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Search results: (715 matches)
Money matters rush jobs, without rush rate.. rush jobs... get better clients... it reminds me of something that I used to see at
the bike repair guy's shop, something along the
lines of ...: Bad planning on your side does
not inspire me do my job any
Edward Vreeburg Jan 15, 2016
Business issues Working with a German agency OR ... use a colleage's VAT number If this is not a large job I can invoice the
customer for you and transfer the money as soon as
it comes in. Technically since you are outside
of the EU, they don't need your VAT numbe
Edward Vreeburg Jan 6, 2016
Speech recognition Where are we heading? no more checks... It could be a lot of things, quick and urgent
translation, forgotten to do a spell check,
bizzare spell check correction even... but the
main point is probably there are very few
Edward Vreeburg Jan 5, 2016
Money matters Increase rates? at 0,04 I'd dump them immediately and spend a little time in finding a better
client, even at slave rates between 0,06 and 0,08
you're still far better off than this client who's
managed to pull the wool over your eyes som
Edward Vreeburg Jan 5, 2016
Translation in the UK Advice on becoming a translator Nice combo - probably lot of competition Although the combination of knowlegde / languages
you have is probably not that common; I think you
are still trying to break into a market with very
low rates (i.e. there are probably a l
Edward Vreeburg Jan 5, 2016
Money matters Long term client putting pressure on rate Kick them to the curb So it's a long term client -- have yuo increased
the rate over all those years on a regular basis?
- probably not... more likely you're still working
for them for the same rate you agreed
Edward Vreeburg Dec 9, 2015
Dutch Google voegt Nederlandse ondertiteling toe aan Youtube Van
l Zijn er mensen die dit gebruiken, wat is de
ervaring? Raak je werk kwijt
Edward Vreeburg Nov 24, 2015
Post-editing & Machine Translation Taste the translation (thank you Marjo) This is a project from ElaN,
of human vs Machine
Edward Vreeburg Nov 19, 2015
Dutch Freelancer of the Year Vergeet niet te stemmen als je meedoet met de FOTY
awards - je kunt me opzoeken via mijn Proz
( of gewoon op de site
...en doe je zelf ook mee - laat het even
Edward Vreeburg Nov 19, 2015
CAT Tools Technical Help Charge extra for source texts with lots of typos? on the other hand... if you use TM match, they will not show up as 100%
matches - so you should get a higher price for
them... It gets worse if you get a text which
has bad terminology, and general bad Engl
Edward Vreeburg Nov 19, 2015
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Reviewing an edited translation nope, Run a few quick checks: - check for spelling
mistakes and accept those. - check if the changes
made by the proofer contain any spelling errors
and report those then check the first 10
Edward Vreeburg Nov 12, 2015
Getting established Becoming a freelance translator in Spain crashed at the first hurdle... Of course there are probably some tips you can get
specifically about becoming a translator... but if
you are going to be a freelancer / self employed
at all, you might want to figure thin
Edward Vreeburg Nov 12, 2015
Dutch Afschaffing VAR: vraag om contract, wordt dit de standaard? VAR 2014 lager geldig... ook in 2016 ik heb weer een briefje gekregen ...vanwege
de komende nieuwe regelgeving geldt nu het
volgende:: Blijft u hetzelfde werk doen onder
dezelfde omstandigheden en voorwaarden? Dan mag u
Edward Vreeburg Nov 8, 2015 directory How to find work through the directories? outsmart the competition be available when they are not make sure you
deliver quality visit business coffee mornings,
meet other people, increase your
network randomly contacting agencies or other
Edward Vreeburg Nov 8, 2015
Business issues Will translating, as a job, survive ? if I still see lists of months, days, countries etc to be translated
for different clients , I think the answer is
"yes" and will be for a long time... will the
translation world change - yes will there
Edward Vreeburg Nov 8, 2015
Dutch De jij/u discussie je bent niet de enige Een aantal jaar geleden kreeg ik op de helpdesk
voor de spoorwegen een man aan de lijn die een
brief had gekregen van de NS waarin hij met "je"
en "jij" werd aangesproken..."Zo wens ik nie
Edward Vreeburg Nov 2, 2015
Dutch Beginnend vertaler: hoe kan ik aan opdrachten komen? vrienden, familie, kennissen, buren ex-collega's blijven roepen dat je nu echt een vertaler
bent.... diploma's maken niet heel veel uit... het
bewijs zit in je vertaling... Dus zoeken zoeken
zoeken, evt. vrijwilligerswerk voor goede
Edward Vreeburg Nov 2, 2015
Money matters determining your rate legal stuff is probably DOUBLE the average rate Especially if you are a beginner you seriously
need to think about hiring an experienced,
professional proofer to make sure you are on the
right patch and have not made any serious
Edward Vreeburg Nov 2, 2015
Money matters Markup of services? since most of the people here are end-point translator... We don't but a service and resell it we are the
people that actually translate it.. In the rare
cases we outsource something to another translator
we normally give them the full fee, o
Edward Vreeburg Nov 2, 2015
Money matters Different rates for the domestic+foreign markets? yes... and NO! Yes of course I charge clients MORE if they can
afford more, if they value the translation higher
or if their profits are directly increased by my
work (i.e. if they land a public tender w
Edward Vreeburg Nov 2, 2015
Money matters Non-paying client give them a call, talk to accounting... tell them you will have
to make an entry on the blueboard, and all other
non-payment boards for translators (name &
shame).. if they don't pay Usually small
Edward Vreeburg Sep 24, 2015
Dutch Fries in Google Translate Deze week meerdere berichten over Fries in Google
Edward Vreeburg Sep 24, 2015
Dutch Dit weekend DRONGO in Utrecht (WAT is een meertalinge
2160/drongo-talenfestival-language-festival D
RONGO talenfestival | language festival vr 25
Edward Vreeburg Sep 24, 2015
Dutch Wat is een normale vergoeding voor NL i.c.m. andere kleine Eur. taal? gewoon te laag... voor onder de 0,10 euro met welk specialisme dan
ook vissen ze in dezelfde vijver als jijzelf,
onder-onderaannemer van vertaalklussen... Je gaat
als landbouwdeskundige ook niet onder de 5
Edward Vreeburg Sep 24, 2015
Business issues What is really happening in the business?? follow the money... there is a lot going on in the industry.... A
lot of companies are in the downwards spiral for
competitive prices, especially those who started
out 10 years ago and are batteling with
Edward Vreeburg Jul 2, 2015
Dutch Jullie mening a.u.b. je kunt twee kanten op ... of niks doen Er is vast een reden waarom de klant heeft gekozen
voor Across.... misschien gaat het beheer aan de
kant van de klant een stuk sneller, makkelijker of
is het eenvoudiger of goedkoper te ko
Edward Vreeburg Jun 2, 2015
Getting established Advice Company Name it really depends on where your clients are from Will you be translating European into SEA
languages? -> go for SEA language, it also
refers to "see" and "sea" (large body of
water) and it is easy to pronounce... Are your
Edward Vreeburg May 26, 2015
MemoQ support MemoQ group-purchase opportunities visit a seminar Lots of times people who visit a seminar get a
discount offer of around 40%... so you might want
to find somebody who has recently visited a
translation seminar... or there (used to be
Edward Vreeburg May 13, 2015
Dutch Contest in nood laten we eerlijk zijn... ...het boeit echt niemand. Elkaar steunen met een
stem voor welke wedstrijd dan ook, staat niet echt
hoog op de agenda van de meeste vertalers. Er
zijn vast heel veel andere onderwerpen
Edward Vreeburg May 12, 2015
Business issues Agencies sign but never send work or cut off communication Expect nothing... ...the more paperwork there is, the less likely
you will get work. But then again, why do you
apply to loads of agencies if they don't have
work, do not match your skills, experience, r
Edward Vreeburg Apr 13, 2015
Getting established Getting started getting started Look for an intern job, work for good causes /
charities, work for people you know (friends,
familiy, etc...) DO NOT work for low(er)
rates IF you absolutely want to work for low
Edward Vreeburg Mar 19, 2015
Being independent Freelancer of the Year Award Next year it will be international! For those who have not voted for me yet... (today
is the last
eeburg/ thanks! I spoke to the people behind
the project on BNR R
Edward Vreeburg Jan 31, 2015
Dutch FOTY - award thanks for the votes... For those who have not voted for me yet... (today
is the last
eeburg/ thanks! I spoke to the people behind
the project on BNR R
Edward Vreeburg Jan 31, 2015
Being independent Freelancer of the Year Award Ed for President ! @Robert, I think you just need to understand Dutch
to be able to inscribe. In this first round there
is no criteria of "who is the best translator" or
any other profession - - it's just a
Edward Vreeburg Jan 22, 2015
Being independent Freelancer of the Year Award Hi Everybody, I have entered the Dutch
Freelancer of the Year Awards, to get some
attention for the the importance of our work. And
how even one single translator can play in
Edward Vreeburg Jan 22, 2015
Dutch CAT-tools tijd = geld maar dat heb je met de diverse licenties en
pakketten zo weer terugverdient.../ Persoonlijk
vind ik Trados vaak een ramp, met vage
foutmeldingen en willekeurige crashes, maar
Edward Vreeburg Jan 17, 2015
Dutch Urgent: Salary for EN ES translator Netherlands For an NGO - you get paid in Karma-points most likely... Especially if it's humanitarian or some other
cause or charity... otherwise, minimal salary
(inhouse) of 1500 euro or something
presumably... freelance? as much as they can
Edward Vreeburg Jan 17, 2015
Dutch FOTY - award Zijn er nog andere freelancers die meedoen met de
Freelancer of the Year
Als we op elkaar kunnen stemmen dan komt het
beroep van f
Edward Vreeburg Jan 17, 2015
Off topic Translation job - new trend just say no They wil likely: - use your profile to show to
their client their translators are qualified
(while handing out the work to the lowest
bidder) - not be able to pay the rates you ask
Edward Vreeburg Oct 2, 2014
Money matters Negotiation Skills: How Far Should You Push It it's a loss - loss situation negociating over the price it a loss - loss
situation.. In the time you spend on
negociating the price, you could have found a
client willing to pay your rates, ... The client
is no
Edward Vreeburg Oct 2, 2014
Business issues Being a Freelancer in Switzerland look it up Google "Switzerland freelancer taxes" omg! you have an answer right
-guide/working/self-employment/ Ed

ed at 2014-09-10 11:49 GMT]
Edward Vreeburg Sep 10, 2014
Business issues Suspicious job offers and tips to combat them! and the one from a country far far away.. ... from both the source and the target language,
by agencies and people who neither speak, nor read
or write any of the source or target
languages... ==> recipy for low rates & bad
Edward Vreeburg Jun 17, 2014
Business issues Suspicious job offers and tips to combat them! oh yeah the large test ... Please do this 900 word press release as a
test.... that is a good one! or you must do a
test first, this will be checked by one of our top
translators, then you need to inscribe and
Edward Vreeburg Jun 16, 2014
Business issues Suspicious job offers and tips to combat them! Give us your best rate... Give us your best rate... - whoever is the
cheapest gets it... Long term project... - we
are looking for the cheapest rate on this one and
all future projects It's for a EU tender
Edward Vreeburg Jun 16, 2014
Marketing for language professionals Website feedback Maybe have a Dutch and a German version Since your clients are Dutch and German, that is
probably the languages they will be searching
in... ( you don't offer any other languages like
French or Spanish, so your clientele is Rene
Edward Vreeburg Jun 16, 2014
Dutch Gezocht : Localization Manager - Vast - Bose - EDAM geen idee welk punt je gemist danwel opgepakt hebt.. Via Michael Page zijn is Bose uit Edam op zoek
naar een L10N manager... voor vast voor 60K- 65K
per jaar - als je interesse hebt - contact opnemen
via de site... (het is voor mij te ver
Edward Vreeburg Jun 12, 2014
Dutch bouwtechnische vertalingen ja, vast wel... dit om te turven of wilde je iets weten? Edward Vreeburg Jun 12, 2014
Dutch Gezocht : Localization Manager - Vast - Bose - EDAM
ation-manager.html Marjolijn van
Iersel Junior Consultant sales&marketing at
Michael Page zoekt hulp bij het vinden van een
Edward Vreeburg Jun 12, 2014
Off topic Bloopers in job applications written document / source - target language what I found amusing is that this looks very much
like a template which was not filled
in... written document (as opposed to a spoken
document? i.e. translation vs
Edward Vreeburg May 14, 2014
Off topic Bloopers in job applications well, you can never start too early (born in translation) This came in today... "My name is Fabio and my
translation skills date back to when I was born
(my mother is British and my father is Italian).
" --- Ed

[Edited at 2014-05-
Edward Vreeburg May 14, 2014

Foros de discusión sobre el sector de la traducción

Discusiones abiertas sobre temas relacionados con la traducción, la interpretación y la localización

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