo pod�
Luciana E. Lovatto Sep 26, 2007
Powwows Powwow: Santa Fe - Argentina Hi Gisela! Thank you for signing up! I hope you can attend
the powwow. Although there is not a closing date
for signing up, I would say that sooner the better
because the group is limited to 10-15
Luciana E. Lovatto Sep 19, 2007
Powwows Powwow: Santa Fe - Argentina verificación de identidades Hola, chicos, les escribo para contarles que
publiqué información sobre la verificación de
identidades. Saludos Luciana
Luciana E. Lovatto Sep 14, 2007
Spanish La traducción como trabajo complementario. Hola Martín Me parece perfecto que digas lo
que pensás abiertamente a todo el mundo, pero no
puedo dejar de sentirme agredida por tus palabras.
¿Qué pasaría si cada profesional
Luciana E. Lovatto Sep 12, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you enjoy the company of a pet while you work? My dog She is a great company! Luciana E. Lovatto Sep 9, 2007
Spanish ¿Por qué no trabajo con clientes argentinos? Totalmente de acuerdo Clarisa, no creo que existan otras palabras que
describan mejor la situación de nuestro país. Me
identifico totalmente con lo que decís. Por otro
lado, lo que dice Rosalicia con respect
Luciana E. Lovatto Sep 7, 2007
Spanish pedido de ayuda para upload file a FTP Gracias, Isabel Me alegro mucho de que hayas podido solucionar el
problema. Claro que será de utilidad la
información que compartís; personalmente no
conocía esos programas, así que ya me voy a
Luciana E. Lovatto Sep 7, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: What percentage of your income comes from language-related services? 100% thanks God! I can’t imagine doing something else that is not
related to languages. I love languages, my
profession and translating! ;)
Luciana E. Lovatto Sep 6, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: Criteria for selecting someone to work with / for: Some of the above… When I have to choose someone to work with me, I
try to look for a translator who has proven
expertise in subject field, but also I take into
account the personal past experience. If I alr
Luciana E. Lovatto Sep 6, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: The strangest thing I've found when cleaning my keyboard: Dog hair I always have my dog hanging on my arms, so my
keyboard if full of dog hair! :)
Luciana E. Lovatto Sep 3, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: When I'm sick I... I agree with Steven I think it’s matter of how sick you are. If you
get just a cold, you can work without any problem.
It happened to me once that I had to deliver a
rush and I started to feel sick at eveni
Luciana E. Lovatto Aug 31, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: In general what makes you nervous? Having no work I don`t like chocolate so much :( ... Being out of
work for several days makes me feel very nervous.
Luciana E. Lovatto Aug 30, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever cried over a translation job? Yes, I have cried twice! Once I was working on a translation that had to do
with illegal Mexican citizens that worked in the
United States. And the other case was when I had
to translate about a kind of organizati
Luciana E. Lovatto Aug 29, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: I click on the Featured Translator if... Smile too [quote]Erzsébet Czopyk wrote: If I take a
break, if there is a nice smile or a nice person
on the picture, I can click on it. If I am
looking for a colleague, I use the "search"
Luciana E. Lovatto Aug 29, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: Members of my family help in my work mostly by: My family gives me peace and food! When I have a lot of work to do, my sister cooks
for me. She’s an excellent cooker! Of course,
everyone that visits me when I am working has to
prepare some "mate" or coffee. :)
Luciana E. Lovatto Aug 27, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: When I can't concentrate on a translation I: I do something else If the deadline is not short, I go for a walk or
tidy up the house :)
Luciana E. Lovatto Aug 27, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: What keeps me going on a long, difficult project is... Love for my profession, learning and responsibility! To my mind, the difficult and endless projects
make my work more rewarding. I love learning new
things; I get bored translating on the same topics
or articles full of repetitive sentences.
Luciana E. Lovatto Aug 24, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: In general, how often do you take a break? One long break at noon! I take a break at noon in order to cook and eat. I
also take another brake at 5.00 p.m. so that I can
take my dog for a stroll. But sometimes when I
have to much work to do my poor little
Luciana E. Lovatto Aug 23, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: Can you imagine your professional life without I also speak out: No way!!! There is a saying that “all roads lead to
Rome”. I think that in our profession “all
roads lead to Proz.” :)
Luciana E. Lovatto Aug 22, 2007
Powwows Powwow: Santa Fe - Argentina Lugar y hora de encuentro Hola! Les escribo para contarles que ya reservé
el lugar de encuentro. A mi gusto es muy lindo y
tiene mucha iluminación natural. Es la Chopería
Santa Fe que se inauguró hace muy poco,
Luciana E. Lovatto Aug 22, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: How many days do you work on average each week? Don’t worry, Margreet [By the way, can anybody please explain, why is it
that there's little or no work to do when there's
nothing special going on, and loads and loads of
work offered when there are parties to
Luciana E. Lovatto Aug 21, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: When I'm extremely stressed by work I: Sport + nature When I am extremely stressed, I need to practice a
sport such as walking, jogging, or cycling.
Exercising is the only thing that takes my stress
out. I also need to be in contact with natu
Luciana E. Lovatto Aug 19, 2007

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