frequently asked questions Events


  • 1 - Events: general

  • 1.1 - Can I post information about a translation industry event?

    Yes, but only once, and in the dedicated forum for event announcements.

    Additional announcements (i.e. "reminder", "final call") are not allowed.

    Events should not be announced anywhere else in the forums. An exception is allowed for non-English forums; an event may be posted once, in one non-English forum.

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  • 2 - Powwows

  • 2.1 - ¿Qué es un Powwow?

    Los Powwows son reuniones informales de grupos de usuarios de que viven cerca. Son eventos organizados por los traductores locales para traductores locales.

  • 2.2 - ¿De dónde viene el término "Powwow"?

    El Powwow es una reunión tradicional de las poblaciones de América del Norte que, a veces, comprendían una competencia de danza. La palabra ha tomado el significado más general para denominar una reunión social en donde se realizan algunas actividades.

    Algunos consideran a los powwows como una fuerza unificadora ya que son un elemento cultural que se mantiene en varias tribus que en otros aspectos son diferentes.

  • 2.3 - ¿Qué sucede en los powwows?

    Los powwows representan una oportunidad para entablar relaciones profesionales con otros colegas y sociabilizar con ellos: una oportunidad para conocer a las personas detrás de los perfiles.

    La mayoría de los organizadores les ofrecen a los asistentes la oportunidad de presentarse y realizar anuncios. A veces, se elige un tema; por ejemplo: 'Herramientas de traducción asistida', 'Literatura', 'el trabajo independiente', 'Traductores noveles'. A veces, un usuario se ofrece para hablar sobre un tema y, si hay interés suficiente de parte de los demás, el organizador puede permitirlo.

    Algunos organizadores invitaron a representantes de clientes grandes o de herramientas de traducción asistida para hablar y realizar demostraciones. Esto, por lo general, fue bien aceptado. Sin embargo, es importante que el tono de dichas reuniones se mantenga en el ámbito de lo informativo en vez de comercial.

    Algunos powwows no tienen una agenda determinada o tema y eso también está bien. Básicamente, si es el organizador ¡es su oportunidad para crear el evento como desee!

    Nota: Los organizadores deben tomar nota de los nombres y los números de perfil de los usuarios que asisten al evento. Para que esto sea más fácil, los miembros deben concurrir al evento conociendo su número de perfil de Los usuarios que asistan deben recibir browniz, pero eso sólo puede ocurrir si le indican su número de perfil al organizador y éste completa la planilla de asistencia en línea después del evento.

  • 2.4 - ¿Quién puede asistir?

    Todas las personas que posean un perfil en pueden asistir independientemente de su condición de miembro. Además, los cónyuges, hijos(as) e invitados de los miembros son bienvenidos.

  • 2.5 - ¿Son eventos gratuitos?

    Por el momento, no hay ningún gasto asociado con la concurrencia a un powwow. Sin embargo, el organizador local esperará que contribuya con la parte que le corresponde por los gastos del evento. Si el powwow consiste en una reunión pequeña en un bar o una cena, seguramente cada persona deberá pagar por lo que consumió. En el caso de reuniones más grandes, el organizador local sugerirá que se dividan los gastos relacionados con la comida y la bebida, entre otras cosas.

    En el futuro, puede llegar a haber un costo para los usuarios con perfil en el sitio El costo será menor para los estudiantes o, incluso, gratuito.

  • 2.6 - ¿Puedo ir con mis hijos(as) o invitados?

    Sí, los hijos y los invitados son bienvenidos.

  • 2.7 - ¿Concurrirá al powwow un representante de

    En algunos casos, habrá una persona con la facultad de verificar las identidades de los asistentes. Los usuarios del sitio que hayan creado un perfil podrán solicitar que sus identidades sean verificadas presentando un documento de identidad o cédula con foto ante el representante designado.

    Si está organizando un powwow y su identidad ya fue verificada puede enviar una solicitud de asistencia pidiendo la que se le otorgue la facultad para verificar las identidades de otros. Se le pedirá que confirme que sólo verificará las identidades de las personas que conozca en persona y que le hayan mostrado una identificación personal con foto.

  • 2.8 - ¿Cuándo es el próximo powwow en mi zona?

    Esta página muestra los próximos powwows:

    Para ver los anuncios de los próximos powwows en su país debe asegurarse de haber indicado su país (ciudad y región) en su perfil.

  • 8.1 - ¿Cómo me inscribo en el evento?

    Visite la página de powwows y busque un powwow en su zona. Haga clic sobre el powwow más cercano y, si le interesa, agregue su nombre. (Puede borrar su nombre en cualquier momento sin obligación). Para agregar una nota junto a su nombre escriba un mensaje en el recuadro antes de hacer clic.

    Visite la página del powwow de vez en cuando para contribuir con la planificación del evento o mantenerse informado.

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  • 2.9 - ¿Se espera que concurra si agrego mi nombre?

    Muchas personas agregan su nombre porque quieren asegurarse de estar informadas sobre el evento. Como organizador(a) debe planificar pensando que sólo un 40-50 % de los que se anotaron realmente asistirán.

    Para tener una idea más aproximada a la cantidad de personas que concurrirán finalmente (para hacer las reservas, por ejemplo) debe pedirle a las personas que se anotaron que confirmen su asistencia durante la misma semana del evento.

  • 2.10 - ¿Puedo organizar un powwow?

    Si es miembro de o un usuario con perfil en el sitio e identidad verificada puede proponer un powwow en su zona completando el formulario correspondiente en la página de powwows. Puede suceder que no lo apruebe.

    Si su ubicación se aprueba, podrá planificar su evento como desee. Sus responsabilidades serán, entre otras, decidir el lugar para realizar el powwow (y reservarlo), fijar la fecha y la hora, elegir un tema, y enviar mensajes periódicos a los posibles asistentes para mantenerlos informados y para que participen en la planificación.

    Deberá tomar nota de quiénes asistieron al evento para después completar la lista de asistencia en línea una vez que el evento haya finalizado (debe hacer clic sobre "Enter Attendance" en la parte superior de la página de su powwow). Se recomienda llevar una copia impresa de la lista de asistencia al powwow para que los asistentes completen.

  • 2.11 - I am organizing a powwow and I'd like to invite more people to attend. How can I do it?

    You can submit a powwow promotion request. To do so click on the "Request promotional email" link at the top of the page of the powwow you are organizing. This will lead you to the page where you can submit your promotion request together with a sample text you can use for the invitation. Note: this feature is only available to powwow organizers

    Powwows can also be promoted on Social Networks such as Twitter and Facebook by clicking on the buttons at the top of each powwow page.

  • 2.12 - I am organizing a powwow and I would like to include an image on the powwow page. How can I do that?

    Please submit a support request and attach the image you would like to include on the powwow page. Please make sure you also include the link to the powwow you are organizing.

  • 2.13 - Should the text of the invitation to my powwow be in English only?

    No. You can use the invitation in English provided as a model and translate it into the language in which the powwow will be held.

  • 2.14 - What happens after I submit my promotion request?

    You will be contacted by site staff with an update of your request status through the support request that is automatically generated after you submit the promotion request.

  • 2.15 - No encuentro el enlace a "Enter attendance" en la página de mi powwow, ¿por qué?

    El enlace a la sección [Enter Attendance] aparece en la página del powwow 24 horas después del evento y sólo será visible para el organizador del powwow. Si no es el organizador, puede comunicarse con él/ella y solicitarle que complete la asistencia.

  • 2.16 - Subí las fotos de mi powwow pero no veo nada.

    Pueden pasar hasta 24 horas para que las fotos que suba a su página se hagan visibles. Si después de 24 horas no ve las fotos trate de subirlas nuevamente o envíe una solicitud de asistencia .

  • 2.17 - ¿Cómo se otorgan los browniz por organizar/asistir a los powwows?

    Los organizadores de un powwow reciben 2000 browniz. Los asistentes, 200.

    Para que el organizador y los asistentes reciban browniz es necesario que el organizador complete la planilla de asistencia. Los browniz se asignarán en el término de un día desde el momento en que se completó la planilla de asistencia.

    Si no hay un organizador oficial, pero una persona que haya asistido al powwow completó la planilla de asistencia (o conoce a todos los que asistieron), dicha persona debe enviar una Solicitud de asistencia solicitando permiso para completar la asistencia de ese powwow. Esa persona recibirá 2000 browniz por hacerlo y hará posible que los demás asistentes reciban sus 200 browniz.

    Resulta poco práctico para el personal de tener que completar la asistencia de las personas. Se confía en que los organizadores realizarán esta tarea y completarán la asistencia. Si no recibió los browniz por haber asistido a un powwow comuníquese con el organizador del powwow.

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  • 3 - conferences - learning, networking and fun! Conferences and Seminars

  • 3.1 - ¿Qué es una conferencia de

    Las conferencias son eventos regionales o internacionales, cuya inscripción tiene un costo, son más grandes que los powwows y están más estructurados y se dirigen a traductores e intérpretes que se hayan registrado en El encargado de organizarlas es el Coordinador de Conferencias de, con la ayuda de uno o más organizadores locales.

    Las conferencias representan una oportunidad para crear redes de contactos, formarse, crear debates, realizar presentaciones, desarrollarse profesionalmente y socializarse; todo esto se refleja en el eslogan de la conferencia conferences–learning, networking and fun!

    ¡Ver las Conferencias de en video !

  • 3.2 - ¿Qué diferencia existe entre una conferencia regional y una interacional?

    Las conferencias internacionales se organizan una vez al año y son más grandes que una de carácter regional. El público a la que va dirigida son todos los usuarios de Como consecuencia, las conferencias internacionales son solamente en inglés.

    Las conferencias regionales en principo se dirigen a los traductores que viven en un área en particular o que trabajan en unos idiomas determinados. Las sesiones en estos eventos regionales pueden ser tanto en inglés como en el idioma local, y alguna de las sesiones puede que aborde temas que en principio sean del interés de los que trabajan en el idioma en cuestión o que estén ubicados en ese área. Aunque no se impide el acceso a aquellos que ni trabajan en ese idioma ni viven en ese área, es importante que se informe con claridad al público al que va dirigido un evento de forma que aquellos que elijan asistir de todas formas no queden decepcionados.

  • 3.3 - Are all conferences conducted in person?

    No, there are also virtual conferences. Virtual conferences are held online and attended by participants all over the world. For more information about virtual conferences please see the related FAQs.

  • 3.4 - What is a Seminar? Seminars are 'mini conferences'. They are typically one day events, smaller, more local than conferences and usually cheaper. They enable participants to go deeper in a given theme/specialization area. They feature 2 to 5 speakers/trainers maxmimum during the day, allowing more in-depth discussions and presentations. The networking and fun aspect of conferences is still present - Seminars end with a powwow.

    Concretely, on the website, there is no difference between Seminars and Conferences. Seminars work exactly like Conferences do - they are listed on the conferences page, registration happens the same way, they still have a dedicated page each (with a number URL).

  • 3.5 - ¿Quién organiza las conferencias de

    Las conferencias de las organiza un Coordinador de en colaboración con un organizador o contacto local.

  • 3.6 - ¿Cómo se elige la ubicación de una conferencia?

    La concentración de miembros, así como la infraestructura de transporte y la capacidad de alojamiento, y sus costes derivados, son los factores clave a la hora de elegir la ubicación de una conferencia. Por lo tanto, las conferencias suelen organizarse en zonas con una relativa densidad de población de miembros de

    El interés turístico y cultural también juega un papel importante a la hora de elegir la ubicación de una conferencia

  • 3.7 - ¿Qué ocurre durante una conferencia?

    Las conferencias suelen durar dos días que, por norma general, coinciden con un fin de semana.

    Puede que también se hayan programado otros actos para que coincidan en esas mismas fechas, como son los cursos de formación. La página de la conferencia en cuestión anunciará dichos cursos y sus precios.

  • 3.8 - ¿Quién puede asistir a las conferencias?

    Cualquier persona registrada en puede asistir a una conferencia, independientemente de su condición de miembro. Tanto trabajadores autónomos como empresas son bienvenidos. Cada uno de los asistentes tiene que haberse registrado en la página de la conferencia; como consecuencia, si se quiere asistir acompañado de un amigo o familiar que quiera asistir a la conferencia en sí (sesiones, talleres, etc.), ha de crearse una cuenta en para esta persona. Se trata de un trámite rápido, gratuito y sencillo. No se necesita, sin embargo, crear una cuenta si el acompañante solo asiste a los eventos sociales y a otras actividades dentro del marco de la conferencia.

  • 3.9 - ¿Puedo llevar a mi familia, mi pareja o mi socio?

    Sí. Sin embargo, no hay ninguna guardería habilitada para los niños en el lugar donde tiene lugar la conferencia. Se recomienda visitar la página web de la conferencia para más información.
    Los usuarios que quieran traer algún invitado a la cena de la conferencia pueden hacerlo adquiriendo una entrada en la página web de la conferencia.
    Se distinguen dos tipos de invitado: aquellos que vienen a asistir a la conferencia en sí, y aquellos que sólo vienen a acompañar al participante. Lea también el punto 3.6. ¿Quién puede asistir a las conferencias?

  • 3.10 - ¿Podré trabajar mientras asisto a la conferencia?

    A algunos usuarios les preocupa estar lejos de la oficina y perder posibles encargos. La mayoría de los recintos donde tienen lugar las conferencias ofrecen acceso WIFI a Internet, bien de forma gratuita o por una pequeña cantidad. En algunas conferencias, el acceso a Internet forma parte del paquete que se adquiere, aunque no siempre se da el caso. La página web de la conferencia facilita, no obstante, este tipo de información

  • 3.11 - ¿Obtengo browniz por asistir a una coferencia?

    No. No se otorgan browniz por asistir a una conferencia, pero si envía alguna reseña o comentario sobre las sesiones a las que ha asistido, recibirá 20 browniz por cada una.

  • 3.12 - ¿Asistirá alguien en representación de intenta enviar a un representante a todas las conferencias. Puede tratarse bien de un miembro o de un moderador. En este caso, el moderador habrá sido designado oficialmente para representar a en el evento en cuestión.

  • 3.13 - ¿Qué pasa con el alojamiento?

    El alojamiento no está incluido en el precio, salvo casos excepcionales. La mayoría de las veces, el recinto principal donde tiene lugar la conferencia es un hotel en el que se aloja la mayoría de los participantes y asistentes; los organizadores pueden llegar a un acuerdo con el hotel para ofrecer habitaciones a los asistentes a un precio rebajado, pero no suele ser el caso. Quienes asistan a la conferencia tendrán que reservar por su cuenta el alojamiento y el pago del mismo. La mayoría de las veces, los organizadores facilitan una lista con los hoteles (y sus precios) situados cerca del lugar de la conferencia, a través de la página o el foro de la conferencia. Se recomienda que, en cualquier caso, se consulte la página de la conferencia.

  • 3.14 - ¿Cómo me inscribo en una conferencia?

    Para registrarse en una conferencia, debe acceder a la página de la conferencia en cuestión y, en el menú del margen inferior izquierdo, seleccionar el paquete que desea comprar y hacer clic en "comprar ahora". La página lo redirigirá a la plataforma de pagos, la cual lo guiará a través del proceso de pagos y le ofrecerá varios métodos de pago (pago con tarjeta de crédito, a través de Paypal, transferencia bancaria, Billetera de, Moneybookers, etc).

    Es necesario haber accedido previamente a para registrarse en una conferencia.

    Hay que tener en cuenta que hacer clic en "Acceder ahora" sin haber hecho el pago, sólo reflejará una pre-inscripción a la conferencia; indicará que se está interesado en el evento. Una plaza para asistir a la conferencia únicamente queda reservada al realizar el pago.

  • 3.15 - Me gustaría saber más sobre el programa de la conferencia. ¿Qué materias cubre?

    La mayoría de las conferencias ofrecen una gran variedad de sesiones sobre diferentes temas que resultan de interés para la mayoría de participantes y que abarcan temas relacionados con la tecnología, los negocios, debates sobre campos específicos (p.ej. traducción financiera) y mucho más. Algunas de las conferencias pueden tratar un tema específico y la mayoría de las sesiones que la componen pueden centrarse en dicho tema.

    Para saber más, visite la pestaña del programa de la conferencia en cuestión (ir a la página principal de la conferencia > menú de la izquierda > elegir "Programa")

  • 3.16 - ¿Con qué tipo de sesión me puedo encontrar?

    Hay cuatro tipos de sesiones: presentaciones, grupos focales, mesas redondas y talleres.

    Las presentaciones son charlas, semejantes a una conferencia, tras las cuales hay una pequeña sesión de preguntas y respuestas.
    Los grupos focales son sesiones dinámicas que se basan en un debate y que ofrecen una oportunidad para intercambiar ideas con otros compañeros de profesión.
    Las mesas redondas son grupos de debate.
    Los talleres son sesiones prácticas de formación técnica. Para beneficiarse de este tipo de sesiones, los participantes generalmente necesitan tener acceso a un portátil.

  • 3.17 - ¿Quién dirige la sesión?

    La mayoría de las sesiones las dirige un compañero de, pero también cabe la posibilidad de que intervengan ponentes externos.

  • 3.18 - ¿Tengo que inscribirme en una sesión?

    Se recomienda inscribirse en las sesiones para que el organizador tenga una idea de cuánta gente hay interesada y para que pueda organizar las salas y las sesiones.

  • 3.19 - ¿Cómo me inscribo en las sesiones?

    En la pestaña Programa de la página web de la conferencia. Hay que hacer clic sobre el enlace "Singup" para inscribirse en la sesión a la que se quiera asistir.

  • 3.20 - Me he inscrito en una sesión, ¿tengo que asistir?

    No, pero si cambió de opinión, se le pedirá que borre su nombre de esa sesión en particular, sobre todo si el número de plazas es limitado.

  • 3.21 - La cantidad de personas inscriptas en la página del curso es mayor que la capacidad que se indica para ese curso. ¿Me puedo inscribir de todas maneras? ¿Tendré lugar en ese curso?

    Puede inscribirse mientras no se indique que el "curso está completo". No hay límite a para inscribirse en un curso, pero sólo los que tengan el estado "inscripto y pago" tienen un lugar reservado y asegurado en el curso. Cuando la cantidad de participantes con carácter "inscripto y pago" alcanza la capacidad máxima planeada para ese curso, la inscripción para ese curso se cerrará.

  • 3.22 - ¿Cuánto cuesta asistir a una conferencia?

    El precio de las conferencias varía en función de la ubicación y del presupuesto de cada una. También hay que tener en cuenta, además, los gastos de desplazamiento y alojamiento, así como los de comida y bebida.

    Los miembros del sitio disfrutan de un descuento sobre el precio de inscripción

  • 3.23 - ¿Qué incluye el precio de la conferencia?

    El precio incluye la asistencia a la conferencia. Cabe la posibilidad de que se incluya la comida y la cena, así como el café durante los descansos, o no, dependiendo del lugar donde se realice. La ampliación de la membresía no está incluida en el precio.

  • 3.24 - ¿Cómo realizo el pago de la conferencia?

    Hay varios tipos de pago específicos para abonar el importe de una conferencia:

    - Pago en línea mediante tarjeta de crédito, Paypal o Moneybookers
    - Transferencia bancaria a una cuenta específica

    Para más información, visite la página de la conferencia en cuestión-

  • 3.25 - I have registered and paid for a conference. Is there anything special I should bring on the day?

    If you have registered and paid for the conference you will be attending, just be sure to bring your ID when you go. There is no need to present the payment receipt or any other proof of registration or payment.

    Check the sessions you will be attending to make sure you won't need anything in particular. It may be a good idea to bring pen and paper or other means of taking down notes or information.

    If you have business cards, be sure to bring a good number of them with you. Conferences are a great opportunity to network with other professionals and agencies, so be prepared!

  • 3.26 - Aboné el importe de la conferencia pero no puedo ir. ¿Puedo recuperar el dinero?

    Para cada conferencia se aplica la política de cancelación descrita más arriba.

  • 3.27 - ¿Qué es la política de cancelación de conferencias?

    Los asistentes a un evento que cancelen su participación antes de los 60 días previos a la fecha del evento podrán recibir el reembolso del precio de inscripción menos el 20% en concepto de gastos administrativos. Transcurrida esa fecha, no se realizarán reembolsos. Además, los miembros que cumplan con los requisitos para solicitar un reembolso pueden transferir ese pago hacia la membresía.

    Las solicitudes de reembolsos deben gestionarse a través de una solicitud de asistencia.

  • 3.28 - Somos una agencia de traducción. ¿Qué beneficios obtienen las agencias al asistir a una conferencia de

    Asistir a una conferencia incrementa la visibilidad de una agencia y abre nuevas oportunidades para el negocio. El contacto directo con los trabajadores autónomos en una ocasión como esta puede contribuir enormemente para fortalecer las relaciones entre agencias y autónomos, mientras que se invierte en desarrollo profesional para la empresa y su personal.

    También existe la posibilidad de patrocinar un evento para aquellas empresas que deseen expandir su imagen y su marca mediante el apoyo a una conferencia.

    Para más información, visite lo que las empresas opinan sobre las conferencias de

  • 3.29 - Necesito una invitación para que me concedan el visado y poder asistir a la conferencia. ¿Qué tengo que hacer?

    Un miembro del equipo de lo ayudará y le facilitará una carta de invitación que se puede presentar en la embajada o consulado en cuestión. Hay que enviar a una solicitud de asistencia con la siguiente información para la redacción de la carta:
    - Nombre completo (tal y como se muestra en el pasaporte):
    - Fecha de nacimiento:
    - Lugar de nacimiento:
    - Nacionalidad(es):
    - Dirección:
    - Número de teléfono
    - Profesión exacta (y credenciales, si las hay):
    - Número de pasaporte:
    - Lugar de emisión del pasaporte:
    - Fecha de emisión del pasaporte:
    - Fecha de caducidad del pasaporte:

  • 3.30 - ¿Existe un precio reducido para los estudiantes?

    Cabe la posibilidad de que haya un número limitado de entradas a disposición de los estudiantes. Para más detalles visite la página de la conferencia en cuestión.

  • 3.31 - Me es imposible asistir a las conferencias. ¿Estarán las sesiones disponibles después del evento?

    Se están tomando acciones para poder grabar algunas de las sesiones de forma que estén disponibles para su adquisición en formato DVD o en línea.

  • 3.32 - ¿Cómo envío comentarios y reseñas de las sesiones?

    Sólo se pueden enviar comentarios y reseñas de aquellas sesiones en las que se haya registrado con antelación.

    Para enviarlos, hay que acceder a la página web de la conferencia, seleccionar la pestaña del Programa, encontrar la sesión sobre la que se desea realizar el comentario y hacer clic en el enlace "Enviar Comentario". Se abrirá una página con un pequeño cuestionario.

  • 3.33 - Me interesaría dirigir una sesión. ¿Cómo puedo hacerlo?

    Debe ponerse en contacto con el Coordinador de la Conferencia de a través de el Formulario de Solicitud para Ponentes o ponerse en contacto con el Organizador de la Conferencia directamente.

  • 3.34 - Me gustaría organizar algunas de las actividades sociales que complementan la conferencia. ¿Cómo puedo hacerlo?

    Debe ponerse en contacto con el organizador de la conferencia en cuestión a través de su perfil

  • 3.35 - Me interesaría ayudar en la organización de la conferencia. ¿Cómo puedo hacerlo?

    Debe ponerse en contacto con el organizador a través de su perfil.

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  • 4 - Conferences - Local Organizers

    This FAQ is aimed at those who are interested in taking on the role of local organizer for conferences. It gives a brief overview of the main tasks and responsibilities to help you with your decision making process.

    A full and detailed article on organizing a conference is available here.

  • 4.1 - Introducción

    ¡Bienvenido a las Preguntas Frecuentes de los organizadores locales de Conferencias! Antes de empezar a leer, es recomendable familiarizarse con las Preguntas Frecuentes relacionadas con las conferencias:

  • 4.2 - ¿Cuáles son los beneficios de convertirse en un organizador local?

    Organizar una conferencia de es una experiencia verdaderamente única y gratificante. Es una oportunidad fantástica para que los organizadores sientan el desafío de hacer algo diferente, de dirigir gente de todo el mundo, interactuar con ella y establecer redes de contacto no sólo dentro de la comunidad de traductores, sino también dentro de la comunidad local.
    Los organizadores aprenden nuevas competencias, entran en contacto con empresas, asociaciones y otros agentes clave de la industria. Además, la publicidad que se genera al organizar una conferencia puede elevar el volumen de negocio, y realzar el perfil en

  • 4.3 - ¿En qué consiste el papel de un organizador local?

    A continuación se enumeran algunas de las tareas y responsabildiades de un organizador local (el resto de la información detallada se obtiene en el siguiente paso). Los organizadores informan al personal encargado de las conferencias de en cualquiera de las etapas y estos proporcionan cualquier tipo de ayuda que sea necesaria, cuando sea necesario.

    Antes de la conferencia:

    - Realizar el presupuesto y la planificación financiera

    - Crear y mentener la página de la conferencia

    - Desarrollar un programa

    - Comunicarse con los asistentes y los ponenetes (responder mensajes de correo electrónico, redactar mensajes de correo, etc.)

    - Suministrar material fotográfico para la página de la conferencia

    - Traducir el material al idioma local (página de la conferencia, mensajes de correo, invitaciones para los visados, etc.)

    - Preparar el material de la conferencia (imprimir los distintivos con los nombres, cortarlos y colocarlos, preparar las carpetas, etc.)

    - Ponerse en contacto con las empresas locales en busca de patrocinadores en la conferencia

    - Promocionar el evento (universidades locales, organizaciones profesionales, organizar powwows locales, utilizar las redes sociales en línea en las que está presente, tales como LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)

    - Suministrar información sobre el viaje y el alojamiento (mantener páginas y foros apropiados)

    - Organizar actividades sociales (un powwow antes de la conferencia, otras actividades sociales)

    - Miscelánea (p.ej.: investigar las opciones disponibles para atención primaria)

  • 4.4 - ¿Es un trabajo voluntario o es remunerado?

    Siempre y cuando se obtengan ganancias con la conferencia, los organizadores reciben su parte de estas ganancias. El porcentaje queda acordado antes de que el evento comience. En el caso de que haya dos organizadores, la cantidad se dividirá entre ambos a su discreción. Si el evento genera pérdidas, los organizadores no recibirán pago alguno, pero no se esperará que cubran las pérdidas.

  • 4.5 - ¿Interferirá este papel con mi trabajo como traductor?

    A veces sí. Se estima que el tiempo que se suele invertir en actividades relacionadas con una conferencia es de 100 horas y debe prepararse para dedicar la mayor parte del horario laboral durante la semana o las dos semanas previas al evento en comunicarse con los asistentes.

    Si esto suena desalentador, recuerde que no es un trabajo de una sola persona. Trabajar con el planificador de eventos para llevar a cabo las actividades principales asignadas correctamente, y con antelación al evento en cuestión, resulta una ayuda para minimizar el impacto inmediato que el involucrarse en una conferencia pueda tener sobre el trabajo como autónomo. Lo que es más, es posible que la experiencia que se adquiere al organizar una conferencia eleve el volumen de negocio como autónomo tras el evento en cuestión.

  • 4.6 - ¿Tendré que hacer algún tipo de planificación financiera?

    Sí, conjuntamente con el Coordinador de Conferencias

  • 4.7 - ¿Qué ocurre si me comprometo, pero después me doy cuenta de que no puedo continuar con la organización de la conferencia?

    Si decide desistir del rol de organizador, debe comunicárselo al Coordinador de Conferencias lo antes posible enviando un mensaje de correo electrónico.
    Aquellos organizadores que no puedan completar el evento hasta el final, no serán recompensados por el trabajo que hayan desempeñado; sólo se reembolsarán los gastos en los que hayan podido incurrir mientras trabajaban en el evento en cuestión.

  • 4.8 - Quiero ser un coordinador local. ¿Qué pasos debo seguir ahora?

    ¡Fantástico! Ser un organizador local debería ser una experiencia enriquecedora. Antes de planificar nada, debe leer el artículo "Cómo organizar una conferencia de" detenidamente. Al final del artículo encontrará la opción de continuar hacia el siguiente paso que lo llevará al formulario para 'Proponer una conferencia' en donde podrá enviar su propuesta. El coordinador de conferencias se pondrá en contacto con usted dentro de los pocos días desde el momento en que su propuesta se reciba.

    Envíe una solicitud de asistencia si tiene preguntas.

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  • 5 - training sessions - general information

  • 5.1 - ¿En qué consisten los cursos de formación profesional de

    Un curso de formación profesional de es un curso cuyo objetivo es brindar formación profesional a traductores, intérpretes y a otros profesionales de la industria del lenguaje. Estos cursos, que se desarrollan durante 1 o 2 días, están a cargo de profesionales con experiencia comprobada en sus áreas de trabajo.

  • 5.2 - ¿Qué temas tratan los cursos de formación?

    Se dictarán cursos de formación sobre herramientas de traducción asistida por ordenador (CAT tools) y distintos programas, así como también sobre temas relacionados con la traducción, la experiencia del traductor autónomo y otros asuntos profesinales.

  • 5.3 - What are training packages?

    Training packages allow you to purchase several related training courses all at once, at a big savings over purchasing individually. Packages are designed to appeal to translators of varying skill and experience levels. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting out, there are training packages available to help you learn valuable new skills while saving money!

  • 5.4 - What types of training packages are available?

    Training packages are offered that cover topics both broad and specific, and geared towards translators with varying levels of experience. Whether you are a new translator looking for general guidance in your career, or an experienced professional looking to refine a specific skill, there is a training package available to help you. Please see the training packages page and offers for details about all of the available packages.

  • 5.5 - Can I create my own training packages?

    Yes. If you are an active trainer offering several related courses, or even would like to collaborate with another trainer offering courses in a related topic, contact staff about the possibility of creating your own packages.

  • 5.6 - How much does a training course cost?

    Participation fee varies from course to course and it is indicated on the top right corner of the training description page. Please be sure to log in to your profile to see and activate the payment options.

    Important: Those who purchase a seat in advance may be able to pay an "early bird" or cheaper price, while those who confirm participation later or last minute, may likely have to pay a higher fee. In some training sessions a price increase based on the number of registrants may also apply, i.e. the first 15 registered pay one price, the next 10 pay a a slightly higher price etc.

    Early payment is advised in order to secure participation and help reach the course minimum participation - unfortunately, courses may occasionally be cancelled or rescheduled, if the confirmed participation in advance is very low.

  • 5.7 - What payment methods are available? Why has my status not changed yet?

    All payment methods are available (credit card, Paypal, 2CheckOut, Moneybookers, wire transfer in USD or EUR). You will be able to select your payment method in the second stage of the payment process. Also, for some countries, local payment will be available. When paying in local currency (other than EUR and USD), the price of the session will be the course price equivalent in the local currency at the exchange rate of the day of the transaction ( will be used as a source).

    If you want to pay by wire transfer, choose either "Wire Transfer" (for transfers in USD) or "Wire Transfer (Euros)" from the payment method selection page. Click "Next" to receive your confirmation invoice and detailed account information and instructions on how to make the type of wire transfer you have chosen. Important: You should allow up to two weeks for your wire transfer to be fully processed.

    Your status will be updated when confirmation of the payment is entered by the payment system or the Local Payment Contact, depending on the payment method you choose. In the case of local payment, it may take some time for notifications to be sent and processed. If you are not listed after more than three days after you believe your payment should have arrived, please contact the Training session coordinator. When you buy a seat at a training session, you will be emailed an electronic invoice.

  • 5.8 - What is the cancelation policy for training sessions?

    Cancelation 5 working days before the training session:
    Attendees who cancel their participation not later than 5 working days before the planned training session date will receive a refund of their registration fees minus a 10% administrative fee. Refunds will be processed 30 days after receiving notification of cancellation. Cancellations must be requested via support request at

    No refunds will be granted after 5 days before the training session takes place.

    Transference of booking within 5 to 1 days before the training session:
    Transference of a training booking to another course is possible if staff is notified via support request at within 5 to 1 days before the training session takes place. Transference of delegates to another course will incur a rebooking fee of 25% of the advertised course fee. There is no limit as to how many times a booking can be transferred.

    Cancelation 24 hours before, during or after training session takes place:
    No refunds will be granted 24 hours before, during or after the training session takes place. Should the delegate not attend a booked, or transferred, course then the full amount of the advertised course fee will be charged.

    For training programs that comprise two or more subsequent sessions, theoretical and/or practical material on the missed class may be provided to the trainee, but no partial refunds will be granted for a missed session.

    No refunds will be issued for trainees technical or personal problems that may prevent trainee from attending the session. If you do not attend a course and have not canceled in accordance with these terms, you must pay the full price. make sure that your computer meets the System requirements before registering.

    Unless agrees otherwise in advance, any postponement by you shall be regarded as a cancellation of the course.

    Cancellation of a course by
    If the number of students confirmed is not enough to justify the cost of presenting the course prior to the scheduled start date the course will be canceled and rescheduled at a later date. When a course is canceled by confirmed students will be fully refunded or given the chance to rebook for an upcoming training session at no extra cost. will not be liable for any loss or expenses caused to you.

    If has not notified you of a cancellation or postponement but is not able to start or continue a course as scheduled, perhaps because an instructor becomes ill or where their absence cannot not reasonably be avoided or for any other reason beyond our reasonable control, will attempt to remedy the situation by either rescheduling the course or refunding your course fee.

  • 5.9 - How can I cancel my registration?

    Please submit a support request to report your wiliness to cancel your registration or payment. Before submitting a support request check the cancelation policy for training sessions. Remember that the cancelation policy does not influence registration removal.

  • 5.10 - In which currency can I pay for a training session ?

    All online training fees are available in USD and Euro, but only members in EU member states that have adopted the Euro (the Euro Zone) are charged in Euros.

    If you live outside the EU, or if you live in the EU and have a VAT number, you do not have to pay VAT. If you live in the EU but do not have VAT number, you will have to pay VAT. Find more information payment at

    Also, for some countries, payment in local currency is available. Please contact the Training session coordinator to learn more about this.

  • 5.11 - Why does sometimes charge VAT tax within the EU?

    (This question only affects members in Europe.)

    If, when purchasing a seat from within the European Union, a member does not supply a VAT number which can be verified online, is obliged by law to collect VAT tax against the purchase made, according to the VAT rate applicable in the country of the purchaser.

    If a VAT number is supplied, no VAT tax is charged.

  • 5.12 - Soy miembro de ¿Puedo obtener un descuento?

    Sí, los precios de inscripción tienen descuento para los miembros profesionales (y también para los que poseen una membresía de del tipo "parcial comunidad").

  • 5.13 - Tengo la membresía de estudiante de ¿Puedo recibir un descuento?

    Sí. Los precios de inscripción tienen un descuento mayor para los miembros con membresía de estudiante de Algunos de los cursos pueden tener un límite en la cantidad de lugares para estudiantes disponibles. Los lugares se asignarán con prioridad para los que paguen primero.

  • 5.14 - The training time is not suitable for me. Are there any other training sessions in my time zone? offers training from 8:00 GMT to 20:00 GMT, since most of the trainers are located in Europe. Please check the list of announced training sessions here,, as the timetables are usually rotated.

    Most of the webinars are recorded and webinars videos can be purchased at A certificate of attendance can be issued upon training completion and as per your request. A certificate of attendance can be downloaded at

  • 5.15 - ¿Recibiré algún comprobante que indique que asistí a un curso de formación?

    Sí. Se le enviará un certificado de en formato PDF de manera electrónica a su dirección de correo electrónico. Además, su asistencia se indicará en su perfil.

  • 5.16 - Deseo dejar mis comentarios sobre un curso al que asistí. ¿Cómo puedo hacerlo?

    Una vez que el curso se haya dado, los asistentes, cuyo estado sea "inscripto y pago" podrán (y se los alienta) a publicar sus comentarios sobre el material del curso, el docente, la organización, etc. No se permiten los comentarios de carácter personal .

  • 5.17 - How do I access training materials?

    Please submit a support request for more information.

  • 5.18 - Can I suggest a training session?

    Request new courses you woul like to see, and vote on requests made by others in the "Suggestion board".

  • 5.19 - ¿Cómo son seleccionados los docentes? ¿Puedo ser yo mismo un docente?

    Los docentes de se seleccionan en función de sus conocimientos en el campo pertinente y de su experiencia previa como docentes. Si es miembro de y tiene un amplio conocimiento sobre un tema en particular, y si además desea compartir su experiencia y se ya se desempeñó como docente o profesor, entonces puede reunir las condiciones para participar en el programa como un docente pago. Para obtener más información debe comunicarse con la Coordinadora de Docentes.

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  • 6 - in-person training sessions

  • 6.1 - ¿Cómo puedo reservar un lugar en un curso de formación de

    Los lugares en los cursos de formación profesional de son limitados y es obligatorio inscribirse en la página correspondiente. Para hacerlo, haga clic en el nombre del curso de formación y utilice el enlace de inscripción (Sign Up) y así obtendrá la condición "inscripto". Ello no confirma su lugar en el curso. Luego de que el pago se haya recibido a través de la página o confirmado por un organizador local, su condición cambiará a "inscripto y pago", y su lugar en el curso se confirmará.

    Recuerde que necesita tener un perfil y debe haber iniciado la sesión para poder utilizar ese enlace de inscripción.

    Si no tiene un perfil, puede crear uno aquí (es gratis y sólo le llevará cinco minutos)

  • 6.2 - Ya le pagué al organizador local, ¿Por qué mi condición no cambió todavía?

    La condición se actualiza cuando el organizador local ingresa la confirmación del pago. En el caso de pagos locales, el envío y procesamiento de las notificaciones puede llevar un tiempo, principalmente cuando se trata de una transferencia bancaria. Si su estado continúa como "inscripto" por más de tres días a partir del momento en que usted cree que el pago debería haber llegado, comuníquese con el organizador local o con el Coordinador de los cursos de formación .

  • 6.3 - ¿Qué necesito para asistir al curso de formación?

    Los requisitos para participar dependen de cada curso de formación y pueden comprender: una computadora portátil o arreglos anticipados para compartir la computadora portátil de otro e instalar una versión de demostración (o completa) del programa requerido antes del curso. Para obtener más información, vea la información del curso específico disponible vía la página del curso de formación.

  • 6.4 - ¿Cómo puedo asistir a un curso de formación organizado en mi ciudad?

    Para expresar su interés en asistir a un curso de formación en su ciudad envíe una solicitud de asistencia e indique su ciudad y el curso que le interesa.
    La coordinadora de cursos determinará si es factible realizar un curso allí.

  • 6.5 -

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  • 7 - online training sessions

  • 7.1 - What are online training sesssions? online training sessions provide professional training to translators, interpreters and others within the language industries. These sessions are delivered by professionals with proven expertise in their fields. In general the dates and times for these sessions are more flexible, with the added advantage of being able to "attend" from your home, or wherever else you may be at the moment.

    A computer with sufficient processing capabilities, sound card, headset, speakers, and a good Internet connection are necessary components of the online training sessions.

    Small group online training is conducted at a specific time. All times are listed at the training pages. To find your local time zone compared to the session time please visit - All small group online training is conducted using Go To Webinar software. No purchase is necessary to participate.

    Online one-to-one training sessions that are offered by are conducted at a time scheduled by the trainer and trainee involved. Online one to one trainings utilize tradition telephone and email, Skype, or other mutually agreed upon messaging/communication interfaces. These training sessions may occur at any time once payment has been made to Once payment has been received, will provide the trainer with the trainee's contact information so they may agree on the best time and communication method for the training.

  • 7.2 - How can I book a place in a online training sessions?

    Places in online training sessions are limited. To book your place, please use the "Purchase for" button that you will find in every training session page at the upper right corner. Also, in the description of the session, you will see the "Registration and payment information" box with information. Both will take you to the payment system. Once your payment is received you will receive an invoice and you will appear listed on the training session page and your status will be changed to "registered and paid". Your place in the session will be confirmed. 24 hours before the session and one hour before the session a reminder with a join link will be emailed to your email address.

    Please remember that you need to have a profile and to be logged in to purchase your place.
    If you don´t have a profile, you can create one here (it´s free and it will only take you five minutes).

  • 7.3 - When does the online training session start?

    For group online sessions (through a virtual training platform) time and date of the training will be informed in the first line of the training page in GMT time and/or in your local time, provided you have set GMT offset in your profile. Watch this video to learn how to do that:

    Set GMT offset with profile:

    Check what time the course is running in your local time here.

    When you are participating in an individual one-on-one training session, date and time of your session will be arranged between you and the trainer at your best convenience. In this case, once you register at the training, the trainer gets in touch with you to arrange dates and timetables for the course.

  • 7.4 - How are they conducted?

    Group online training sessions will be carried out using GoToWebinar virtual platform for online courses and events: You will receive an invitation to join the webinar 24 hours and one hour before the training session takes place, or earlier.

    Internet connection and VOIP or a telephone line will be necessary. Most of the time, online sessions are conducted for large group of people, thus all attendees will be muted during the session.
    Check if your computer meets the system requirements before taking a session:

    One-on-one online training sessions use Skype or the GTW platform. If those programs are used, it will be shown on the training page. In case you need to use a telephone line, all charges will be paid separately.

    Depending on the session topic, if any CAT tool or other software is required it's up to the trainee to have it installed before the session - required software will be detailed at the training page.

  • 7.5 - I did not recieve the invitation to join the online session, what should I do?

    Invitations with access link for the online sessions are delivered 24 hours and one hour before training session after purchase.

    Notifications are sent from a non-reply email address [email protected]. Please, make your email filter is not directing these emails to a special folder other than your inbox.

    If you still can't find the email, please submit a support request requesting the access link - make sure you include the link to the training session you purchased for faster assistance.

  • 7.6 - SDL Certification Training Sessions is the approved SDL Trados Training center for online training sessions. This allows to conduct Online small group training on SDL Trados products: Attendees of these online sessions will receive approved SDL Trados training manuals and materials. Attendees will also, as part of their Online training purchase, be able to take the SDL Trados Certification exam corresponding with the course they purchased.

  • 6.1 - What is SDL Trados Certification?

    The SDL Trados Certification Program is the industry's premier technology based certification which provides a recognized standard of excellence in SDL Trados software knowledge. It's a comprehensive professional education program designed to develop and validate expertise in the use of SDL Trados translation technology tools.

    The Certification has been designed to help educate the translator community on the latest technological developments and best practices in translation technology, terminology management and automated quality assurance checks. As a result, Certification greatly increases derived efficiencies from the use of SDL Trados software and ensures the automation and time saving features available in the technology are applied. Additionally, the SDL Trados Certification helps increase quality of translation project by reducing human error and helps individuals achieve their personal development goals.

    To learn more about SDL Trados Certification program and the the process to become SDL Trados Certified, please visit this page.

  • 6.2 - What are the steps involved in achieving SDL Certification?

    1. Own a legal, company-registered license of SDL Trados software.
    2. Study/Prepare to pass the advised level - SDL Certification Training courses are highly recommended.
    3. Pass your chosen Certification exams.

  • 6.3 - How much does the online training cost?

    The participation fee is 99 USD for each training level. It includes access to the live 3 hour online training session, manuals, exercises and certification exams. Note: three hour online SDL Trados Certification sessions are not recorded.

  • 6.4 - How are SDL online training being delivered, in which language, is it interactive, who is the caller?

    SDL Certification program online training is conducted at a specific time.

    All times are listed at the training pages. To find your local time zone compared to the session time please visit

    All sessions are conducted on the GoToWebinar platform. No software purchase is necessary to participate in the session.

    Online training can be delivered in the following languages, some of which are available on a public, schedule of course dates, some of which can be delivered on a request only basis. See the online course schedule for further information on this,

    • English
    • German
    • Spanish
    • French
    • Italian
    • Japanese
    • Polish
    • Dutch
    • Chinese (simplified)
    • Greek
    • Russian
    • Portugese
    • Romanian
    • Danish
    • Swedish
    • Finnish
    • Bulgarian
    • Egyptian
    • Turkish
    • Catalan

    The online training sessions are delivered by Authorised SDL Trainers. is the only approved SDL Trados Training center for online training sessions.

  • 6.5 - What is the duration and workflow of the online training?

    The duration of SDL Trados Certification online courses is 3 hours. Such sessions are not recorded. The workflow is a detailed in the individual course outlines.

  • 6.6 - How do I register for a SDL Trados certified training?

    First, select a session from the upcoming training sessions list here: Certification Training.
    Once at the session page, check training program and click on the "buy" button on the tight upper corner.

    Available slots are limited and will be assigned to registered and paid participants as soon as payment is reported. There needs to be a minimum of 6 students to conduct this training session. If the minimum of paid students is not reached 24 hours and one hour before the session is to take place, you will be notified and asked to book your seat in an upcoming session without extra cost or transaction from your part.

    Allow some time for payment processing if you are paying by wire transfer (up to two weeks). Report payment details via support, , if needed. After your payment is received, your status will be changed to "registered and paid" and your spot for the session will be secured. An email with a join link will be emailed to you 24 hours and one hour before the session. An invoice and receipt of payment will be emailed to you for your records. Payment in local currency is available in some countries, please contact the local organizer or Training session coordinator for more information.

  • 6.7 - After I purchased my seat how do I get training manuals and exams?

    SDL Trados training sessions include manuals, sample files and certification exams.

    SDL Trados Certification exams are delivered by SDL Trados. Certification exams will be available in your SDL My account approximately 10 working days after making a payment. Note that you must be registered and have an account at SDL to receive the certification exams. If you do not have an account with SDL, you can create one here Make sure you use the same email address associated with your account when creating your SDL account. Please follow the below instructions to access training materials and exams in your account:

    Log onto your SDL My Account area on the following link and go to the Certification and Training area, where you will find the Workbook and sample files for you to download.

    You will also find 3 attempts at your exam which can be taken at any time online, and will not expire.

    If you cannot locate training materials at, submit a support request and report an email address associated with your account.

  • 6.8 - How long do I have after I have purchased the exams to take the tests?

    There is no time limit for you to become SDL Trados Certified. Many translators and project managers are currently working through the steps of certification, and will become the first to be more employable because of their skills. If you would like to find out more on how to prepare for SDL Trados Certification, please visit the Certification Training page or submit a support request to find out more.

  • 6.9 - I don't find certification exams in my SDL Trados account, what should I do?

    If you have an account with a different email address, or if after 10 days you have not received the certification exams please follow the below instructions to access training materials and exams in your account:

    Log onto your SDL My Account area on the following link and go to the Certification and Training page, where you will find the Workbook and sample files for you to download. You will also find 3 attempts at your exam which can be taken at any time online, and will not expire.

    If you cannot locate training materials at, submit a support request and report an email address associated with your account.

    Or else, you can contact SDL Product training at [email protected] indicating which training session you have taken along with the proper email address for your SDL account so that the certification exams can be updated.

  • 6.10 - How do I access the online platform?

    You will receive an invitation to join the webinar at least two times: 24 hours and one hour before the training session takes place, or earlier. Please, click the registration link or button provided in the invitation email and complete the registration form. Make sure you do not run any heavy applications during the webinar as this can cause audio problems. Run the connectivity test before purchasing a webinar:

  • 6.11 - What's the certification exam like?

    The format of the exam is multiple choice. It consists of 4 sections, each containing 10 questions. There is a time limit of 40 minutes for the entire exam which is broken down to 10 minutes for each of the 4 sections. Each question generates a score of 1 for a correct answer and 0 for an incorrect answer. The pass mark for the exam is 30 or 33 out of 40 (depending on the certification level). At the end of the test your final score is calculated immediately, and you will be advised on the next step you need to take.

  • 6.12 - How do I take the SDL Certification Test after I completed my training?

    Delegates wishing to take their exam would do so by accessing it through their My Account here You will find detailed step by step instructions at the Training resource page of the course you purchase.

  • 6.13 - How long will it take to become SDL TRADOS Certified?

    This depends largely on your current experience in using SDL Trados technology. Some translators and project managers pass on the first try, and others who are just starting with the software prefer to take training courses (online or onsite Certification training) or simply download our courseware to prepare themselves for the exams. To find out more about our Certification training options to prepare you for the exams please click here: Certification Training

  • 6.14 - What happens when I successfully pass the Level 1 or Level 2 exams of the SDL Trados Certification?

    You will have achieved Certification for your respective level upon successful completion of the online exams, for example, successful completion of the Level 1 exam will issue Level 1 certification, with an associated Certification card and web page. Your status as a SDL Trados Certified translation professional is awarded upon successful completion of the Level 3 exam.

    After becoming SDL Trados Certified, you can show it in your profile under the Services tab. To do so, you must first add SDL Trados to your list of supported software here and click on "Save and update". When the page refreshes, you will see an option to show your SDL Trados Certification on your profile. You can also add a certificate image to your About me section using HTML code.

  • 6.15 - Do I need to renew my SDL Trados Certification when new versions of the software are released?

    Yes, your SDL Trados Certification is specific to the version of SDL Trados you are certified for and is valid for 60 days after a new exam is published for any new product version release. SDL Trados will email you with the details of new exams as well as a reminder of when your Certification is due for renewal.

  • 6.16 - Do I need to be SDL Trados Certified to accept project work?

    Absolutely not, however holding the credential proves your level of expertise in the translation technology and will make you more interesting to a potential employer.

    Remember that job posters may, at their own discretion and for their own reasons, limit their job postings by certain criteria, including membership level, country, CAT tools, etc. Thus, you may wish to report information about your SDL Trados certification at profile so that you could meet client's requirements if any. Otherwise you will see a warning message at the top of some job postings refers to this criteria set by the outsourcer.

  • 6.17 - How can I show my SDL Trados Certification on my profile?

    Attendance to SDL Trados Online Training will be marked in profiles at the end of the week in which trainees take training at your profile, , under "Training sessions attended".

    After becoming SDL Trados Certified, you can show it in your profile under the Services tab. To do so, you must first add SDL Trados to your list of supported software here and click on "Save and update". When the page refreshes, you will see an option to show your SDL Trados Certification on your profile.

  • 6.18 - Does SDL Trados offer a trial software version?

    SDL Trados offers a 30-day trial versions at

    If you are interested in purchasing a SDL Trados license, visit TGB to buy at the lowest price in the market. When translators buy CAT tools and other software together, everyone can get a lower price. Please review the current campaigns below, and sign up for any you are interested in.

  • 6.19 - If I don't pass the exam the first time, do I have to pay to retake it?

    SDL Trados training attendees are given the right to take the exam three times at no extra cost. After that they have to pay again.

  • 6.20 - Where can I get help with SDL Trados CAT tool?

    Find more information and support on SDL Trados Studio, SDL MultiTerm and other legacy products at the SDL Trados Support Forum.

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  • 8 - webinars

  • 8.1 - What is a webinar?

    Webinars are presentations on different topics of interest to those in the translation industry. Topics may range from CAT tool presentations to talks on negotiation techniques. Webinars are conducted at a specific time. All webinars are conducted at the GoToWebinar platform. also offers free webinars conducted by main CAT tool and translation industry representatives. Keep up to date with the latest announcements in the industry by participating in these free webinar sessions.

  • 8.2 - How can I book a place in a webinar?

    To sign in, first click on the webinar session name listed here and then click on the buy now button (at the right). Only after payment is received through the page or confirmed by Local payment contact your status will be changed to "registered and paid" and your place in the webinar will be confirmed. You can choose a payment method as suggested at

    Please remember that you need to have a profile and to be logged in to use that box. If you don´t have a profile, you can create one here (it´s free and will only take you five minutes)

    Once your payment is processed you will receive an invitation to join the webinar 72 hours before the training session takes place, or earlier. See virtual classroom for online training & webinars - system requirements and access information for details.

  • 8.3 - How do I find out the time of a webinar in my location?

    All times are listed in GMT. To find your local time zone compared to GMT please visit -

    Please note that accuracy of the information provided in the link above requires that your computer's time matches its time zone setting. For example, if your computer is set for Norway time, its time zone should also be set for Norway. To learn what is your location time zone, please click here and enter the name of your city or country.

  • 8.4 - I don’t have a microphone can I still participate in a webinar?

    You do not need a microphone to participate. You will need speakers or a headset to listen, or you can dial in using a standard telephone (long distance rates may apply).

    Remember that all attendees will have their microphone’s muted and will be in listen only mode in order to limit background noise and improve the experience for all users. For more information just check the Training description and Virtual platform system requirements on the training page.

  • 8.5 - Will I have access to a recording of the session?

    Webinar sessions will be recorded and uploaded at video center within one working week after the webinar. Note: this does not apply to SDL Trados approved training.

    Videos will be restricted to webinar attendees only and there will be no limit in number of times videos can be watched. For some webinars, material used by the presenter (slides, documents, glossaries) will also be sent to attendees.

  • 8.6 - The video does not work. What should I do?

    We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection. Check if you are using a current flash player and make sure your Internet connection works fine as with low bandwidth Internet connections the video playback may buffer and load slowly. Try to access the video with another Internet browser to see if a browser you use causes the problem.

    If the issue persists submit a support request letting support staff know what browser you use.

  • 8.7 - I purchased a training credit. How can I redeem it? offers site users high quality training sessions along with special offers. If you have a special training offer you do not need to purchase a training from the training page with a normal price. In this case follow the payment steps suggested in the special offer and purchase a training credit to be redeemed towards any course which costs the credit value or less. Once your payment is processed and a training credit is issued, redemption instructions will be emailed to you.

    To redeem a training credit, feel free to purchase the training by clicking on a "Purchase for $ (Use purchase credit)" button on your right as it is suggested on this screenshot.

    Remember that credits cannot be divided automatically. It means that if you redeem a 99 USD training credit towards 15 USD webinar the whole sum will be used. To split a credit for different courses submit a support request.

  • 8.8 - In which cases Training credits are issued? Training credits are issued in the following cases:

    • When purchasing training bundles or training in combination with membership. In these cases credits are issued for the translator to register at a time of their convenience for any training session(s) they choose.
    • When purchasing training sessions with a special discount. offers site users high quality training sessions along with special offers. A normal practice during training sales is to issue training credits that can be used in lieu of payment to take advantage of the offer.
    • When purchasing training with a third party. A typical example is when a translator purchases translation software that includes training on the tool.
    • When a training session is canceled in accordance to cancellation policy. In these cases the credit can be used to sign up for the next available session on the same topic, or be fully or partially redeemed for other training.

    Remember that it can take up to two working days before training credits are issued.

  • 8.9 - Am I automatically registered for a course once purchase a special offer?

    No. Upon the purchase of a special offer you will be awarded a training credit. You will be emailed with the redemption instructions. Follow the instruction to redeem ("purchase") a training.

    Remember: it can take up to two working days for a training credit to be awarded. If you do not receive a notification with redemption instructions during three working days please submit a support request.

  • 8.10 - How do I redeem my training credit?

    To redeem a credit, visit a page of a training you want to take and "purchase" a training with your credit by clicking on a "Purchase for $ (Use purchase credit)" button on the right upper corner, as it is suggested on this screenshot.

    Upon credit redemption, you will receive a confirmation of your registered and paid status for the course.

    You will receive an invitation to join the webinar at least two times: 24 hours and one hour before the training session takes place, or earlier. Please, click the registration link or button provided in the invitation email and complete the registration form. Make sure you do not run any heavy applications during the webinar as this can cause audio problems. Run the connectivity test before purchasing a webinar:

  • 8.11 - Why I have not received my credit yet?

    It can take up to two working days from the moment you receive an invoice confirmation to a training credit to be awarded. Therefore it is suggested to purchase a special payment once you receive an invitation.

    Please know that depending on which payment type you use, the special offer purchase may not be processed the same day. For example, if you pay by wire transfer, it could take up to 2 weeks before we receive your payment, hence the fact that your training status will not be upgraded until the day we have received full payment.

  • 8.12 - Where can I see my pending credits?

    Submit a support request to confirm the number of training credits associated with your profile.

  • 8.13 - Does a training credit have an expiration date?

    No, a training credit does not have an expiration date.

  • 8.14 - Can I split my credit and use to purchase one or multiple training sessions of a lower value?

    Yes, you can request support staff to split your training credit or merge several training credits for a higher value.

  • 8.15 - I did not attend the webinar and now want to watch the video. Where can I find it?

    All registered and paid attendees will be emailed with a link to the webinar video recording and handouts within one working week after the session. You will have unlimited access to the video and handouts once they are released. You can watch the video from the My videos page. If you have not received an email with materials, submit a support request.

    Once the video is uploaded to the website it will become visible in the video center with the same name as the webinar had.

    Note: three hour online SDL Trados sessions are not recorded.

  • 8.16 - Free webinar week

    Throughout the year, periodically hosts week-long series of free webinars, giving attendees the opportunity to sit in on workshops and informational presentations on CAT tools and other translation technologies. You can find the full list of free webinars available here:

  • 16.1 - How do I sign up?

    To sign up, just click on the "Get access now!" button in the top right corner of the individual course pages, below the "Course registration" heading.

  • 16.2 - Will the webinars be recorded?

    Yes, and those videos will be made available within 72 hours of the training taking place. You will see the videos of any courses that you register for in the "My videos" section of the site. Don't forget to register for these events (see the "How do I sign up?" point above), as only those who sign up will be able to access the videos later on at

  • 16.3 - How do I know if my computer/device can play these webinars?

    Just check the system requirements for GoToWebinar - the platform that powers these courses - here: and test your connectivity before the online session takes place

  • 16.4 - Will I get a certificate of attendance?

    No, certificates of attendance are not typically issued for free webinars.

  • 16.5 - When will these webinars take place?

    If you have specified your timezone in your profile, then you will see the time that the webinar begins in the "Start time" section of the training page under the "Course summary" heading. The start time in GMT is also available, for reference. is recommended to convert between timezones.

  • 16.6 - How can I access the webinar at the scheduled time?

    The access link to join the webinar will be emailed to you from [email protected] 24, and 1 hour prior to the course taking place. Click on the link at the scheduled time to enter the webinar.

    Note: You must make sure that you are registered for the course in order to receive the access link. You can verify if you are registered by visiting the training page and searching for your name under the "Attendees" heading on the right side of the page.

  • 16.7 - What happens if I don't receive the access link?

    If you don't receive the link to access the course, please first check your spam folder for a message from [email protected]. If you still do not see this email notification, please submit a support request and staff will provide you with that link. Please allow some time for staff to provide you with the access link.

  • 16.8 - I didn't register for free webinar week. Can I still watch the videos?

    Yes, you can. If you forgot to register, these videos will be made available here, within 72 hours of the course.

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  • 9 - virtual classroom for online training & webinars - system requirements and access information.

    Group sessions are conducted at a specific time (listed in GMT) at the Go To Webinar platform. No software purchase is necessary to participate. Only Internet connection and a headset/speakers needed to take these courses.

  • 9.1 - How do I sign up and access the online platform?

    72 hours before the online session, or earlier you will receive an invitation to sign up for the webinar. Please, click the registration link or button provided in the invitation email and complete the registration form.

    You will receive an email from GoToWebinar confirming your registration with a unique link to access the webinar at the scheduled time. We suggest you joining the session in advance to make sure you all set for the session.

  • 9.2 - I have not received a notification with the link to access the training platform.

    If you did not receive a login link, check if it was not being spam-filtered. Also, remember that an invitation to join the session is sent at least two times: 72 hours and 40 minutes before the training session takes place.

    Check if you do not have an invitation email in your Spam box, otherwise report this to Support Center.

  • 9.3 - Which are the system requirements to attend a online session?

    Please check to see that you meet the minimum system requirements and that you have the equipment you need before you take a webinar.

    For PC-based Users

    • Required: Windows 7 – Windows 10
    • Required: Google Chrome v39 or later, Mozilla Firefox v34 or later, Internet Explorer v8 or later, Microsoft Edge
    • Internet Connection Required: Cable modem, DSL or better recommended. 1 Mbps or better (broadband recommended)
    • Required: Minimum of Pentium® class 1GHz CPU with 2 GB of RAM
    • Dual-core 2.4GHz CPU or faster with 2GB of RAM (recommended)

    For Mac®-based Users

    • Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) – 10.11 (El Capitan)
    • Required: Apple Safari v6 or later
    • Internet Connection Required: Cable modem, DSL or better recommended. 1 Mbps or better (broadband recommended)
    • Required: 2.4 GHz Intel processor (Core 2 Duo), 1 GB of RAM or better

    For iPad®-based Users

    • Required: iPad® 1 or newer; iPhone® 3GS or newer; iPod® Touch (3rd generation) or newer
    • iOS 4.2 or newer
    • WiFi recommended for VoIP
    • Free GoToMeeting App from the App Store

    For Android-based Users

    • Android 2.2 or higher
    • 1Ghz CPU or higher recommended
    • WiFi recommended for VoIP
    • Free GoToMeeting App from the Google Play Store

     To Use VoIP (mic & speakers)

    • Required: Fast Internet connection (700Kbps or more recommended)
    • Required: Microphone and speakers (USB headset recommended)

    Attendees who join the audio portion of a webinar are joined muted by default. This is done to reduce echo, static, feedback and/or noise during the webinar.

    Courses will be open half an hour before the start time. Please login before the start time to ensure that everything on your system is working correctly.

    You can test your connectivity before the online session takes place as suggested at or participate in a free webinar to make sure you are all set.

  • 9.4 - Which are the audio options?

    You can join Webinar via VoIP (Mic & Speakers) or telephone. Your choice of audio mode is provided in the Audio pane of your Control Panel. (see image below)

    By default, you will be joined into the Webinar muted.

    Note: If you choose to join via VoIP, you will need speakers to listen to the Webinar and a microphone to speak (if the organizer gives you speaking rights).

    VoIP Best Practices

    If you join the Webinar using VoIP, please note that audio quality can vary based on your audio software/hardware manufacturer as well as your operating system. When using VoIP, the following best practices are recommended:

    • For optimum sound quality, a headset is recommended, preferably a USB headset.
    • If a headset is not available, speakers are required to listen to the Webinar and a USB microphone to speak (if the organizer gives you speaking rights).
    • If using a microphone, it should be at least 1.5 feet away from any speakers built in or connected to your PC.
    • The use of a Webcam microphone is not recommended.
    • If you are unmuted by the organizer, you may need to turn the volume down on your speakers to avoid echo.

    Dropped words, delay or robotic sound during webinar presentation is often due to poor network performance, lack of memory or high CPU usage. Please close all applications you are not using during the presentation.
    For optimum performance when using VoIP, we recommend a broadband Internet connection (see System requirements above)

  • 9.5 - How can I test my connectivity before the online session takes place?

    Visit the GoToWebinar Get Ready page to make sure you are prepared for the webinar.

    You can also run the GoToMeeting Connection Wizard. It tests and determines the ideal connection settings that GoToWebinar can make within your network. After running the wizard, you can store your optional connection settings on your Windows computer and use those settings in the future to connect to sessions.

    1. Please download the GoToMeeting Connection Wizard. The G2MConnectionWizard.exe file should download in your default browser.
    2. Open the G2MConnectionWizard.exe file and run the software when prompted.
    3. When the GoToMeeting Connection Wizard launches, click Next to start the connection test. GoToMeeting's home page should launch in your default browser. If you're not redirected to, open your browser and go to that page.
    4. Click "OK" to continue. The Connection Wizard will determine the best connection setting for your computer when connecting to GoToMeeting. This process may take a few minutes to complete.
    5. Once the detection process is complete, click "Next".
    6. Then run GoToMeeting by hosting or joining a session to see if the connection settings work properly.

    You will have 3 options:

    • If GoToMeeting now properly connections to the GoToMeeting service infrastructure, click "Next" > Finish to complete the Connection Wizard test.
    • If GoToMeeting now properly connects to the GoToMeeting service infrastructure, but I still experience problems, contact Support Center for further troubleshooting. You may be asked to provide a GoToMeeting Connection Wizard report by clicking Wizard Report.
    • If GoToMeeting still cannot connect to the GoToMeeting service infrastructure, contact Support Center for further troubleshooting. You may be asked to provide a GoToMeeting Connection Wizard report by clicking Wizard Report.

    IMPORTANT: If you are experiencing issues when connecting to your Webinar it may be due to an Internet Security application such as a Firewall. For more reference, check the GoToWebinar article on Optimal Firewall Configuration.

  • 9.6 - After I registered, how do I join the online session?

    At the time of the webinar, open the webinar confirmation email and click the Join Webinar link provided in the confirmation email. If prompted, click Yes, Grant or Trust to accept the download.

    Attendees' microphones will be muted by default and will be in listen only mode in order to limit background noise and improve the experience for all users.

    Join the audio portion of the webinar if you are using telephone to join the session. Audio information is provided in the Audio pane of your Control Panel and in the Webinar confirmation email.

  • 9.7 - What is the refund policy?

    Refunds for self paced training will be specified within the training session details and depend on the type of self-paced training. Generally with self-study training sessions refunds will not be permitted once the student logs in to the session. With instructor assisted and scheduled live meeting sessions refunds will not be given once the trainee attends an online meeting or session. Please carefully review the refund policy for each session prior to purchase.

    Find the cancelation policy for SDL Trados Certification training sessions and webinars here:

  • 9.8 - I am having technical problems on the webinar. Where can I find information?

    Find GoToWebinar Support Articles here or submit a support request with detailed information on what goes wrong.

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  • 10 - self-paced training

    Self-paced training is an E-learning or distance learning course specifically for translation professionals, designed and created using the Moodle platform. Training is a Sharable Content Object Reference Model or SCORM training. has 3 types of self-paced training:

    - Self-study training, designed for independent learning.
    - Instructor-assisted training, designed to guide you through a series of readings and assignments
    - Self-study training with live online meetings, giving trainees the opportunity for live online teacher-student interaction.

  • 10.1 - What do I need to attend self-paced training sessions?

    You must be registered and logged in to to attend. Trainees will need a computer and internet connection. Generally processing capabilities, browsers & internet connection are not a concern, however some self-paced training include videos. videos require a current flash player With low bandwidth internet connections the video playback may buffer and load slowly.

  • 10.2 - How is self-paced training delivered? self-paced training is delivered via integrated Moodle at Once payment is received, a trainee gets access and log in details for the session.

  • 10.3 - Does self-paced training contain testing, instructor feedback, set times for delivery/meeting?

    Self-paced training may contain tests, assignments that are submitted for instructor feedback, assignments with due dates, and possibly scheduled webinars or online meeting times with instructors. Each self-paced training session is different; please check the course description and overview. Within each Moodle course there will be instructions and details with this information as well.

  • 10.4 - How long will I have access to the self-paced training after making payment?

    Access time will depend on the specific type of session and program details. Trainees access to course materials with Instructor assisted training and training with scheduled meetings will end when the specified time period ends. Entirely self-study training will specify duration in the description and may range from a few months to a year.

  • 10.5 - Will I receive any proof of having attending a self-paced training session?

    Attendees will receive proof of completion via a certificate, however each course will have different criteria ranging from testing, hours logged within the Moodle session, attendance at scheduled meetings and other criteria to determine course completion.

  • 10.6 - Can I retake a course? What is the cost for rebooking?

    If a trainee signs up for a tutor-led or self-paced training with online meetings, and for any unforeseen circumstances is impeded to attend a major part of the sessions or does not successfully complete end of the course exams or assesments, the trainee may retake the training at a next edition of the course after paying a rebooking fee of 25% of the total cost of the class participation fee.

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  • 11 - Localization of education content

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