7,156 registrants

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Sep 25, 2012

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Results (7,155) (Members shown first)
anmeilian Contact directly
Native in inglés Native in inglés
Bio: Hello! I am a native English speaker, professionally fluent in Mandarin Chinese. I have experience in translation and interpretation. By day, I research, summarize, and translate Chinese materials for a prominent think-tank. I also volunteer as a Chinese interpreter at ...
Message: Hello. I am a Chinese-English translator new to ProZ. I look foward to meeting and learning from my fellow translators. 请多多指教!
Armando Diaz Contact directly
Your translation source in Honduras!
Native in inglés Native in inglés, español Native in español
Bio: Freelancing in Honduras!
Tatjana Adams Contact directly
+10 years' experience / U.S. attorney
Estados Unidos
Native in inglés Native in inglés
Bio: GER > ENG. Attorney translator, legal specialist + med./pharma; J.D. (U.S. + Germany), Dipl. Psych. (Germany)
Message: Hello colleagues; wishing you much success at this virtual event!
Sara Leisso Contact directly
Medtech, environmental, marketing; MA
Reino Unido
Native in inglés Native in inglés
Luther College, University of Portsmouth, MA-University of Portsmouth, 13 years of experience
ESCORPIO518 Contact directly
Native in español Native in español